The Troubled Hearts

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"Alright, everyone take a break first!" Hoseok says as he continued to pant, regaining back his breath as he smiled at his students. Everyone else cheered as they all raced to the water station, lining up to take a sip. Hoseok chuckled as he went to turn down the music, still unevenly breathing from their constant dancing.

He smiled a bit as he assessed everyone's recent performance, thinking how much they had improved since their first class. A deep cough resonated behind him, making him turn around to face the person who coughed.

"Sana." Hoseok says as he chuckled a bit at the blonde girl who shyly tossed him a bottle of water. "Thanks! I'm parched." He replied as he went to drain the bottle from its content.

"I know." Sana said with a wide grin before she shyly looked down at the floor before looking up at Hoseok again, a faint blush adorning her cheeks. "You've worked hard." She mustered up to say clasping her hands behind her as she waits for him to finish drinking.

"Well so have you! You did well." Hoseok complimented as he closed the bottle with its lid again, placing it on the side, near his backpack before returning to where Sana stood, placing his hands on his waist as he smiled at the female.

Sana just gave a small nod in recognition to what the young man said before looking down again, softly biting her lips to keep her from blushing.

Hoseok just gave a short laugh as he approached the girl, ruffling her hair a bit and patting her right shoulder before he reminded everyone that time was up.

Everyone huddled up back to their spots in a jiff as loud music blared from the large stereos again - continuing their dance session from the top.

Sana who was right beside Hoseok, felt the sudden rush as she let the music take over her body while she tried to keep up with everyone else. She was always fond of dancing and that fondness of hers grew when she found out that her ultimate crush, Hoseok, loved it too. Which was why, even if her muscles felt sore from dancing too hard - she didn't mind to attend his dance classes. Not when she got to dance close to him, get complimented by him and be able to witness how much of a dance king he was - Of course Sana loved every moment she danced - more importantly, what made her giddy and happy was in fact that she was dancing with him. She couldn't possibly ask for more.

When the lesson was done, just like any other day, Sana waited for Hoseok outside as he closed up his studio so they could walk home together. They were on the same neighborhood anyways.

She was too busy humming when Hoseok called out to her, gaining her attention within a second. She happily looked back at the approaching man before her brows crease, and her smile weakened as she looked at the man who was rather looking serious. Her attention went straight to Hoseok's outstretched hand where her cellphone was at.

Sana released a soft gasp as she clutched her phone back from his grasp, putting it over her chest where her rapidly beating heart was at. Her mind was in a mess, wondering whether if he had seen her lockscreen by chance.

Why hadn't she checked if she had all her belongings! How could she forget her phone out of all her stuff! She internally screamed as she remembered when she left it by one of boxed chairs during their breaks. She had a habit of forgetting where she places her stuff. But of all instances why did it happen now. There was no way Hoseok was going to say anything at this moment so she urged herself to ask away with nervousness.

"D-did you see it?" She stuttered as she asked the man who only looked away as he gave a small nod. At that moment Sana felt her soul leave her body. Mentally wishing for the ground to swallow her up in an instant.

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