The Girl With Hope!

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*intro song is Beyond the speed of/ windy hill from Sonic runners* *everyone is standing there with their hands out, everyone is breathing hard* *saisho and freezer sit down* Saisho(Future): *hugs freezer* *Undertale OST 92 Reunited Theme plays* Dad...? Is that real you...? *Basically crying* Freezer: *hugs her* *tears up* You are so big...~ Wow...~ ... I'm sorry I wasn't here to stop him... Saisho(Future): *kisses his cheek* 10 years of pain isn't going to disappear just sitting here!~ I have hope again to bring back everyone!~ Even mom!~ *helps freezer up* Freezer: Saisho... Saisho(Future): No time!~ I know about these things called dragon balls!~ they apparently bring back anyone from the dead and grants other stuff!~ Freezer: Huh...? Wait I- *cuts him off* Saisho(Future): I know!~ get mom back!~ let's go!~ *flies off* Freezer: *hand out to her when she flies off* Fuck... *Flies after her* *they get to a Namekian planet* Saisho(Future): *walks into the village* *Namekians welcomes her and cheers* Hello!~ Everyone! This is my father!~ Freezer!~ *all of them look surprised, then bow to him* Freezer: Um... What...? Saisho(Future): I told them all about you... You are my hero...~ *smiles* Freezer: Hey hey hey hey! I'm not that cool! I mean... I'm pretty incredible... Saisho(Future): *laughs, hugs him, then makes him raise his lift hand* *they cheer* Freezer: Woah... I make this many people happy...? Saisho(Future): Dad... You are a hero...~ you defended us... Gave your life up... Freezer: I did what now? Saisho(Future): You must have had your head hit hard!~ you saved us all from brieze!~ Oh and if you guys didn't feel that beautiful power! We killed brieze!!!~ *everyone cheers like crazy* Thanks to my dad coming back!!!~ *makes him lift his other hand* Freezer: Oh fuck... *Puts on a fake smile* Saisho(Future): Let's go home dad!~ Freezer: Home...? *She takes his hand and runs* *they make it to a house, looks basically the same as the one he built in his timeline* Woah... Saisho(Future): Copy and paste!~ made it myself!~ Freezer: You did this... All by yourself...? Saisho(Future): Mmmhmm!~ Freezer: That means you stayed doing what you love! Making stuff!~ Saisho(Future): *Laughs* Then you will be surprised!~ *hits a button on the wall, a robot comes out, skinny body with a big TV head* Dad! This is Summer!~ my robot that I told you that I was going to make!~ Summer: *a smiley face pops up on the TV, he waves* Freezer: Woah...~ Summer...? THE box robot Summer...? Summer: *nods* Freezer: *says "Woah" that has a chuckle mixed in* Wow!~ Saisho(Future): Here dad!~ *grabs his arm and walks him through the house* *Undertale OST 12 Home theme plays* Dad...~ *opens a door* This is your room...~ *it's a copy and paste of his and Azura's room* Freezer: ... *Sad face, walks in, slowly moves his hand over the sheet, walks over to a picture of him, azura and saisho, picks it up, tears up* Look at that family...~ I miss mine... Saisho(Future): It's coming back dad...~ *sits down on the bed, pulls him down to sit, hugs him* I know dad... I thought I lost you and Mom forever... But... *Hugs harder* You always come back... You promised me... Just like when you saved me and the Namekians... Freezer: *his eyes widened with tears* Saisho(Future): I been living with the Namekians for 10 years... The Saiyans took me in but told me that the Namekians wouldn't mind taking me in and it's safer... So I moved here... Focused on what I loved... Building... There wasn't a day I didn't think about you and Mom telling me how proud you were to see my work grow... I was hoping you would be back so you can see me build Summer since you helped me Make him... You loved him... Like if he was my brother...... *Starts to cry* I missed you so much dad... Im so sorry I lost hope on you! I won't ever do it again!! Freezer: *hugs her tightly* I... I'm... Saisho(Future): What dad...? Freezer: *holds back* Let's get this family back then... *Smiles* Saisho(Future): *tears up badly, hugs him* Freezer: *while he hugs her, he loses his smile* *smiles again as they stop hugging* Saisho(Future): Let's go...~ they should be close to having all dragon balls...~ Freezer: Sounds good pumpkin... Saisho(Future): *tears up more* Pumpkin...~ I missed that so much...~ I will let you fix up...~ *walks out of the room* Freezer: *as she leaves, he sits down on the bed* ... *In his head* She's... She's ruined... All over this... This fuck up with brieze... *Lays back on the bed, tears up* I need to tell her but not now... At this point I don't think ever... This timeline is so trashed to the point I don't think there will ever be a good time... It would destroy her... *Runs his right hand on the bed* She made everything copy and paste... To cope with the pain... The exact same cloth for the blanket... Everything... That promise... I know I did that promise so she would leave that fight... But if she finds out I didn't keep it... *Stops thinking to himself for Abit* it's not like I could leave this timeline anyways... *Puts his right hand on his chest* If this truly becomes my life thanks to plague... At least it's to stop Saisho from getting hurt... *Stops and stares at the roof, after alittle bit* What am I talking about... I need to get home... With my real family... It's not the same... She would hate me though... I just messed this place up... Badly... I just need to tell her... *Rolls onto his side* this... Isn't... My... Home... *Falls asleep* *afew hours pass* Saisho(Future): Dad!~ We found-!!~ *sees he's asleep, smiles, walks over, covers him up* *kisses his head* I love you Dad...~ welcome home...~ *walks to the door* Rest well...~ *turns the light off and walks out* *Outro is can't help falling in love on a Kalimba*

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