The Girl Friend

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"JEON JUNGKOOK!" Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs as she banged her hands on the wooden door angrily as she impatiently waited for it to be opened by the said young man. "OPEN UP!" She continued as she glared and continued to knock on the door.

Three minutes later, the door opened up, greeting the fuming teenager with a sleepy Jeongyeon who kept on rubbing her eyes and yawning nonstop, making Lisa abruptly stop her angry demeanor and blush right ahead in front of the elder.

"Unnie! I'm so sorry! I -" Lisa starts to explain but abruptly gets stopped by Jeongyeon's soft laughter.

"Boo, JK isn't here. He's probably at the cafe fooling around like he always does." The elder explain as she leaned on the door frame, crossing her arms as she warmly smiled at the younger.

"Oh." Lisa replied as she looks down, biting her lips as she still felt embarassed for disturbing the elder's precious sleep. Jeongyeon just chuckled at her before messing the younger's hair affectionately telling her it's fine but Lisa just blushed twice as hard as the last time.

"Can you go and check up on him for me boo? You're off to study with him right?" Jeongyeon asks the younger female who nods aggressively before rushing back to her motorbike, bidding a loud goodbye at the laughing elder who only waved her a goodbye. When the younger was no longer in sight, Jeonyeon heaves a sigh as she thought of the two. "Aish Jungkook, when will you finally accept that love exists in this world - little brother." She said while shaking her head softly, as she goes to close their front door and goes back to sleeping before her shift starts again.


Lisa grumpily parked her motorbike near the cafe where she absentmindedly bumped into Bambam, one of her and Jungkook's closest friends.

"God, I'm so sorry Bam! I didn't mean to bump into you." Lisa bows slowly her head as an apology to which BamBam just returned by pinching both of her cheeks while chuckling hard. "Yah!"

"Still as clumsy as ever huh?" BamBam teased her before letting go and placing his hands in his pockets, a smirk written on his appealing face. Lisa just glared at him before rubbing her cheeks. "Looking for Jungkook again?" He asked to which Lisa nods, while fixing her hold on her backpack strap. "I figured. Well he's in his usual spot." BamBam revealed as he continued to walk away, but before he could pass her, he went closer to her left ear to whisper something that made Lisa's blood boil more. "And oh, he's with a blonde chick."

Lisa wasted no time as she sprinted away from him and rushed to get inside the cafe to grab a hold of Jungkook leaving BamBam frozen for a second before releasing a short laugh. "When will those two start dating already?" He asks to no one in particular as he continues to leave while humming a song.


Lisa coughed aloud as she crossed her arms over her chest as she glared at the blonde girl beside Jungkook.

"Yes?" The blonde girl asked, her high pitched tone irritating the hell out of Lisa. "Do you need something?" She continued to ask as she raised one of her fake eyebrows.

"Jungkook." Lisa called out to her bestfriend who returned her call with a heavy sigh.

"Eun. Let's meet up some other time, okay?" Jungkook cooed at the blonde girl who unwrapped her arm away from him and gave a pout that annoyed Lisa more. "She's my bestfriend. And she's just here to help me study." He reassured. And the blonde's demeanor changed in a second before leaving a peck on his lip and then standing up to leave before mockingly looking at Lisa who just rolled her eyes before angrily placing her backpack on the table and sitting across Jungkook.

"That was quite a nice hoe you got there Jungkook." Lisa commented, her voice deadly as she goes to unzip her bag and pulled out a booklet before tossing it over the young man who caught it with ease.

"I was just messing with her, Lili." He smiles at her before scanning the booklet tossed at him. "You know I don't do love. Plus at least she didn't start a fight unlike the other one." He nonchalantly explained as he read the table of contents.

"Whatever Jeon." Lisa retorted. Obviously annoyed at him before grabbing her notebook and pen. "Which part do you want to review? Exams are coming up." She asked as she fixed her reading glasses while looking sternly at the young man across her.

"Let's work on this." Jungkook responds as he pointed a chapter from the booklet. Lisa nodded as she began to scan her notes while Jungkook looked over at her, smiling softly before grabbing an extra pen and paper from Lisa's bag, listing down what he remembered from the lesson.


Jungkook grinned as he watched the sleeping female sitting across from him, too exhausted from helping him review, snore softly. He quietly kept all of their review materials inside Lisa's trusted backpack as he didn't want to wake the girl knowing how tiring it was to teach him. When he was done, he looked back at her again, this time sadly as he heaves a sigh before looking out at the window. 'You don't deserve her Jeon' he said to himself before he heard a soft whine, breaking him from his strained thoughts.

"How long was I out?" Lisa asked as she sat up straight, stretching her arms up as she yawned. "God that was quite a power nap."

"Glad you're finally awake sleepyhead. Time to head out. The cafe's closing." Jungkook said as he stood up and slowly started to walk away, while Lisa grabbed her bag as she followed behind him.

It was already night, the cold wind blew softly. Thank goodness, Lisa chose to wore a sweater that day otherwise she'd have freezed to death. The female continued to trail behind the young man as they neared the parking lot.

"Time to part ways Lili." Jungkook said as he patted Lisa's head, making the female blush faintly before coughing out a great job and a soft thank you at the young man. "Hm? No, thank you girl friend." He said as he flicked her forehead slightly.

"Eh? G-girlfriend?"Lisa blushed, barely visible under the night sky.

"Of course. You're my girl friend duh!" He replied with a smile to which made Lisa wide-eyed. "You're a girl right? And you're my friend - oh wait my bestfriend rather! So that makes you my girl bestfriend!" Jungkook released an uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh y-yeah." Lisa awkwardly laughs with him. 'Stupid me, of course there was a space between the girl and friend'.

"Well I'll be on my way now Jeon. See you at school!" The young girl rushed to her motorbike after waving a goodbye at the young man who only shouted back a 'keep safe' at her before going to where his motorbike was.

"Seriously, what's wrong with me these days?" Jungkook asked himself as he put on his helmet then clutched his chest. 'This can't be love right?' He thought as he shook his head. This can't be love. He's Jeon Jungkook. He can't be in love, especially with his bestfriend. Love isn't part of his vocabulary, nor does it exist in his life. That was what he learned growing up.

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