The Outing

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"What is it this time around, Mr. Han." Taehyung said to his personal driver and bodyguard before he returned his gaze towards the document that was in his hands.

"Your father called again." Mr. Han replied as he softly smiled at the young man who continued to read the document in his hands with fervor and seriousness.

"And what does he ask of me this time?" Taehyung coldly replied as he signed the document only to read another one from the stack of files on his desk. "You should learn to turn off your phone when he calls. So you wouldn't have to run him an errand."

"But that's part of my job description, young sir." Mr. Han replied as he gave out a soft chuckle.

"So what did he ask for you to relay?" Taehyung asked as he dropped his pen and removed his eyeglasses before he deadpan stared at the smiling old man.

"The young lady is coming to Seoul soon. Your father asks of you to come and meet her at the airport." The old man relayed as he bowed down a bit in order to divert his gaze from Taehyung's unwavering one.

"Must I really?" Taehyung said with a sigh as he laid back on his rotating chair, rubbing his temples along the process as he felt a headache coming up. "Why is she coming anyway?"

"Well, shall I relay what the young lady said to you?" Mr. Han asked with a nervous smile as he rubbed his nape while looking at Taehyung who only raised a brow before slowly nodding his head at the old man. "She said she's off to see her fiance whom she dearly misses."

"Oh please. She's just probably bored and wants to mess with me." Taehyung said as he stood up from his chair and went to stand by his balcony, breathing in some fresh air. "Aish that woman. She'll be the death of me."

"Don't you think you're over reacting Tae?" Mr. Han chuckled as he looked at the very troubled young man. "After all, I've met the young lady once or thrice, and she seemed to be a very nice girl."

"Well she's not entirely nice at all, especially when she makes you a part of her silly games. Ugh, never mind. Forget what I said. Get the car ready, let's head off somewhere. I need to visit someone." Taehyung said as he grabbed his coat, wearing it as he and Mr. Han head outside.

"Ah, is it Jisoo, young sir?" Mr. Han teased as both men headed down the stairs.

"No. I don't think it's a good time, not after what happened yesterday." Taehyung said as he placed his hands inside his pockets. "We're off to visit my mom." He replied as he softly smiled at the old man, who only replied with a soft smile as well.


"Oh fuck!" Jisoo exclaimed out loud as she head bumped into her bestfriend, Sana, who decided it was nice to jump scare her while she was just about to wake up from her sleep. Sana just whined as she rubbed her forehead that hit hard with Jisoo's out of shock from her failed prank.

"I'm telling Irene unnie you just used a cursed word." Sana said as she smirked at the groaning woman who just remained lying on bed.

"Oh please. If I'm getting punished, so are you, you silly little girl." Jisoo replied with a smirk as she sat up, rubbing her forehead as well that was still hurting. Internally sighing as she just wanted to sleep more, almost forgetting the fact that they were headed to the beach this time around for their every Saturday outing.

"Eh? But what did I do?" Sana said with her cute voice, her mouth in a pout while her eyes looked sadly at Jisoo who only rolled her eyes as she throwed a pillow at Sana who expertly had caught it with one hand.

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