Chapter 4: The Drive-In

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The next day I was back and laying in my own bed. The nurses decided to let me go since it wasn't too serious. My parents will no longer let me leave the house. They think I'm still too injured to leave. But if the nurses let me go I'm pretty sure I'm okay.
I decided to work on my homework since it was Sunday and I still haven't finished it. All I have left is my calculus homework, only twelve problems.
I heard a knock at my window. I was confused considering I live on the second story. I walked near it and seen Sofie sitting on the tree that sat besides my window. I opened the window for her, "what do you want?"
     "Did you still want to go to the drive in?" She asked climbing into my room.
     "Yea but I'm not aloud to leave my house." I rolled my eyes and sat back on my bed.
     "You can sneak out." Sofie suggested.
     "I don't know, I have homework and nothing to wear. And besides I can't risk having my parents catch me." I started to work on my calculus again.
      "Finish your homework when you get home or tomorrow morning. And I'll choose your outfit. And before any of that go downstairs and say your going to bed early so they won't bother you." She started to walk towards my closet.
      "Fine." I walk downstairs and seen my parents watching the news in the living room. "Hey guys I'm going to sleep I'm really exhausted, so don't check up on me." I smiled.
      "Hey sweetie we're going to call you out of school tomorrow we just don't think your health can handle it." My dad smiled.
     "Okay I guess." I turned around and headed upstairs. I guess I don't have to worry about my homework then.
     "Hey how'd it go?" Sofie asked as she shuffled through my closet.
     "Good, I'm not going to school tomorrow." I smiled. Typically I would've thrown a fit and demand to go to school but for some reason I don't want to go.
      "So you can stay out late is what I'm hearing." She laughed quietly then laid out a green shirt and a white skirt. I put on the outfit and twirled around. She pulled me over to my vanity and did my makeup. I then put on converse and looked at myself once again in the mirror. I look amazing. (Picture above).
      She was wearing a pretty almost grey skirt and a black and white low cut top. She was wearing converse as well and had on darker makeup. (Picture below).
     We snuck out the window as gracefully as we could considering we were wearing skirts. "That was my first time sneaking out." I started to breathe a little heavier, why do I listen to her? This isn't something I would typically do.
     "Good job you snuck out!" She sounded so impressed, but I just felt so guilty.

     We got to the drive in by talkinh her car and we went and sat in chairs. I decided I would get the popcorn to just take a moment to breathe. I'm happy that her and I can spend time together considering the party didn't go as planned but I still feel guilt.
     I bought us two popcorns and made my way back to the seats. When I arrived to the seats honestly I felt as betrayed as any best friend would. I seen her and sam making out. I thought she wanted to spend time with me but I guess this was just another way to see sam. I shoved the popcorn into her lap getting her attention. "Aw thanks Allie." She smiled and was about to continue to kiss him.
      "Yeah whatever I'll see you at the end of the movie." I stomped away knowing she wasn't following me.
       I took my popcorn and walked to the ledge that is at the back of the drive in. It's a cement wall that no one goes by and I come here for time to think. I would've went home but I can't walk out there again I'd probably be killed.
      I sat on top of the ledge and quietly sat watching the movie and eating my popcorn. Then I heard a familiar voice, "didn't expect to see you up here, what do you watch sunsets up here?" I looked over to see the guy from the party roll his eyes.
"Actually I'm up here to just get away." I continue to eat my popcorn.
"Away from what?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter, and why would I tell you I don't even know your name." I rolled my eyes.
"How do you not know my name?" He asked sounding offended.
"I don't know you never gave it to me." I looked at him.
"I shouldn't have to everyone knows my name." He now rolled his eyes at me.
"I guess not everyone." I grinned.
"Well my names Dallas, Dallas Winston." He smirked. I have heard of him, worst greaser around really tough and all. I pretended to not be scared. "And your name is?"
"Allie." I said.
"Allie what?" He asked.
"Shouldn't you be the one to know my name considering I'm the daughter of the mayor." I said with a bit of sass.
"Oh Westbrooke is it? What are you supposed to be a goody two shoes?" He chuckled.
"I guess you could say that." I looked at my shoes. "That's what I'm expected to be."
"Isn't it a little late for you then?" He asked even though it was only eight.
"Well I snuck out." I mumbled.
"Is that good for your reputation?" He chuckled clearly mocking me.
"I already feel bad enough." I rolled my eyes.
"You just need to learn how to live." He focused on the movie. "Now what are you getting away from, I told you my name."
"My friend just ditched me for some boy and I don't want to walk home by myself, because she drove us here." I took a deep breath.
"Why don't I take you home, I can drive." He smirked.
"I'm not supposed to get into random people's cars actually." I laughed trying to calm myself down.
"Then I guess I'll have to walk you." He jumped down and stood there. "You coming?"
I jumped down and followed behind him. Well this will be fun.

Sofies outfit

Sofies outfit

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