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"I must formally apologize for whatever harm I've caused your pack," Viggo groaned humbly. He then gave Delta a questioning look. "Could you ever forgive us?"

"Oh," Delta squawked in surprise. She then went on to explain awkwardly, "this isn't--I don't lead this pack."

"Oh, my mistake," Viggo frowned, eyes landing curiously on Valka.

Valka gurgled in laughter. "Not me, either," she clarified. Nodding toward Hiccup, she explained, "that would be my son who's the alpha of this pack." The male fury was flanked on either side by remarkable purple skrills; strangers that Delta had yet to meet. The three seemed deep in conversation.

Viggo and Eret nodded in understanding. After this, Valka continued to point out more dragons and tell the death grippers about them one by one. Delta flew up to Snotlout, who was taking a turn carrying the fallen sand wraith. Though she didn't particularly want to converse with the monstrous nightmare, Delta would put up with it in order to keep an eye on Tuffnut.

But before long, Delta realized that the pack was approaching an unfamiliar island. Flying up behind Hiccup, she called warily, "hey, there's a human nest on this that island. Maybe we should rest somewhere else?"

"Oh, don't worry about them," the male skrill assured with a wild gurgling laugh, "they won't be a problem."

"Are you sure?" Delta groaned.

"Definitely," the male assured. "My name's Dagur, by the way," the skrill went on welcomingly, "and this is my little sister, Heather."

"Delta," the tidal fury introduced herself with a dragon grin.

The pack slowly began to descend to the island. To Delta's surprise, the human's below didn't run in fear and break out their weapons...they shouted in joy and welcomed the dragons happily. As Delta landed, a few young children raced over to her, laughing. She hopped back and hissed at them, causing them to back off.

Delta looked around to find the other rescuers letting these humans hug them and pet them carelessly, even Astrid. Heather gave a toothy grin to the children and lowered her head to them. Two young girls climbed up onto her neck. The skrill led the remaining boy over to Delta and smirked, "welcome to Berserker Island."

Berserker Island? Delta had heard rumors of these people, people who respected dragons as equals. Specifically skrills, the peoples' tribal crest, which explained why Dagur and Heather seemed so comfortable there. So the tidal fury did her best to push away her own distaste for humans. She lowered her snout to the young human boy and sniffed him carefully. The boy immediately reached out to pet her forehead. She flinched at first, but allowed this to happen. Perhaps not all humans were so bad.

• • •

Heather took the liberty of showing Delta around the island while Tuffnut was transported into some sort of man-made, wooden den. But as soon as Delta was free, she made her way back to Tuff. She weaved awkwardly through crowds of curious humans, fleshy hands reaching out to touch her as she passed them by. Finally, she found the structure that the male sand wraith had been taken into.

"Delta, there you are," Ruffnut greeted somewhat urgently. She raced over from where she sat posted outside of the wodden den. "Think you could dose my brother with some of your spit?"

"That's actually why I'm here," Delta groaned in response.

"Hey awesome," Ruff gurgled cooly, "right in there." She pointed with her tail to the entrance.

Delta nodded and hesitantly pushed open the door to the odd den. Inside it was much darker; all sunlight was blocked out by wodden boards, the only light coming from a candle-lit lantern hanging from the ceiling. Three humans surrounded the half-conscious sand wraith, along with Dagur.

"Oh, hello," Delta greeted, feeling much less comfortable with so many bodies in the smallish den.

"Hey there," Dagur greeted, "so Hiccup says you have some sort of healing power?"

"That's right," the tidal affirmed holding her chin a bit higher in pride. But she slunk back a bit when the humans began to talk.

"See if there's anymore medicine in the Healer's hut," one said.

"I already did," a second one responded, "that's all the dragon root antidote we have."

"How long would it take to make a new batch?" The third human wondered.

Delta gave them an uncertain look, unsure what they were saying. But Dagur seemed well versed in this human language. "They're out of antidote for the dragon root poison," he explained with a serious look on his face. "Figured you'd rather heal him yourself than have him wait it out."

"I would.." Delta grunted, "but..not with humans around."

The skrill cocked his head, seeming to get her point; the last thing she wanted was to be enslaved for her unique ability. "Delta, I promise these humans are good," he insisted, then laughed on, "they treat dragons as equals. And being a skrill, hah, well I'm practically their chief!"

Delta couldn't help but smile a toothy smile. "I'm sure you're people are good ones," she groaned, yet did not change her mind, "but I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Alright, alright," Dagur sighed, "no arguing with that, I guess." He then lifted a deep purple wing around the humans and began to usher them out of the hut. "Come on, now, let's give her some space to work now."

The tidal fury was impressed by how the humans listened to Dagur. The amount of trust they had in each other was incredible. After taking in the powerful moment, Delta turned to look down at the sick sand wraith. "Alright, Tuff," she cooed gently, leaning down to lick his shoulder wound, "let's fix you up."

If We Had Wings - A Tuffnut Love Story (HTTYD/RTTE)Where stories live. Discover now