Chapter Sixteen

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Sparks hit the air as the swords clashed. Sweat trickled down my face and back, but somehow, the cold was still pressing down on me. I pivoted, blocking Lafayette's next attack, but I wasn't able to catch the one that came after it. His sword was thrusted against my throat, and my shoulders fell as I struggled to catch my breath.

Lafayette offered me a hand, but I hesitated before accepting it. "Not bad," he said, but his lips were drawn tight the same way they always do when he lies. "Come on, let us do it again."

I hated the feel of the sword in my palm. I hated the lack of control I had, the weight, the way the guard pressed against my hand. But most importantly, I hated the way it reminded me of Thomas. I mean, it was his sword after all. Nobody else wanted it, and I guess I had just wanted to keep it with me. Not that I didn't regret that decision now.

"Do we have to?" I questioned, rising to my feet. My grip clenched around the sword.

Lafayette opened his mouth to speak, then shook his head. "No. I guess not." I cringed at how guarded his words were; it wasn't hard to tell he was disappointed with me. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "I'm sorry, I just—"

"You do not have to apologize, Alexander. I am getting tired of this too." He turned away, sheathing his sword. The pillar of stone we were standing on slowly sank to the ground. "Actually, I think I may need your help with something."

"My help?" In spite of everything, I grinned as I slid my sword back into the scabbard. "The great, wonderful Lafayette needs my help?"

Now he was fighting back a smile. "Whatever."

"Is it about Thomas?" I asked, voice dropping a little as his name left my mouth. Whenever I picture his emotionless expression in my mind, I shatter all over again. I didn't know how I feel, and, what's even worse is that I didn't know how I was supposed to feel.

Lafayette looked confused for a moment, before he rapidly shook his head. "No, no!" he laughed. "It is actually about something a little more...domestic."


He frowned, his hand falling to the hilt of his sword. "Well I know Hercules, right?"

"Do I know Hercules? Yes." I couldn't help my smile. I think I knew where this was going. "What about Hercules?"

"Well, I am sure you have heard about our...past relationship." Suddenly, his eyes found a tree off to my side very interesting.

"I have."

"Right." He was silent for a long time, and I crossed my arms and waited as he deliberately stalled. His words came out in a rush. "Well, I might, umm, like him again."

I laughed, rolled my eyes, and began to walk away. "You don't need my help for that one. Just talk to him," I called over my shoulder.

"Wait, Alexander!" he exclaimed, and a stone wall shot up from the ground a second later. I stopped in my tracks so I didn't run into it and turned back to him. "I cannot just talk to him! I...I do not know what to say."

"What did you tell him last time?"

"Last time... how should I say this? Things just kind of happened. But I left everything in such a...terrible state, okay?"

"I thought you too were already back together, anyway."

"No. We just became friends again."

"That's what you think friendship is? You were, like, openly flirting."

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