~ chap 9 - 'what has gotten into you?'

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It's the end of the school day and I'm at my locker, putting my books back until the locker door suddenly closes. I look to my side then see Isaak. I smile weakly at him.

'Hey baby.' He says, kissing my cheek.

'Hey Isaak.' I said, my smile growing wider.

'How was class?' He asks me, and I just answered,

'It was okay I guess?'

'Wanna head to my place?' He asks me. When I was about to nod, my phone rings and I curse under my breath.

I answer the call.

'Hello?' I say softly into the phone.

'Hey Kenz. It's Maddie. Are you hanging out with John today?' She asks me and I blush at the sound of his name.

Wait. Kenzie? What the fuck are you saying?

'Um... no. I'm heading to another friend's place.' I reply.

'Oh? My sister being a social butterfly? Who's the friend? Is it Anns?' She asks.

'No.' I reply, getting annoyed by my stupid and delusional sister.

'Who is it then? Those two are the only people you know.' She says, and I roll my eyes. She thinks I only hang out with those two.

'Why do you wanna know Maddie?' I ask her, trying to change the subject. I take a glance at Isaak, looking through his phone. He looks up then smiles at me. I smile back.

'Jeez okay. What has gotten into you? You're usually so nice when I-' She says, and I roll my eyes once again then end the call. I grab Isaak's hand then we head to his car.


I saw Kenzie talking to her sister and she grabs Isaak's hand to I guess to his car.

Not gonna lie, it made my heart break that she's hanging out with him. I just get bad vibes from him since he's a player.

'Aren't we going to your house? What's the hold up?' Nadia says, poking my arm.

'Oh sorry. Let's go.' I reply, putting my arm around her waist and we walk back to my house.


We arrived at Isaak's house and Isaak grins. He gets out of the car and he opens the door on my side.

I thanks him then I head inside.

'What should we do?' He asks, licking his lips.

'I just wanted to watch Netflix. Is that okay with you?' I ask him, and he nods. He grabs popcorn then he sits beside me, cuddling with me and we watch The Notebook. A classic favorite of mine.


I was walking home with Nadia then my phone rings.

'Who's that babe?' She asks me, and I look at the caller ID.

'It's Mackenzie's sister. Hold on.' I say, and she nods. She grabs her phone from her pocket then she looks through stuff.

I picked up the phone then hear a concerned Maddie.

'Hey Johnny. Do you know where Mackenzie head off to? I called her earlier but she ended the call when I was asking where she was going.' She says, and I can tell she's trying to stay calm.

Maddie has always been the protective type since its only her Mackenzie in the house.

Kenzie's mom died in an accident and her dad left after that. It only has been those two girls, fighting the world.

I knew where Kenzie was. She was with Isaak obviously but I can't tell her. Although I hate their relationship, I can't just snitch on Kenz. She has been my best friend since forever.

'Sorry Maddie. I don't know where she is. Sorry.' I reply, lying. Although I felt guilty lying to Maddie, I just needed to lie. For Mackenzie. Maddie sighs.

'Okay. Thanks John.' She says, then she ends the call. I put my phone into my pocket then Nadia and I head inside my house.



The movie has ended and as soon as I was about to leave the couch, I felt a tight grip on me. It was Kenz.

She was hugging me and sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake her up so I just sat there on the couch, and I put my head lightly on her head and just watched other shows on Netflix.

hoped you guys liked this chap! love u!

~ JC 🎀 🎀 ~

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