*Far away on a planet called Blizzard, Age 717* *a tall frost demon is showed running in a village to a house, he gets to his house, he looks scared for his life while he breaths hard*
Freezer(Father): ELIZABETH!! *opens the door to the house*
Elizabeth(Mother): Freezer!? Is that you!?
Freezer(Father): He's coming! Moscow! The god of destruction!
Elizabeth(Mother): What!? Why!?
Freezer(Father): I'm not sure but he is coming so we need the boys and Kitten off this planet!
Elizabeth(Mother): Iroh is currently taking over a planet with a team! Neko was set out to train in the military for the big heist on planet #2076 and Josh tagged along even though he is underaged! Lil freezer is still in his crib and Kitten is still in her pod not even ready to come out!
Freezer(Father): Take them and go to the basement and get the space pods and send them away so they are safe... I need to meet my father with the god... *Runs out and flies to the castle, shows him running to the castle, Dragon ball super broly paragus' rage theme plays*
Elizabeth(Mother): *runs to freezer and Kitten* Come on you two... We need to get you out of here... *Holds freezer in one hand and takes Kitten out of the pod in the other* *she runs and starts the pods up* *puts freezer in one and Kitten in the other* If everything goes well I know for a fact your father and Grandpa will come and get you two! I promise! If everything goes bad I need you two to survive and continue our race! *Hand on freezer's pod* *looks over at Kitten and does the same* I love both of you! *Freezer puts his hand on the pod glass, tears up* *Sends them away, they shoot away* *it goes to the castle*
Blizzard(Grandfather): Moscow! What a honor to have you here! *Gets on his knee and bows* *everyone does the same*
Moscow: *Beep and Boop*
Campaari(Angel): He said that your race is a threat to the universe and you need to be destroyed. As soon as possible.
Blizzard(Grandfather): No-! We aren't through-! We have been following your every word! We will never step out of your orders!
Moscow: *Beep and Boop*
Campaari: He said he won't take chances. The Frost Demon King Cold in universe 7 is growing by the second.
Freezer(Father): No I can't let you! *Stands up* You can't just kill us when we are following your orders and not stepping out of line! If I can kindly say, I think you should reconsider!
Blizzard(Grandfather): Freezer! Back down now!
Freezer(Father): No I won't have it!
Blizzard(Grandfather): Freezer!! As your king and not your father! Back down!!
Freezer(Father): Never! *Throws a punch but it freezes before it hits him, his eyes shrink*
Moscow: *Beep and Boop*
Campaari: "Point proven"... *Moscow opens his hand and drops a small ki blast into the planet, it starts to crack the ground and lava starts to shoot out everywhere* *dragon ball super broly bardock falls theme plays*
Blizzard(Grandfather): *gets taken by the lava, screams in pain*
Freezer(Father): FATHER!! *Turns to Moscow* YOU ASSHOLE! *Charges a one handed ki blast, his ki is black* YOU WILL DIE BY MY HAND!! *shoots it at Moscow, does nothing to him* *Planet starts to shake and mini volcanoes start to explode all over the place*
Moscow: *chest opens* Your race must die... Rather you like it or not... *Shoots him in the chest, instantly kills him*
Freezer(Father): *white eyes and lifeless* ........ *falls over*
Moscow: *goes back into the robot suit, him and Campaari teleport out*
Elizabeth(Mother): *feels the shaking* Oh no... Freezer... *Tears up, shows the planet, nice and blue, explodes* *the two pods are shown flying away from it, Kitten goes right and freezer starts heading left* *freezer pod crash lands on to a far away planet known as #3001, looks like earth* *pod is messed up*
???: huh? *A white female majin with blue eyes see it* Is that a pod? *Walks over and sees him* Hey little guy... Are you lost?
Freezer(Baby): *doesn't know anything, all he does is tilt his head* Blueberry: My name is blueberry... I will take care of you until someone comes for you... *Picks him up* *sees his name on the pod* Everything will be ok... *says "Freezer"* Lil freezer... *Walks away from the pod into a city* *skips to him turning 18* *Super smash Bros ultimate Id (purpose) remix theme plays*
Freezer: Blue!~ *Charges and throws a punch at her* RAAAHHH!!
Blueberry: *catches his punch, around raditz strength* You are so strong now!~ I'm so proud!~
Freezer: Heheh!~ I told you I will be the strongest person who ever lived!~ *Punches twice* *she dodges but catches one, it makes a heavy shock wave*
Blueberry: I would love to see a god of destruction collar around you one day!~ But you must be determined because that will take so many years to get!~
Freezer: Trust me!~ I will get it and use my power for good!~ Now then!~ Let me show you my power!~ *Charges a black Kamehameha* RRRAAAHHH!!! *she dodges the blast* *it goes there mountains*
Blueberry: *shocked face* You are alot stronger then I thought-
Freezer: Heheh! Don't sleep on me blue! *Powers up more* I'm just getting started! *Charges at the screen, as he does instead of showing him fight it transitioned to a ship flying to the planet* *dragon ball super dystopian future theme plays* *in the ship*
???: this planet is good...
Minion: Are you sure my Lord...?
???: it's perfect... *Smiles*
Minion: It wont know what hit them Lord shade...
Shade: Shall we? *Points to land*
Minion: Of course my lord! *Flies into the planet*
Freezer: *feels his power enter the area* Woah...
Blueberry: That isn't good... Who could that be...?
Freezer: for a second I thought it was a friend of yours since you are strong...
Blueberry: I may know alot of people around the city but whoever comes into the planet like this isn't good...
Freezer: Let's go see... I gotta see who is the one with all this power... *Flies*
Blueberry: Freezer! *Flies after him*
freezer: *sees the ship* Woah! That's so cool!! *Lands* You can't tell me that a ship that looks like a spider isn't evil! That's so bad ass!
Blueberry: No freezer it's time to go home!
Freezer: You can't be serious blue really!?
Blueberry: Yes I said so!
Freezer: Aww man... You are a buzz kill... *Floats behind her but once she isn't looking he flies to the ship*
Blueberry: So what do you want to eat tonight? *Silence* I understand you are mad but please understand that it's dangerous... Now please... What do you want to eat...? *Silence* Freezer... *Turns, sees him gone* Freezer!?
Freezer: *flies into the ship* Hello?
Minion: Oh no! Who is that!?
Shade: ... Trash... I will handle it... *slowly stands*
Freezer: Hello! You in here!? *Walks around* This ship looks like a Mario kart track... Cool... *Touches the walls, heads into a room* What is this...? *Healing pod is just sitting there next to a random table out of place* So is he a scientist? *Turns his back on the table* *suddenly the table does a pixel effect and Shade rises from it and the table disappears, shade punches him through his ship window and makes him hit a building*
Freezer: Owy... Fuck me... *Flops onto the floor*
Shade: *floats to him, looks like a human, black hair and gray skin* Who are you...? And what makes you think you can be on my ship...?
Freezer: *stays laying there* First of all you just messed up a good building that belongs to a guy named Luigi and now I might get beat by blueberry but that's ok...
Shade: Just stay out of my way... I have business to handle here... I wont hesitate to kill you... take this as me being generous...
Freezer: *Gets up, dusts himself off* Ok buddy I dont know who you are but you are not welcome here because you clearly are evil and personally I'm in the mood to kick someone's ass! *hits his right fist into his left hand*
Shade: Who do you think you are...?
Freezer: Why dont you come and find out... *cracks his knuckles*
Shade: *shoots a beam fast, freezer sticks his right hand out, makes it into a ball and shoots it back, grazes shade, freezer round houses him*
Shade: *spins around and stumbles, he wipes his cheek* I'm not your buddy... Don't expect to live through this...
Freezer: I must be constipated because I don't give a shit... You are in my turf and soon you will learn I'm not someone to mess with or this planet...
Shade: Hmph... *Turns into a chair*
Blueberry: Freezer!! *Flies in with puffed cheeks and cute mad eyes* Come home this instant!
Freezer: Blue I'm in a middle of my first fight!
Blueberry: *looks over* A chair...?
Freezer: Yeah he IS the chair!
Shade: *turns back to normal* ...
Freezer: That's embarrassing... Sorry about that...
Shade: *not amused, blank pissed face, shoots a finger beam at him*
Freezer: *dodges fast, with a redneck accent* You done pissed me off feller... *Powers up, Goku ss4 stance from xenoverse 2* Let's see what you got! *Charges goes for a punch* *dragon ball super believe in yourself theme plays*
Shade: *turns into a rock, dodges him, part of the rock forms legs and kicks him up, he teleports above him and hits him down to the planet and rains ki blast down*
Freezer: *flies through the blast and punches him in the face* Heh! You are strong! *Knees him* But I'm stronger! *Slams him into the ground*
Shade: Sure you are... *Teleports behind him and blast him point blank, freezer blocks it but is sent to the ground*
Freezer: *slides on the ground on his feet* Agh... *Lowers his block, gets punched as he lowers his guard, hits a mountain, shade flies to him, grabs his face and starts dragging him across the wall*
Freezer: *screams in pain before powering up and blowing him back from the power up* *breaths hard a bit* you aren't bad...
Shade: You surprise me... But it won't be enough...
Freezer: Let's see when I get serious... *Charges, before shade can react, freezer teleports behind him, shade turns around surprised abit, Freezer punches him in the stomach and shoots a ki blast with his fist that is in his stomach, sends him flying*
Shade: *growls a bit, as he stops the blast, freezer teleports in front of him and starts to throw punches like a mad man to make him panic and mess up his guard, shade starts to mess up, freezer upper cuts him and kicks him in the chest, he shoots a few ki blast that track him* *shade flies around to dodge and lose them*
Shade: You are annoying me! *Powers up* You will suffer for what you just did!
Freezer: Sure buddy I will... *Smirks*
Shade: Hmph! *Shoots tracking ki blast like crazy* RRRRAAAAHHHH!!!
Freezer: *does back flips to dodge, slow motion shows the blast going over and under him* Damn I'm good... *stops flipping and charges a black Kamehameha* KA! ME! HA! ME! HAAAAAAAA!!!!! *Shoots it up towards all the blast*
Shade: *Growls* No! Your power won't one up me! *Teleports to freezer which is in mid Kamehameha*
Freezer: What the-!? *Gets punched in his stomach with a huge shock wave* *shade begin to punch him like a mad man out of rage*
Freezer: *starts to get mad* That's it buddy! *Catches his fists* *they have a grapple war/wrestle with their hands locked* You are starting to piss me off!
Shade: You just don't know when to die!
Freezer: Personally I never have died! *Both power up more and more*
Blueberry: *mad, flies back to yell at him* This kid-! *Sees them and freaks out* Oh No-!!
Shade: I'm done playing games! *Stronger then him, freezer can't pull his hands away, shade slams him on the ground so hard he bounces*
freezer: *screams in pain*
Shade: *while freezer flies up from the slam, makes his fist into a big hammer and hits him up*
Freezer: *flies up so high he almost leaves the planet* agh... Fuck... *Looks around* damn what a hit... *Flies down fast* *hands together* Ka...Me...Ha...Me... *Lands in front of shade*
Shade: *makes his hand into a sword and stabs him*
Freezer: *eyes shrink and grunts in pain* *goes to his knee* N-n-no... *the Kamehameha starts to fade*
Shade: *throws him into a mountain* This is it-!! *Shoots a purple ki beam into the mountain* *huge purple cloud* *clouds fade with Freezer laying there*
Freezer: *not moving*
Shade: *breaths hard* trash will always be trash... *Walks to him* *couches next to him* should have fucked off... *Before he can get up, freezer grabs shade's shirt*
Freezer: No you... *Hand glowing with the kamehameha*
Shade: What the...!?
Freezer: *Point blank one handed black Kamehameha* HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Shade: WHAT!?!?
Freezer: *sends him out of the planet, breaths hard* Dammit... That was tougher than I thought... *Flops*
Blueberry: You actually did it! *Runs and hugs him*
Freezer: Fuck my wounds right!?
Blueberry: Sorry! Let's get to the house fast! *Picks him up and take him to the house* *skips to the house in a pool of healing water* I will say... You did great out there... this water isn't the normal drinking stuff so dont drink it... it has the ability to heal...
Freezer: I didn't want to kill him but I guess it's ok... Not really in my code... Killing isn't cool...
Blueberry: people force others to do so... It's ok...
Freezer: Yeah... True... Thanks for the water...
Blueberry: Of course... What did you want to eat?
Freezer: Anything but make sure there is a lot because I'm starving... Heheh... *Goes to space*
Shade: Agh... *On the edge of dying* *his ships picks him up and flies away* (To Be Continued...)

FanfictionI wanted to rewrite it and add more filler and love, I was writing a jojo's bizarre adventure story and I ended up becoming a better writer so I'm moving the story to another story slot so if you actually love what I was doing with this one then ple...