Big Brother In Action!

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*intro song is Beyond the speed of/ windy hill from Sonic runners* *dragon ball hyperbolic time chamber stage music* *Freezer and Iroh are standing in a open field, windy blowing, grass going with the wind* Freezer: You wanna see me in action? You got it... *Stretches* I'm pretty strong... *Smirks* Iroh: If you can beat Josh already I won't even come close to sleeping on you... *Smiles* My little brother is stronger then his older brother... Some power... Freezer: *goes all out in base form, powering up hard* Iroh: *smiles as he watches* Freezer: RRRRRR!!! *at full power, screams but as his scream ends the rocks hit the ground* ... I'm ready... Iroh: Very good! But I'm better! *Powers up hard* HMPH! *Powers up, coming up on Freezer's power fast* *focusing* *stops* I am ready too... *Hes stronger then Freezer* Freezer: *smiles* Iroh: Im coming to you! *Flies at him fast* Freezer: *eyes widen* ...! Iroh: *punches* Freezer: *blocks it but flies far, does a back flip and lands* Shit... *Arms sting* Iroh: *flies in, sweeps his legs* Freezer: *falls but shoots a ki blast at the floor to fly up and dodge Iroh's kick* *Freezer flies at him but uses Instant transmission behind him and kicks him on his side* Iroh: *flies back but stops himself, shoots a ki blast, teleports* Freezer: *catches it but holds it to throw it back but before he can it blows up blinds him* Shit! Iroh: *flies in and drop kicks Freezer right in the stomach* Freezer: *spit effect before flying and rolling into a mountain* *suddenly flies at him and punches him across the face* Iroh: gagh... Not bad... *Uppercuts him on his chest, lifts him as he punches him and punches him back far* *dusts his hands off* You two have a long way before getting to me! Freezer: *smirks and chuckles* Iroh: Huh? Freezer: JISATSU!! *does a hard power thrust, explosion of blue ki* *dragon ball super believe in yourself theme plays* Iroh: Huh? Freezer: Hmph! *Smirks* Come at me big bro! Iroh: Hm... *Loses smile* You are even stronger than I thought... Freezer(Jisatsu): *teleports behind him* Yeah... Iroh: Huh? *Before he can turn around Freezer punches him far back* Agh... Freezer(Jisatsu): Come! *Punches his palm, holds his fist there* Let's go! Iroh: Fine... *Deep breath* *aura goes from spikey black into a black and purple smokey looking* Freezer(Jisatsu): There is the "shadow"... Iroh(Shadow): So you know...? Freezer(Jisatsu): Yeah Mr Akumu... Akumu: *comes out* Yeah We Fought Him... Iroh(Shadow): *gets serious* Don't you ever get me confused asshole... Got it? Akumu: You Got It Boss... *Goes back in* Iroh(Shadow): *goes back to being calm* Ready? Freezer(Jisatsu): Yeah! *Powers up* Iroh(Shadow): *Powers up hard, smokey aura gets crazy, runs at him fast* Freezer(Jisatsu): *dodges him and punches him* Iroh(Shadow): *doesn't really move much, pushes his face against the punch, punches him in the face, sends Freezer flying, Iroh shoots ki blast like crazy, the blast fly in different directions but it's tracking him, they fly in from different sides* Freezer(Jisatsu): *makes a ki shield around him, explosion* Iroh(Shadow): You better not be down! *Fast flash from the smoke straight through him, Iroh gasps with a spit effect, Freezer is behind him, in Jisatsu x25* *dragon ball super fierce battle against a mighty foe theme plays but other the dramatic beginning like when Vegeta landed a punch on jiren* Freezer(Jisatsu x25): No... I'm not... *Smirks and kicks him on the back of his head, he flies through mountains* Iroh(Shadow): Agh... How...? Freezer(Jisatsu x25): Because... Alittle friend I like to call Jisatsu... Iroh(Shadow): But you already been using that... Freezer(Jisatsu x25): Jisatsu isn't just a form I can go into... It's more complicated than that... It's a form that I can multiply and the higher I go the move power I get but the more likely I am too die... Jisatsu is a power up using the ki near your heart... Use too much and that ki will get more crazy and spike up which eventually will strike you heart and kill you... If anything this isn't my limit... I still have ways to go... *Powers up and flies at him, the music kicks up* *Freezer punches him 5 times fast, final punch is hard and heavy, sends Iroh through the wall, flies in and kicks Iroh in the face, Iroh grabs his leg and swings him around, throws him into a mountain but Freezer flies back instantly and punches him in the face, Iroh growls and power up, Iroh grabs Freezer's horn and punches him, shock waves, Freezer gasps, spit effect, Freezer does a fast Kamehameha and shoots it into Iroh chest, sending him far back into a mountain* Iroh(Shadow): Time to get serious... *His smokey aura gets huge* That's for the fun brother... Freezer(Jisatsu x25): Oh it's not over... *Smirks, his blue aura explodes, Jisatsu x50* Iroh(Shadow): Huh!? Freezer(Jisatsu x50): I told you not to sleep on me... *Powers up hard* RRRRAAAAHHHH!!!! *stops* ... FULL POWER!!!! *aura explodes, Freezer flies at Iroh fast like a bullet, punches him so hard in his stomach he folds like a piece of paper* RRRRRRRRAAAHHH!!!! *Throws him with the punch into a mountain, Iroh smacks it and the mountain falls on him* *Freezer goes into base* Full power... That's it... *Breaths hard* Iroh: *in base form, grunts, stands* Not too bad... *holds stomach* That was one hell of a punch... Fuck... *Runs his stomach* If you didn't do that this fight would have lasted years... We seem tied... Freezer: What? That was so a win! Iroh: But I can still go... Freezer: Same! *Both transform and growl* Josh: *watches from far away, growling* *speed walks over* You two aren't the best!! Move over!! *Goes into "Raw Power"(not the final name)* I am!! Iroh(Shadow): We will see... They didn't call me ninja go no reason me... Freezer(Jisatsu x50): yeah... *All three are in a circle, looking each other down, all at the same time they punch and clash fist* *outro is can't help falling in love on a Kalimba*

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