The Flashback

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Jisoo sluggishly went inside her parked car, lazily placing her handbag on the seat beside her as she started the engine before driving out the school grounds towards her humble abode, the Kim's household. The ride was pretty much silent as Jisoo intended to reach their house in a span of minutes as she really felt exhausted with the loads of paperwork she had done and after all the drama that conspired earlier. All she wanted to do that very moment was to drag her tired feet upstairs to her room and lay down her bed and fall asleep for hours to regain back her depleted energy. It was a good thing, the streets weren't busy or else she would have been stuck in a very annoying traffic.

Her grip on the wheel tightened as Jisoo heaved a sigh while she deadpan stared at the road. A few minutes later she made a right turn and headed straight until she reached their block. She temporarily parked her car in front of their house as she goes out, unlocking and widely opening their gate before returning inside her car once again, driving it towards their garage. Once she safely parked her car, she grabbed her handbag and removed the keys from the ignition, stuffing it inside the side pocket of her bag again before she went out, aggressively shutting her car door.

Jisoo then went to close and lock back their gate again before she went inside their home through the front door. She weakly typed in their password as she placed her thumb over the small screen, waiting for it to detect her thumbprint. A few seconds later, she heard a short beeping sound, signifying that the door was already unlocked. She smiled a bit as she pushed open the front door, closing it afterwards as she went to remove and place her heels on the shoe rack they had. She grabbed a pair of white house slippers, wearing it as she stepped further ahead until she reached their living room where her younger sister, Lisa was at, studying.

"Oh? Unnie? You're home early!" The younger Kim said as she looked up from her book to stare at her older sister who just came home from work. Lisa then grins widely as she stood up from the couch and ran towards her Jisoo unnie, engulfing her in a warm embrace as she showered the older female with soft kisses over her face, making Jisoo giggle softly at her while patting her head weakly. "How was the event? You look tired. Should I give you a massage unnie?" She suggested as she clung onto Jisoo, giving off a small pout as she stared at the older with worry.

"It was - fun." Jisoo shortly replied with a small smile before she chuckled as she pinched one of Lisa's cheeks weakly with her free hand. "The children had so much fun." She continued as she looked away from Lisa, making the younger tilt her head to the side as she watched her older sister with confusion.

"Eh? Unnie, did you cry??? Your eyes are so puffy!" Lisa exclaimed out loud making Jisoo hush at her as she didn't want anyone else to hear, especially their older sister, Irene. But it was already too late. Their older sister had already came out from the kitchen with her red apron on and a wooden spoon on her right hand.

"Yah!" Irene said as she crossed her arms over her chest while squinting her eyes towards Jisoo who looked anywhere else except at her. "Did you cry??? Who the hell made you cry, huh!! Tell me so I could go and kick their ugly asses." She sternly said with a glare. Lisa just bit her lip as Jisoo nervously laughed at Irene's threat. But both the younger Kim's felt fear as they watched Irene radiate such a scary aura around her, making the younger ones gulped nervously as they slightly shook with fear.

"Ah n-no unnie. You got it all wrong. I wasn't crying at all! My eyes are just puffy because I haven't got the time to take a nap considering with how much busy I had been for the past few days." Jisoo reasoned out as she waved both her hands in front of her while smiling widely at her older sister. Irene just raised her brow as she deadpan stared at her younger sister, wondering if she was lying or not. But before she could even ask further, Jisoo had already excused herself as she rushed up stairs to her room so she could take a rest for a few hours, reminding them to wake her up when it was already time for dinner already.

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