Cross The Line

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-"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I said as I stormed in my room and shut the door behind me. I panted and looked around my room. the bed was made and maid had cleaned the room. the room was simple really. I tried to modernize it as much as possible and keep it away from mansion's old design so now it looked more like a hotel room. the only framed pictures on the walls were posters of my favorites movies-The Rear Window, Casablanca, Psycho, Some Like it Hot, Vertigo, Charade, Strangers on a Train, Gone with the Wind and The Rope- and in front of my bed was a big screen tv with two grey couches, a game console and a coffee table. my dark brown book case was on the other side of room and filled with mystery novels.

Nothing seemed different. I rushed to the bathroom and checked myself in mirror. also, nothing was different. I stared at myself for a while, trying to figure if there was something different but nothing. my hair was just as always, brown and long in back, parted in center and flopping down over my ears and a bit messy. I guess I was hoping that streak of white in my hair that I absolutely hated would have disappeared but no. it was still there smirking at me.

I was born with it. a natural cross that I have to bare because of my parents. that's what happens when your parents are not mates, a natural birthmark, like a streak of white hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked around the room once more. everything was normal. and that made me mad. I growled and punched the wall as hard as I could. this was the only way I knew how to calm myself: punching and breaking stuff. surprisingly it worked too but I was told I have a hot temper and I have to learn to control it which wasn't successful by then.

even if it was, this was definitely the time to be angry. I had found my mate! and she was a human! out of all werewolves, this could not have happened to me. I couldn't stand it! fortunately before I break something else in room I heard a knock on the door.

-"Hey Dust you in there?" a voice called from behind the door. it was Alex, son of current Alpha and future Alpha.

-"Yeah in here Alex."

-"Yeah my dad wants us to meet him in his study now." he called. I sighed and took a deep breath, slowly taking control of my temper.

-"Alright fine but...I just came back from my run.I need a shower. I'll be there in 15."

-"Cool I'll see you then." he said and then I heard his footsteps getting further and further.

I took another deep breath and headed in bathroom once more. I took all my clothes off and hopped in shower. the feeling of hot water running on my body relaxed me. I let the water wash away the filth of forest and my anger down. ten minutes later I got out and dried myself with my towel. I swiped my hand on steamed mirror and cleared it to see my reflection. my emerald green eyes that were staring right back at me in the mirror were calm now. I walked out in room and opened my wall closet and looked through it to find something suitable to wear for the meeting.

finally I picked a grey shirt and black jeans. I put them on and looked in mirror to adjust them. at final I just ran my hand through my hair to make it a bit presentable. the truth is that I wasn't a hair brushing guy. I liked it a bit long and that just made it messier than usual but I guess it just made me, me.

I walked out of my room and walked downstairs to Alpha's office. Alex was waiting there for me. he was tall and really white, almost pale. his straight blond hair covered his forehead and up to his baby blue eyes. despite his hard tryings, he was never able to grow a beard or even a hair on his face... or anywhere else for that matter. I think he was too white. but we were always like brothers since we grew up together too. I looked around the room to find out we're not alone. Elsa was there too.

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