Royal Guards Block The Way!

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*intro song is Sonic the hedgehog 06 wave ocean music* *they are walking together, freezer is look down* Kuro: are you ok freezer? Freezer: Y-yeah... Just... I messed up... Kuro: what...-? *Gets cut off* Josh: Shut up... Why are you two even here...? Luse: To help you dumbass... You can't do everything... Josh: Never seen someone stop me... Luse: you have almost died so many times what do you mean!? Kuro: Luse just drop it... He's stubborn... Luse: Why? Someone needs to tell him how stupid he is! Josh: *growls* Freezer: knock it off... Luse: he's going to die one day and I will love it... Josh: you want to be put into your place again 9 years ago like when we first met!? Luse: *gets in his face* I like to see you try... Kuro: *gets between them* Guys come on! Not now! Josh: ... *throws a punch* Kuro: *gets in the way, gets hit alittle bit but mainly gets pushed away by it* Luse: *catches it* ... Freezer: Stop it... Luse: *throws a punch* Josh: *catches it, fists are locked in eachother hands* *they put more power, crater forms under them* Freezer: STOP IT... *They both growl, the ground shakes abit, both let go of each other's hands and throw one punch that clashes* Freezer: THATS ENOUGH!! *Green aura explodes* *slowly raises his hands, does the Star Wars battlefront 2 Anakin Skywalker move Retribution* *chokes them and throws them back* YOU GUYS NEED TO CUT THIS SHIT OFF NOW!! *His green aura looks like fire* Josh: *holds his throat* Luse: *grunts* Freezer: *loses the aura, looks at his hands* I... I need to visit Kronus... My rage... It's just being released for no reason... I never been so mad before... This feeling is awful... 13 years of peace... but all of a sudden this rage... my anger... I can't go back home like this... Kuro: freezer it's fine... Freezer: it's not... It really isn't... It makes no sense to me... I have controlled my anger for years even close to death... But this little shit awakens it... He's doing something... I think he's bringing it out... Kuro: could be... Josh: ... *Gets up and keeps walking* Freezer: I'm sorry... Luse: *gets up* Me too... *Continues to walk too* *after a few hours they get to the ship* Freezer: There... *All of them are shoulder to shoulder, they take a step forward with their left foot, dramatic* Luu: *walks out of the ship, beat up badly* Agh... Dammit... They found me... Guards! Protect me with all your might! *4 of them roll out of the ship like Sonic, stop and all stand, they look like frieza soldiers but they have long sleeves and pants, there pants and sleeves have enough armor to turn into a ball and roll* Freezer: Stop right there! Luu: *stops but keeps walking* Kill them... *They guards power up* Kuro: woah... These guys are actually strong... Royal Guard(1): As royal Guards we must be at our strongest... Defending Luu is my life... Royal Guard(2): Our life... Royal Guard(3): exactly... Royal Guard(4): You four are in the way of making my life good... Royal Guard(2): OUR life... Royal Guard(3): Exactly... Royal Guard(1): And once dead... The cash will come in and my life will change... Royal Guard(2): OUR LIFE... Royal Guard(3): Exactly... Royal Guard(4): Now stop ruining my life and die! Royal Guard(2): For the love of God... OUR LIFE! Royal Guard(3): EXACTLY! Josh: Let's get this over with... *Powers up* Luse: *Powers up* Kuro: *Powers up* Freezer: *Powers up* Royal Guard(1): Guards! To defend our life! We must kill the targets! *All of them pull out fencing swords* *dragon ball fighters destroyed planet namek theme plays* Royal Guard(2): OUR LIF- wait no you got it... Royal Guard(1): ATTACK!! *they all basically teleport in everyone's face* Josh: *eyes shrink* This speed-!! *Forms ki on his arm, they clash sword and arm* Royal Guard(2): You have some techniques! *Does a 360 spin with a slice, basically making a tornado, Josh moves out of the way and shoots a ki blast at him, but it reflects back at him, he rolls out of the way, makes a ki aura around his fist, flies in and punches the sword, shattering it and punching guard 2 across the face* Kuro: *barely dodging Royal Guard(4)* How are you weaker than me but you are still fast!? Royal Guard(4): People like you think it's nothing but power but little do you know-!! *Does fast slices, cuts a star into his chest* ITS NOT ALL ABOUT THAT!! *kicks him back, blood squirts from the star shape* Kuro: Gaaagghh!! *Slides back* Royal Guard(3): Come on!! *Stabbing at luse fast* I know you wanna fight! Luse: *growls* Fucking weapons! *Shoots the guard's hand, he drops it* Come on... Show me... Put them up... Royal Guard(3): *smiles* Gladly... *Darts at him fast, luse's eyes shrink, barely blocks him* Royal Guard(3): I will bring the heat! *Does fast punches all over luse, luse blocks it, after a bit the guard starts to hit him in his pressure points* Luse: agh... *His vision gets blurry* Royal Guard(3): *smiles* easy! *Punches one last time on his pressure point* *knocks him off his feet, slowly falling* I... I was... T-too relaxed... *Flops* Freezer: *trying to stay calm, dodging guard 1* Royal Guard(1): You are a tough one huh? *Keeps swinging his sword* fight me! Quiet hiding! Freezer: *getting annoyed* Royal Guard(1): THEN DIE!! *gets twice as fast* Freezer: *gets his green aura, catches the blade with two fingers* Royal Guard(1): What the-!?!? *JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable Another face, same mind theme plays but the dubstep part* Freezer: *slowly looks at him* You really think you can defeat me what that little power...? Royal Guard(1): *scared but hides it* I'm the strongest in the Royal Guard! You can't beat me! Freezer: Let's see... *Flicks his head, sends him flying* Royal Guard(1): *stops rolling, the other guards see what happened, they back off* W-what are you...? Freezer: *slowly walks over to the guards* I'm what you get when you piss me the fuck off... Royal Guard(1): Please! I will give you all the money I own and my ship! Royal Guard(2): our shi-*gets cut off, freezer grabs his face and explodes him, nothing left behind* Kuro: FREEZER!!! *the guards scream* Freezer: *stares at them, slowly lowers his hand* Royal Guard(3): *glops* Exact-*gets cut off, freezer raise him and chokes him* Royal Guard(1): Leave him alone please!! It was me!! Royal Guard(4): He uses the same ki that would normally push people back but some how he has control of it and he has it around his neck!! How is that possible!? Josh: *just watches and except it* Freezer: *crushes his neck, snap noise as 3 flops dead* When you are reborn I hope you learn from your stupid mistakes and not mess with me again... Because I will give you a endless eternity dying to me...  Royal Guard(1): *basically crying* I'M SORRY!!! Freezer: since it was your doing... you can watch... *Walks over to guard 4* Royal Guard(1): NO!! *Tries to stand but he can't move since freezer made a ki shock wave on his body to keep him in place* Freezer: *slowly walks over, kicks guard 4's face upwards like a uppercut, he fall back, freezer gets on top of him and punches his face in over and over* Royal Guard(1): NOOOO!!! Freezer: *keeps punching, hears grunts, starts to get mad, punches even harder, starting to see his skull, freezer starts to head butt* Die! Die!! *does one hard one* DIE!!!! *he whole head shatters* Royal Guard(1): *crying* Freezer: and you... *Slowly stand up and walks over to him, freezer runs his face against guard 1's face, getting his brain and blood all over him* You will be the breaking point for your master! *It goes to Luu trying to start the ship but before he can the ship tips over Abit* Luu: what the!? *Looks at the cameras, one of the legs of the ship is broken off* How!? *Next to it is a headless body turned around with the shirt up, on his back says "look outside", Luu runs to the window, freezer standing there with a killer face, holding guard 1 by his hair, head only* B-boys... No... Freezer: *throws his head at the window, his head shatters on the window and cracking the window, blood and brains all over it* Luu: *scared, runs and starts up the ship and flies away* Freezer: *flies after it* Kuro: Luse!! *Runs to him* Josh: we gotta follow him! Kuro: Go! I can't leave luse! Josh: *flies after freezer* *Outro is Undertale OST 92 Reunited*

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