The Arrival

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"Ah - Seoul." The young woman smiled for a brief moment before she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath in, savoring the fresh air she inhales as she peeks over the car window. "It's so good to be back."

"You make it sound like it's been ages since you came back when technically you were here a few months ago." Taehyung nonchalantly says as he laid back on his seat, watching the young woman beside him with bored eyes.

"Ugh. Way to ruin the moment..." The woman replies as she closed the car window and scoots over to where the man sat, swiftly making her way to the point where she could easily whisper in his ear. "Tae Bear."

"Fuck. Stop calling me that." Taehyung groans as he crosses his arms and looks away from the girl - bows knitted together as he tries to cool off.

"Not a chance babe." The young woman replies with a wink before fishing out her phone from her clutch bag. Taehyung just heaved a sigh as he went to check his wristwatch, hoping the time would soon come for them to part their ways. "Alright. Time to take a snap!" The girl excitedly says as she opens her camera and began to find an angle they would look good at only to find the guy sitting beside her, ignore her request. "You better take a picture with me or I swear to God, Tae. I will snap your neck." She continues as she began to make grip-like motions with her free hand making the man beside her gulp and hold his neck subconsciously.

The man just tsked as he forced a smile as the girl scooted near him for a better angle - taking snaps nonstop until the girl decided to end the shoot with her kissing Taehyung's left cheek, making the boy left in a daze before he processed what just had happened.

"Yah! Delete that!" Taehyung says as he tries to reach out for her phone only to fail after she lifted her phone away from him as much as possible. "Stop being a brat Jennie! And give me your phone! Or so help me."

"Or so help me what?" Jennie responded with a sly smirk before she hushed Taehyung. "You're too late. The pictures were already uploaded. See? So many likes over just a few seconds. That's the power we both have." She continued as she winked and giggled at the sulking man beside her.

"Ugh - this is why I don't like having you over for a visit." Taehyung sighed as he closed his eyes and began rubbing his forehead as a headache began.

Jennie just rolled her eyes as she focused on her phone, momentarily smiling as she just received a text from her beloved older brother whom she misses very much. She happily just texted a small reply before looking at Taehyung who still looked annoyed at her. "What's up with you?"

"I still can't understand why you're fine with this." The man says with a slight shake of his head.

"With what?" Jennie softly replies with a tilt of her head.

"This set up. This arranged marriage. This fake ideal relationship. This whole enchilada!" Taehyung expresses as he began to make random hand movements to emphasize his point to which the girl only giggled as she placed her phone down before gracefully managing herself to straddle Taehyung who looked unfazed with the fact that the girl was on his lap, right over his crotch. Taehyung just sighed as he tried to remove the girl who seemed determined to remain where she was - a beautiful smile adorning her face. It was a good thing that there was a barrier between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat, otherwise he was sure, Mr. Han would tease him to no end. "Jennie, get off. Please." He said in a bored tone.

"You want to know why I seem okay with all of this shit baby?" Jennie playfully smirks at him as she began to take hold of his neck in a subtle manner before making him look up at her. "Because just like you..." She sweetly said before whispering in his ear. "I wanted to be an obedient child and do what my parents ever please." She releases a soft laugh as she and Taehyung exchanged glares at one another.

"But no worries love. This." She says as she kisses his right cheek. "And this." She continued as she kissed his left cheek this time around before sitting up straight to smirk down at him before leaning towards him - to the point where their lips almost touch. "Is all just a show. No feelings attached. Remember?"

"Of course. Now get off. You're making me uncomfortable." Taehyung replied to which Jennie grants with a smug look etched on her face. "Remember. I'm a man. Actions like that would normally make my body react like how it should normally do. But this." He says as he points at his heart. "Will never in a million years react to you."

Jennie just scoffs at him before the two rolled their eyes and looked away at each other.

'But I can still hope, right?' Jennie thinks to herself before she took a glance at the man who was to involved in his own world before she frowns and checks her social media accounts again - until she lands upon the pictures they took a while ago - making her smile. 'If only only his heart wasn't too preoccupied. Maybe I could have squeezed myself in.'


Jisoo rapidly gets a tissue before dabbing it over the table that had spilt juice over its cloth after her choking on her drink, accidentally knocking the glass down when she began to have a hard time breathing.She coughs again twice before patting her chest hard as she composed herself again. She was at a cafe, waiting for Seokjin to come.

"Stupid Taehyung." She softly mutters as she took another set of tissue to dab over her now wet dress. It's a good thing it was black so it wasn't visible. But she did felt uncomfortable as some of the juice seeped through her dress.

She just had opened her social media account and the first thing that welcomed her on her own feed was the news saying that Taehyung's fiance was in town and attached on the article was a sweet picture of the girl kissing Taehyung on his cheek. Was she jealous? Jisoo just tsked as she had no right to be such. She defended that she was just pissed that she had to see it even when she didn't follow Taehyung on her account.

"Damn social media." She grumpily said as she sighed and went to check the time on her wristwatch.

"Someone's in a grouchy mood today." Jisoo smiled as she turned her head to where the voice came from. "Hey babe." Seokjin continued as he welcomed Jisoo into his arms lovingly as the two exchanged a few laughter together. "It's been a while, yes?" He said as he softly held Jisoo's chin up so he could have a better look at her before he leaned in so their noses could touch.

"I missed you, love." Jisoo said as she wrapped Jin's waist and snuggled to his chest.

"I missed you too baby." Seokjin replied as he kissed her on her forehead before they sat across from each other, while having their right hands intertwined. "How have you been love?"

"Sad. Because you were away for so long." She replied with a frown, as Seokjin squeezed her hand lovingly as he smiled at her.

"I'm sorry baby. I promise to make it up to you, okay?" He responded before he threw a flying kiss at her to which she dodged as the two exchanged laughter again. A few seconds later, Jin's phone lit up and buzzed - signaling that a text message was received. Jin used his free hand to check it before he showed a beautiful smile to which Jisoo grew curious of.

"Who's that?" She asked as she tried to peer at his phone, which was impossible but she wanted to try.

"My little sister." He replied as he smiled at her, the way he said sister, made Jisoo's heart sway. Seokjin is really a kind man full of so much love. And it shows with how he treats everyone he knows. Jisoo smiles back at him.

"I haven't seen her once. When can I see her? I mean. Will I get to see her?" She asks as she tilts her head to the side, her eyes hopeful of a positive response.

"Oh you'll see her soon. She's actually back in town. Maybe she can squeeze a meet up with us in her schedule." Seokjin replied with a grin on his face, as he kissed the back of Jisoo's right hand that he held in his hand.

"Well I hope so. Finally getting to meet your sister would be like a dream come true for me." Jisoo said as she giggled, making Seokjin chuckle at her cute response.

"You meeting my family would be a dream come true for me too, baby." He responded as he looked at her dreamily. 'I just hope you would still love me even after you figure out that I've lied about my real identity'

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