Chapter 3: Heaven and Earth

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      Sofie and I decided to go back upstairs and get ready. I had my own portion of her closet here so I shifted through it. I found a cute blue top that was form fitting with a low cut and a cute jean skirt I forgot I owned. I threw on white converse that I brought with me. And put on some light makeup. (Picture above) I turned around to see Sofie already ready. She was wearing darker colors consisting of black and a dark blue. She wore a striped shirt and black ripped jeans as well as a jean jacket. She had dark eyeshadow on that went well with the outfit. (Picture below.)
     I decided I wanted to go home and that her and I would meet at the drive in later today. I took a detour on the way home, I really didn't want to go home quite yet I just wanted some me time. Typically I can never walk down the streets without someone waving to me or coming up to me. But not today; I decided I would go a more hidden way. I didn't take my car to sofie as because there is no room to park it and it is brand new.
I took a right turn down a dark ally walking slowly. I began to regret my decision when I group of three guys came up to me. It was darker down the ally and I couldn't see what they looked like at first. It wasn't until I noticed their sweater vests that I realized I was okay. Socs don't attack other socs. "Allie Westbrook what's a sweet girl like you doing over here." Mark the one on the left in the yellow sweater vest rolled his eyes.
      "I'm just walking home, I took a wrong turn I guess." I said nervously even though it wasn't a wrong turn.
      "Really was a wrong turn." Bob Sheldon said. Bob Sheldon is the leader of all Socs along with his girlfriend sherry which everyone calls her as Cherry because of her red hair. Bob Sheldon will do anything to get what he wants.
      "I think I'll just turn around." I laughed nervously.
      "Not so fast." Randy said, Randy is Bob sheldons best friend. He ran up and grabbed my wrist. "We aren't finished here."
      Bob came up to me and pulled out a switchblade making sure he did a cool trick as he pulled it out. "Keep quiet princess." Those were the last words I heard. After that all I remember is him cutting me in multiple different places and punching me a few times. I felt my eyes get heavy so I let them close. This is how I die isn't it?

      I slowly start to open my eyes to see a blank white area. There was a few items and people scattered throughout the plain room. I see a small white table placed in the middle of it all by a beautiful fountain which poured out crystal blue water. I went and sat on the chair which the table was by and soon enough was approached by a guy that looked around my age.
He sat besides me not saying a thing. He had blonde hair that looked almost perfect, he had pale blue eyes that almost looked like a grey. When he opened his mouth to speak he the most perfect white shiny teeth I've ever seen. "I'm Jacob, I don't expect you to know me Allie but trust me I know you."
     "I'm sorry I don't, where do you know me from?" I said kind of freaked out. Did I die? Am I in heaven?
      "I haven't ever personally met you, I died before you were born. I used to be the only child I was around 15 when mom and dad came up to me and said they were having another kid. I wasn't to pleased I mean I did live fifteen years of my life without a sibling. They were pretty young when they had me mom was only seventeen, I knew they wanted to wait but I didn't know it'd be that long. Anyways I got upset and I took dads car keys, I  just started driving classes so I knew how to drive. Even though I wasn't supposed to I went in the roads. Driving was relaxing for me. It was my turn to go at the stop sign but I didn't see the big truck that didn't stop. It was too late before I noticed. He was going to fast, and before I knew it we collided. It was almost an instant death and I knew within my last few seconds of life how devastated they would be. And then up here in heaven I watched you my baby sister be born and they seemed so happy for the first time in for ever." He looked down at his shiny white shoes.
     "So if we're in heaven and you died like seventeen years ago, aren't you supposed to be 32?" I asked.   
     "No one ages up here Allie." He smiled at me in a calming way.
     "Wait does that mean I'm dead?" I asked nervously.
     "Well Allie that's for you to decide. You can be strong and go back down and live your life, or you can stay up here and live how you want." He smiled.
     "I wanna live, I don't want to die not yet." I smiled.
     "Live a good life Allie, talk to the people you want to talk to, ask out the guy you like if you like them, be confident, don't be so shy. I'll see you again one day and I'll be here waiting for you and watching over you." He got up and gave me a hug and before I know it I feel my eyes closing again.

       I woke up in a hospital bed gasping for air. I seen my mom and dad sitting besides my bed both of them crying. Neither one of them heard me yet. I heard my dad say, "we can't lose another kid. Not again." He cried some more. Then I seen Sofie rush into my room asking frantically if I was okay. My dad started to say how I was still knocked out when I decided to try and speak.
      "Hello?" I ask my voice cracking. Everyone rushes to around the bed and they all seemed worried.
      "Oh my God your up!" Sofie squealed. "I'm going to make it my business to find out who did this to you and teach them a lesson." She cried.
      "It was Bob. Bob Sheldon." Both of my parents gasped and looked worried. They shared a glance then suddenly focused back on me.

Sofie outfit

Sofie outfit

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