More Trouble In The Way!

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*intro song is Sonic the hedgehog 06 wave ocean music* *Josh and freezer are flying* Freezer: *moving his arm* Better... *Throws a punch* Josh: I call dibs on this asshole for making us travel... We when from a normal place to snow... I hate the cold... It's annoying... Freezer: True... You get use to it... *Sees a tree with apples* Wanna get something to eat? Josh: ... No... I want his head... Freezer: You gotta eat... Come on... Josh: fine... *They fly to the tree* Freezer: *pulls on off the tree, perfect beautiful apple* We need to take one of these back home this would be nice to have! Save money! Josh: Just take the seeds... *Grabs one* Freezer: Alright hold on... *Makes a small little ki blade with his finger, cuts it open, it's wooden* Huh...? There is nothing in it... It's wood! *Turns to Josh* Josh: *looks like he is choking, his apple has a bite in it* Agh... Freezer: dammit Josh! *About to help him, Josh pushes him back* stop! Let me help! It's not the time for that! Josh: *kicks freezer back* Freezer: Josh you-!! Josh: *a hand comes out of his mouth* Freezer: What the...? *Another hand comes out, both hands grabs the sides of his mouth, starts to push them apart* No!! *Grabs the hands and pulls the thing out, it has veins on it's legs, the veins are long that led to Josh's throat, attached to the back of Josh's throat* ???: *Around a baby's size* Heheh... Thanks for the energy... *Josh twitches with a muffled grunt, josh gets skinny alittle bit, ???'s body gets bigger* Freezer: Let go of him! *Charges a ki blast, about to shoot the veins* ???: I wouldn't if I was you! You cut the line his life energy pours out like a juice pack and he will die! Freezer: then I will kill you... *Crushes the ki blast, smoke comes from freezer's hand, freezer's face is blank and intimidating* *JoJo's Bizarre Adventure star dust crusaders danger draws near theme plays* ???: ...!! You dare threat me!? Freezer: You don't touch my family... ???: *Growls, sucks more energy from Josh, milking him for energy* Rrrrrrrr... *Slowly growing to a good 5"10, looks like the blue girl jiren one punched with a shock wave but a guy* how about you try that now... Freezer: *still serious face* If you insist... *punches him in the chest, ??? Grunts and stumbles back* ???: Agh! Shit! What are you!? Freezer: Someone you shouldn't test... *??? Tries to juice Josh more but freezer punches him across the face, ??? Stumbles back but falls down* I'm warning you... If you keep hurting my brother i will make you regret it... ???: I am one of the strongest on planet pumdem!! You think I fear you!? Freezer: your planet must be weak... ???: I'm the mighty Mikuco!!! How dare you!!! *Charges at freezer face* Freezer: *eyes narrow, dodges him him by a little bit* Mikuco: DIE!! *throws punches like crazy* Freezer: *dodging them all* Stop it... You are making yourself look like a idiot... Mikuco: *Powers up more* ARE YOU SURE!?!? *Punches hard as hell* Freezer: *blocks it with one finger, that hard ass punch was nothing to freezer* Mikuco: *starting to get scared* How!? How are you so strong!? Freezer: Training myself instead of taking someone else's power and don't even know how to use it like a moron... Mikuco: You aren't shit! NOTHING BUT TRASH!! *powers up more, milking Josh more, Josh is really skin* Freezer: *eyes shrink and shake, getting pissed* Mikuco: *flies in and throws punches freezer* Freezer: *dodging them with ease* *jumps back* Return the power now... Final warning... Mikuco: NEVER!! YOU SEE THE POWER NOW!!! YOU ARE SCARED!!! Freezer: ... Mikuco: DIIIIIIE!!! *flies in fast, uppercuts him hard, shock wave* Freezer: *his head is looking up, Mikuco is still in the uppercut pose, chuckles* ... *Slowly looks down at mikuco* Mikuco: Huh!? *Scared face* Freezer: *gets a green aura* *JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable Another face, same mind theme plays but only the creepy dubstep part* I told you multiple times to not mess with me but you decided to keep playing with me and kill my brother more and more... it officially has pissed me off... *His power is so strong it paralyzes Mikuco* Mikuco: *trying to talk but can't, slowly crawls back* Freezer: *slowly walks to him* And I think it's time to dispose of you... Mikuco: P-P-P-PLEASE DONT!!!! IM SO SORRY!!!! DONT KILL ME!!!! *Sends Josh's energy back to Josh* THERE IM SORRY!!!! AT THE END ALL I NEEDED WAS HIS POWER TO GIVE ME LIFE AND I COULD RETURN IT!!!! *cuts the cord* SEE!?!? Freezer: it's too late for you... *Walks up to him slowly* Josh: *wakes up* Huh...? *Looks over* Mikuco: PLEASE!!!! I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS!!!! Freezer: you should have thought of them first before messing with the wrong person... *Fear in Mikuco's eyes, freezer raises his hand and grabs his face and a big explosion happens, turning him into dust, not a since bit of him left* Josh: *shocked, eyes are small and shaking* Freezer: *he lowers his hand and head, the green aura fades* You saw that... Didn't you...? Josh: y-yeah... Freezer: ...I'm sorry... Josh: ... Freezer: I know... Don't tell Azura... This stays between us... Josh: what made you do that...? Freezer: That rage side that you see...? *Shows the flash back of him losing his mind and becoming a green giant* The green form... It's what I found out when I was on a different planet alone when blue stayed home... *Shows him at 12 years old, on a planet getting bullied by Saiyans* *he stands up and kills one of them, out of rage, at first he feels horrible, the Saiyans freak out but after a bit they attack him again, at this point he has no chose and starts to kill, after a bit it feels good to him, getting a green blood thirsty aura, blows up a Saiyan's head, blood gets on his face, he licks his lips, cleaning the blood off his lips* *goes back to current day, freezer crouches* I don't want to be like that!! Josh: freezer it in our blood... You gotta let that go... Freezer: it's not right! Josh: except it... Me... Iroh... And I'm sure if he's out there Neko too... I'm also sure kitten too... Frost demons kill... There will be slip ups... Come on... *Helps him up like a big bro* Freezer: ... Ok... *Stands up* Kuro: Hey! *The Androids show up* good to see you two... Where you two just attacked? Freezer: yeah but it was dealt with... Josh: badly... Freezer: let's continue... *They all walk together* *outro is Undertale OST 92 Reunited*

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