The Lover Boy

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"God. What's taking her so long?" Jimin says, irritation with a heavy mix of worry written all over his Godlike face. "She should have been here, ages ago!" He continues as he bites his lip, tapping his right forefinger on the wooden table while he uses his other hand to cup his face, eyes squinting as he looks at his phone - waiting for any notification from his angel.

"Jesus Christ. Jimin, you seriously have to chill bro." Jennie says as she did an eye roll, casually sipping on her milktea. Jimin just glares at her before rubbing his forehead as a migraine started to form. "She said she's on her way here, remember?" Jennie replied as she looked over the young man, worrying that he might bust his lip from biting hard at it or burn the entire cafe down from his unwavering temper.

"That was exactly an hour ago Jennie." Jimin says as he heaves a sigh, rolling his eyes for a second before checking his golden watch for the time. "She should have been here, thirty minutes ago." He continues as looks over at the entrance. "What if something bad happened to her? What if someone kidnapped her? Or perhaps she stubbed her toe? Or! Or maybe she lost her way - ouch!" Jimin groaned as he glared over Jennie while rubbing his stinging forehead that the said girl just flicked hard to make him stop.

"Are you fucking kidding me Park Jimin? You're overreacting again." Jennie says as she casually stuck her tongue out at the pouting man in front of her. "Heads up lover boy. You're princess just arrived." She continued as she smirked at the boy before turning her head to the entrance, gleefully waving her right hand at the person they've been waiting for an hour now.

Jimin sits straight up, combing back his hair before he licks his lips in a haste manner before looking at his angel - Rosé - sauntering her way towards them like a runway model with a pretty smile adorning her angelic face.

Jennie stands up to envelope her arms over her childhood bestfriend she hasn't seen in ages, who in return gave her a loud smooch over her two cheeks, making her release soft giggles.

"I missed you!" Rosé said as she showers Jennie with kisses before grabbing a hold of her head with both of her hands, glaring at the woman in front of her. "You owe me stories bae. And I mean loads of them."

"Oh God. I know. Chill Rosé." Jennie says as she continues to struggle from Rosé's grasps.

"Uhm I'm here too you know." Jimin pouts as he crosses his arms over his chest as he pouts at the two women. Jennie just rolled her eyes as she cringed at the young man while Rosé just raised her brows in confusion before giggling at Jimin.

"Awe, is lover boy jealous of the great Kim Jennie?" Jennie teases making the young man scoff at her before making a face at her that the young woman returned with fervor.

Rosé just shook her head slightly before making her way over to Jimin, temporarily freezing the young man in place, as she cups his face with her left hand as she leaned in to kiss him on one of his cheeks. Jimin blushes a deep shade of red while Rosé just smirks before looking at the other table behind theirs, where another woman was obviously gawking at Jimin for who knows how long. Once the young woman looked at her intense gaze, she looked away, feeling inferior at the looks Rosé was obviously throwing at her.

"Uhm - I got you your favorite flowers." Jimin manages to say as he hands Rosé a bouquet of white roses which the young girl gladly holds into her arms with a smile adorning her face.

"Yah! Why didn't you get me anything you dork." Jennie says as she playfully throws a tissue at Jimin's face that he expertly blocks with his hands. "Huh. Favoritism."

"Shut up! I bought you your milktea!" Jimin says as he assists Rosé with her seat, sticking his tongue out at Jennie who sat back down on her chair sulking.

"I'm glad we're all together again." Rosé says as she tucks a loose hair strand over her ear. Before grinning widely at the two who just smiled softly back at her. "Just like the old times."

"Just like the old times." Both Jennie and Jimin said in unison before all three began to laugh aloud.

Jimin's phone then starts to vibrate. "Excuse me for a while ladies." He says as he excused himself outside to take the call. Rosé casually eyeing him as he walked out with soft eyes, while Jennie smirks at the unknowing girl.

"Until when are you going to torment the guy, Rosé." Jennie says as she crosses her arms over her chest, raising her brow up as she stared at the woman in front of her who looked bewildered with her question before remaining her composure as she smiles back at Jennie. "Jimin obviously likes you. And you seem to be having something for him too."

"I don't know what your talking about." Rosé says as she looks away from Jennie's intimidating gaze. "I'm just having my share of fun with him." She continues to say as she eyes Jimin with a smirk, but Jennie could clearly see it in her eyes the sadness and the longing the younger female has for the man as she continued to stare at him from a distance.

"You'll lose him once he's tired of being played around, Rosé." Jennie replies as she too looked at the young man. "You've been hurting him for too long. His heart will grow tired and weary for beating for you."

"If he truly loves me. He would never stop loving me." Rosé said as she looked at Jennie, winking at the woman before looking back at Jimin who was on his way back to them. "Because loving is hurting too you know."

"Did I miss out on anything?" Jimin asks as he looks at the two who seemed to be in deep conversation with each other while he was out. The two only replied with a shake of a head, making him look at them dumbfounded as he took his seat beside his angel again. "So what's the plan?"

The three then continued to converse about their plans now that their squad was back together again. But Jennie couldn't stop thinking about what Rosé said - "Because loving is hurting too you know." - as she watches the two converse and bicker with each other in front of her, she wonders what lies ahead for the two youngsters.

It was clear that love was there. Although she just wasn't sure if it was the same kind - one obviously purely thought of love as something to be given while the other thought of it as something to be received.

"Bae, are you okay?" Rosé stops bickering at Jimin to look momentarily at Jennie who just went wide eyed as she shakes her head softly at the two.

"Just tired of being the third wheel you know." Jennie says as she pouts at the two who only laughed at her action.

"Where's Taehyung anyways?" Jimin asks as he drapes his arm over Rose's shoulders while the young female just went to look at Jennie waiting for her to answer as she crosses her legs together. "Let's invite him over." Rosé suggested as Jimin playfully interlocks his hands with hers as she swats his hand away in order to tease him.

"I don't know. Tae's been busy lately. I don't think he'd come." Jennie awkwardly laughs as she bit her lip and looked away. 'Still hung up over that ex of his.'

Rosé and Jimin didn't pry any further as they could clearly see it in Jennie's features that she and the said young man must have fought over something again as she did look unhappy at the mention of his name.

"Anyways - why don't we do something we all love?" Rosé suggests while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ooooooooooo SHOPPING!" The two young females said in unison as they did their handshake. Jimin just cringed before gulping hard as the two stared back at him wickedly knowing well that he would have to assist the two and carry ALL their shopping bags for who knows how long.

"LET'S GET IT!" The two females shouted aloud before interlocking their arms as they skipped happily out the cafe, leaving Jimin sadly smile as he paid for the bill and gloomily went after the girls, mentally praying that they already had settled what to buy to save time - but he knows well that those two have not yet decided where the hell will they go shop.

"Fuck Tae. You owe me shit tons, man." Jimin sighs as he looked ahead where the two girls were happily conversing with each other towards his car.

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