No Reason

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The Town of Willow Creek wasn't that big. it was bigger than a small town but not as big as a city, still big enough for most people to know each other. the town managed to keep it's 50's form and the so there was a drive in theater, an ancient town hall and school, the church which was probably the tallest building in town, a Fire station, shops and most buildings and homes and the form of streets were remained from the 50's. but then the modern age came and added more stuff to it like fancy restaurants, an Apple store, two malls, modern houses, Telephone towers and a new high school and some shops. so now the town was an odd mixture of old and new and scenes like an Antique shop next to a McDonald's was inevitable.

The Hilltop mansion wasn't that far from the town. in fact, if anyone wanted to drive up there or even walk they had to go through town. the road from the town lead in two directions. one, to the highway and two, straight to the mansion's gate. I was running down the second road straight to town. I didn't even dared to look book, fearing the wolf is still behind me. it was dark now and the lights were on. as soon as I got to the edge of town I stopped to take a breath. fortunately I was alone and there was no wolf. I couldn't believe I had lived to see the lights of this town again. I knew just the person to tell about this.

I started running again. the town's main streets weren't that busy but during the weekends we'd have a light traffic. still thanks to the form of the 50's there were some alleyways and small streets that were announced as no drive zones. one of them was Roosevelt road. asking me, the road's name was perfect for it. the road was narrow and rock paved. on both sides there were old two stories houses and old street lamps. it gave you the perfect view of Paris old alleys. that's where Paris cafe was set at.

Paris cafe was sort of new but you never could have guessed. the building belonged to an old Irish pub and wasn't changed much so it looked old but the fact was that it was opened just a couple of years ago. the front door was a sign of Eiffel tower, drawn in silver paint with white stars above it. Lucy thought it looked dreamy.

Lucy was the owner of the cafe. we met on college and became best friends. she was from France and always talked about good old days of 1920's Paris. she opened the cafe right after college cause she said before settling down she wants to know what it's like to have a cafe. seemed like there was no settling down cause she had this cafe for almost 4 years now.

When you walked inside, it was like walking to a student cafe. her friend was a designer in France and sent her some ideas to use in her cafe so there were wooden tables and colored chairs. each table had different colored chairs like red, blue, yellow, green and... the floor was also wooden with a Persian rug in the middle. a small book case on one side, full of books if the costumers wanted to read something and the whole places was lighted by couple of table lamps so it gave cafe a dark, artistic and yet cozy feeling. behind the counter which was full of cakes and sweets on display, a blackboard was hanging with all of Cafe's drinks and foods written on it. on the modern side, there was a tv on the corner of one wall but it was usually off. the music in cafe was provided by a computer on counter that was connected to speakers and always played soft songs. and at last there pictures on the red brick walls of Cafe, portraying different streets and location of old Paris from 1920's to 60's.

I ran in and the smell of coffee hit me. cafe was half full and most of them were young. I ran to the counter to find Lucy sitting and reading a book. she looked up at me and her eyes widened. she had a bit dark and tanned skin with black hair that was usually braided and hanged by the side of her neck and her eyes were green. and with her taste in artistic clothes she looked like a beauty goddess.

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