Flickering Lights

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-"So any plans for Christmas eve?" Alex asked while eating his breakfast cereal.

-"You know I don't. why?" I said while taking a toast from the basket in the middle of table. Alpha Henry was reading the paper on at the end of the table and I was sitting next to Alex. Mrs. Luis was bringing in the breakfast stuff on the table.

-"I was thinking maybe a party would cheer this place up a bit."

-"No parties Alex." Alpha Henry said while reading his paper.

-"Dad! come on!"

-"I want to have a nice Christmas eve with my children. I don't need some random werewolves dancing and drinking the main hall."

-"You let us have a party last year." he said.

-"Last year I was in Illinois as a guest of Alpha Williams and I couldn't refuse to go! I didn't want you to be all alone on Christmas eve."

-"Well can't you go on another business trip this year too?" he asked and Alpha Henry rolled his eyes and kept reading. I took a sip from my tea. at this time Elsa walked in. she was wearing shorts and a t shirt and her hair was a bit messy. I kept my eyes on my plate and toast and didn't look up.

-"Morning Elsa."

-"Morning daddy." she gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting down in front of Alex and poured herself a cup of coffee.

-"Anything else you need sir?" Mrs. Luis asked.

-"No thanks Mary." Alpha Henry said. "and tell Jonah to go pick up the turkey from town."

-"Yes sir." she smiled and walked out.

-"Well dad, what about just some friends over?" Alex asked.

-"Let it go Alex." he said and put the paper aside and started eating his breakfast.

-"But it's so unfair."

-"what's this all about?" Elsa asked and threw her hair back.

-"Alex wants a party on Christmas eve." I answered while still looking at my plate.

-"Who asked you?" she asked angrily and took a sip of her coffee. Alex looked at me a bit.

-"What's gotten into you two?" Alpha Henry asked and neither of us answered. she was still pretty pissed about our fight the other day and I didn't want to speak to her just now. he looked at us for a while before shaking his head. "fine, no answer then. don't mind me, I'm just the Alpha."

We kept eating breakfast for a few minutes in silence after that.

-"So what do you say dad?" Alex asked.

-"About what?" Alpha Henry asked.

-"Having friends over on Christmas eve."

-"I don't know Alex. I mean everyone naturally wants to spend it with their family."

-"Well what if they come around after dinner? just Frost and Alice. they're spending Christmas together. we can invite them over for a little hanging out. this way we get family AND friends time. what do you say?" he smiled, waiting for an answer. Alpha Henry sighed.

-"Fine. if their Alphas allow them, you can invite them over. as long it's just the two of them and we have the family dinner."

-"Yes!" he smirked and ate his cereal and I just chuckled sipping my tea. by this time we heard a car in the garden. all of the sudden, all of us raised our heads to the curtained window, trying to figure out what it was. it was definitely the sound of a car coming in which was an unusual thing at the Hilltop mansion. we didn't normally have visitors and certainly not unannounced ones. after a while the car got turned off and there was silence.

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