The Cup

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the next morning I felt so good that I didn't even notice the regular stalkers. and the second I walked in the cafe Lucy noticed it. partly because I was humming to myself and partly because I was distracted.

-"You're in a good mood today." she said.

-"Hm? oh, yeah." I said, taking off my coat and hat.

-"I'm guessing the party went well then."

-"Nope it was horrible."

-"Then why are you so happy?"

-"Well...remember the Dust guy who got his tea here every morning?"


-"Well he was at the party and I invited him to watch a movie last night." at this point she gasped.

-"You went on a date?! and you didn't tell me?" she said loudly, making some heads turn.

-"Keep it down! It wasn't a date..." I smiled looking down while putting the kettle on.

-"Yeah right. tell me everything!" I sighed.

-"We drank lemonade and watched a movie and that's it."

-"What else? did you talk?"

-"No we stared awkwardly at each other! of course we talked. and table 5 needs cleaning."

-"I'll get it later. first tell me how'd it go last night."

-"It went well... I like him but I'm not sure if I wanna get back out there."

-"You asked him to come to your place. seems pretty out there to me."

-"Maybe but... is he the right call? should I wait? maybe for someone else?"

-"If you wanted to wait for the someone else who might or might not be the right guy, why did you ask him out?"

-"I-I don't know! and I didn't ask him out! I just... I got attracted. like something was pulling me towards him."

-"I call that thing love at first sight~" she smirked.

-"Stop it Lucy. and table 5 still needs cleaning."

-"I'll get it but promise me something."


-"If he come through that door and then he asked you out you're gonna say yes."

-"I think that's my personal life!"

-"Robin your personal life was spending your nights alone in your apartment for the past 2 years. and with a cat! you need a change and what better than a handsome stranger?" she said and I chuckled.


-"Promise!" she said.

-"Fine I promise."

-"Good. cause he's here!" she smirked and looked at the front door before heading towards table 5.

I quickly turned around to see him standing at the door. he was wearing his coat and green scarf around his neck and some snow were on his hair. he smiled when he saw me and walked over.

-"Hey..." he said smiling.

-"Hey Dusty!" glad to see you here!"

-"Yeah me too..." he said.

-"You got a bit of snow going on here." I said, reaching over the counter and messed his hair to get the snow out.

-"Oh ok..." he leaned over a bit, not saying anything.

-"All done." I said and stood back. "so the usual?" I asked.

-"oh yeah yeah..." he said, standing upright again.

-"Ok. one large English breakfast tea on the house as a thank you for the wonderful night and movie last night." he chuckled.

-"Heh thank you... funny you should mention that. I was wondering if...well would you... have you seen the Vertigo?"

-"Can't say that I did. why?"

-"Well i-if you like to see it... w-we can watch it together... if you like?" he said. I looked at him and glanced over is shoulders at Lucy who was smirking at me and nodding her head.

-"I would love to... on one condition." I said.

-"Yeah?" he looked at me curious.

-"You brush your hair! have you ever done that?" I asked smiling and I could swear he blushed a bit.

-"Y-yeah. it's not that messy!"

-"yI still needs a little styling.." I said and reached for his hair again and ran my hands in them. he stood there looking at me a bit shocked.

-"And if you don't mind me asking, what's with the white streak?"

-"I was born with it..." he simply said. I got the feeling that he didn't want to talk about it.

-"So... my place again?" I asked, changing the subject.

-"I guess it's my turn now. you can come to mansion tonight."

-"Alright then. see you tonight!"

-"Yup. see you..." he said turning away and walking towards the door.

-"Hey Dusty?" I called and he turned around. "don't you want your tea?" I asked smirking.

-"Oh right right sorry!" he said chuckling nervously and sat by the window.

I chuckled as I started to make his tea as Lucy came back behind the counter,.

-"So...?" she asked.

-"We're watching a movie tonight at his place. is that what you're looking for?"

-"Yes! I knew it!"

-"You sure it's the right thing?"

-"Of course! and to prove my point..." she reached for Dust's cup and started writing something on it.

-"Hey what are you doing?" I asked.

-"Writing down a little something for him."

-"Is that... my number? and a heart?!" I asked

-"Yup." she said, finishing the heart.

-"What?! No! we're just friends!"

-"Well friends have each others phone number! and it's a gateway to something beyond friendship!" she said and poured tea in the cup. "Dust?" she called as he looked at us and walked over.

-"Thanks Miss...?" he said.

-"Lucy. Lucy DuBois. and you're Dust."

-"Yes I am. nice to meet you." he smiled and looked at me. "so um, see you tonight Robin." he said and took his cup.

-"Yeah... see you tonight." he smiled and walked out of the cafe. "I'm gonna kill you..."

-"Why? eventually you were gonna give it to him. I did it for you sooner. and face it, you wanted him to have it!"

-"..." I stayed quiet and smiled, slightly blushing at the thought. I guess I really did. but there was something about him. something strange that I couldn't put my finger on...

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