Chapter 26: Hope

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Dally and I decided now would be a good time to visit town. It's been five months almost six. We kept a distance from Tulsa where we originally live. We had the gang meet us in windrexville where dally and I decided to stay for the next few days. We went out of state to Louisiana. It was a pretty long drive or at least it felt like it. It's not too far from Oklahoma like our original plan of going to Michigan. But it's also not close.
We decided to not go fully into Tulsa since my mom has some death threat towards me. She's always blamed me for my brother ever since I found out about him. And she blamed me for not being able to love my dad. I don't understand why she needs to kill me.
Dally and I entered the church he knew was abandoned and we set our stuff down. "Why didn't we just come here?" I ask.
"Your mother probably searched all of the surrounding cities we weren't risking anything. I could never lose you." Dally said grabbing my hands.
"You probably aren't wrong that lady has mental issues probably." I laughed. I heard a knock at the door and Dally got a little defensive. Although he knew it was probably the gang he still is unsure. He went and checked and then opened the door as Johnny came in.
"Where's everyone else?" I asked as I hugged him.
"You could've at least said hello. Hey Johnny how you doing?" Dally said.
"Sorry I'm impolite, hi Johnny." I smiled.
"Hello guys, I'm fine but the rest of the gang is coming they just wanted to make sure you were here so they sent me so they didn't have to get out of the car." He kind of giggled.
       "Well tell them to get their lazy asses out here." Dally said messing with his hair.
        Johnny ran outside and got the gang leading everyone into our small little area. "Hey guys. Oh my goodness allie your bump is growing." Darry said in his normal welcoming voice that I did truly miss.
"I know I'm five months now almost six! And we have a surprise for you guys." I smile as look at Dally who is smiling just as big as me.
We both say together "it's a girl!" Everyone begins to cheer for us and hug the both of us.
"I'm sorry it's gotta be this way allie one day we will all be reunited and know it's going to be forever." Soda said as he smiled at me.
"I sure hope so, my little baby can't grow up without all of you guys." My eyes began to tear for two reasons one in pregnant and my hormones are crazy and two I really did miss these guys. Dally noticed and wrapped his arm around me not trying to draw attention to me crying.
"Have you guys thought of names yet?" Ponyboy asked like he already had an idea.
"I don't know actually any ideas?" I asked.
"You should do a symbolic name like something that has meaning. Like the baby name is hope because you have hope that things will get better." He shrugs and just says it's an idea.
"I like that we can think of more symbolic names later." I smile knowing Ponyboy is excited. 
       "Why don't we go get food while Darry and soda drive back to make sure the house is guarded." Dally suggest since we all wanted to go to the Curtis house again.
        "Sounds like a plan." And then we left the small little church and headed to the Dairy Queen down the street.

        Steve came back from the pay phone telling us it was fine to drive back. We could've just went to the town right away but we figured it'd be best for us to travel in a bit bigger of a group. We managed to fit six of us in the car Johnny just sat on the ground of the car.
      We got back into town and everything seemed safe. We made it to the Curtis house without any trouble. That I knew of.
       When we walked inside Darry wasn't to be found and soda was laying on the ground appearing to be knocked out. Nothing here is safe not even my friends lives. I ran to soda and checked for a pulse. Thankfully it was there and he began to awake. "Allie?" He asked.
       "Yes, it's allie. Soda do you know where Darry is?" I asked nervously while the gang was searching around and Dally wouldn't leave my side.
      "He's right out back with some girl." Soda mumbled. "My head hurts." He said I think without knowing.
      "Let's check outside then." I said.
      "You aren't going anywhere near outside." Dally said to me.
      "Watch me, if anyone will be the one to talk sense into her it'll be me. Or at least hit her with a bat." I say grabbing a bat I found.
      I walk outside and see Darry lying on the floor unconscious and my mom hovering over him with a gun. "Allie glad you made it, now either walk home with me or I shoot." She smiled like the psychopath she is.
     "Of course mother dearest." I roll my eyes. "Just don't bring any more of my friends into this."
     "Then it's a deal come on home with mom." She smiles.
      We were walking to my house when she noticed my bump, "it's growing I see." She rolls her eyes.
      "That's how babies work so yea she's growing." I say.
       "She?" She asked.
       "Yes a she." I rolled my eyes.
       We approached my house when the plan struck into my mind. As we enter the house there's a gun in the table right to the right of the door. All I need to do is grab it and shoot.
     We walk inside and my mom walks in first me following. I reach into the basket for the gun. I held it up and as i shot it nearly missed her and hit her shoulder. She screamed in pain and I thought I could run away. I started going out the door. I seen Dally down the street and heard a few sirens. I figured he called the cops. Just as I was about to escape. I felt an instant feeling of pain. That's when I realized I was shot. My own mother shot me. As Dally watched me fall to the ground he cried for help. The rest of the gang not too far behind him. My mother running in the complete opposite direction.
     Dally ran a few steps in front of me and grabbed the gun I dropped and fired shots at my mom. "You should pay for what you did." The cops seen him as the one that was threat considering they seen him firing shots. He turned towards them with the gun still in his hand pointing at them. They yelled at him to put the gun down. It was just enough of a distraction for my mom to shoot him too. He fell onto the floor besides me, crying.
     Neither of us seen this ending well. He took my hand and kissed it as we both whispered I love you and closed our eyes.

    "Dally?" I asked as I looked onto all of the white land I seen.
     "Allie?"  He looked confused.
     "I think we're dead." I said looking at him.
  (Italics are the POV of Allie from heaven btw)

     Sodas p.o.v-
     "They're dead!" Ponyboy yelled looking at the two lifeless bodies we seen in front of us.
      "They can't be!" Johnny cried knowing he just lost two of his closest friends in the world.
      "The baby!" I yelled.
      "They can't be dead too!" Johnny cried with a hint of hope in his voice.

      Allies POV
    "Wait would our baby be up in heaven?" Dally asked.
    "She might, if she died." I said.
    "Then where is she?" He asked looking around the limitless amount of space.
    "Maybe there's hope." I said.

      Sodas POV-
     The ambulance came and took the bodies to the hospital. Although they were both shown to be dead they took them.
     We got to the hospital and we all were told one of the biggest miracles we've heard in a long time the baby still had a chance. She would be born three months early and would be premature but the doctors said that with right amount of care she will be able to survive.
      We got called into a room and we all were greeted to a little baby girl. They said Darry was listed as the legal dependent if anything were to happen. He signed the certificate and he had to come up with a name. We all sat and thought when Ponyboy came up with an idea. "Just like what I mentioned earlier why don't we name her hope. Hope that one day when the timing is right we will all be reunited again peacefully forever." He said bringing tears to everyone's eyes.
       And then right before our eyes little baby hope laid about to open her eyes.

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