Party Crash!

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*intro song is Beyond the speed of/ windy hill from Sonic runners* *dragon ball super memories of time theme plays* Josh: *gets up with a grunts* That will be your last hit!! Lilith: ... Tournament Announcer: This ladies and gentlemen... Uhhh... Is uhhh... Josh: I'm done playing games with you Lilith!! Lilith: ... *Teleports in front of him, kicks him* Josh: *catches it with a growl* You are getting ahead of yourself... Lilith: ... *Throws a punch* Josh: *catches it also* I will make you regret that dumbass decision... Lilith: ...? *dragon ball super the ultimate tag team theme plays* Josh: *eyes narrow, spins her around, pulls his fist back, charges his fist by holding it back then throws it full force, loud punch with a shock wave* Lilith: *grunts for once, slides back, barely stops before flying off* Josh: *darts at her* Asshole!! *Punches her cross the face, she flies off the arena* Tournament Announcer: And thats-!!! Lilith: *teleports into the sky, Josh follows and they clash* Tournament Announcer: What the...? *Drops mic* Lilith: *ducks under punch, knees him in the chest* Josh: *grunts, grabs her thigh, spins her around doing a dragon throw* RRRRRRR!!! *Throws her far* HAAAAAAA!!! *teleports to where he threw her, hits her with the hardest elbow like Cell into the ground* Tournament Announcer: *gulps, quickly grabs mic* Enough!! That's good enough!! Josh wins!! *They one in shock, no celebration* Josh: Good... Lilith... Let's continue... Lilith: *gets up, eyes narrow, they both teleport, loud shock waves in the sky* *dragon ball frantic battle theme plays* *they teleport around each other fast before clashing* Saisho: Oh no... *Runs out of the stands, runs to the restroom, turns watch off, flies out through the top of the restroom* Uncl-!!! *Stops because she sees Freezer and azura out cold being taken away* DAD!! MOM!! Brieze: *turns fast* BRAT!! *Flies fast* Saisho: *looks straight up into the sky, at the top of her lungs* UNCLE!!!!! Josh: *catches Lilith's fist, punches her across the face at full power, kicks her into the ground, flies to saisho fast* What's wrong!? Saisho: Mom and Dad!! *Points* Josh: Brieze... *Flies after him fast* Brieze: *grunts as he flies fast* Josh: *teleports in front of him, grabs his face, slams him into the ground* I thought Iroh said to piss off... Brieze: That's when he was stronger then me... Josh: What did you say...? Brieze: *smiles, ki ropes go around him, shocks him* Heheh... Saisho: Get off him!! *Shoots a ki blast at Brieze, he looks at her and shoots a blast* Wyvern: *smacks it out of the way* *dragon ball xenoverse 2 tree of might theme plays* Get going princess... *Does a power up thrust, armor forms, throws her hand to the side, sword forms, points it at him* You crossed the line when you hurt Iroh... *Serious face* I will cut you up just like your Namekian friend... Brieze: *growls hard* PISS OF SHIT!! *shoots a mouth blast* Wyvern: BRING IT!!! *throat glows blue, blasts explodes out of her throat from going all out* looks like blue lava, ki blast smack each other* Brieze: *makes gargle noises before getting taken by wyvern's blast, hits a mountain and explodes* *before she can react he flies out of the cloud and punches her across the face* Wyvern: *growls, throws a hard punch* Brieze: Heheh... *Dodges, arm transforms into three fist and punches her hard with all three, she flies back far, arm turns into a cannon, shoots a huge ki blast at her* HAHAHAHA!!! Wyvern: *suddenly stops herself and grabs the blast* Agh... One of you need to wake up...!! Come on!! *Holding it* Freezer: Agh... *Slowly moves, sees azura* B-babe... *Strugglings to get up, gets up back falls to his knees, runs her cheek, upset face, then gets a serious face, slowly turns to the fight* Brieze... *Stands up, breaths in and out slowly, Powers up* Agh...! Jisatsu! *Blue aura, flies over* Wyvern: *ki armor starts to crack* Dammit-!! Freezer(Jisatsu): *charges a ki blast* HEY!! Brieze: Huh!? *Turns his head, sees freezer with a charged blast* Freezer!? Freezer(Jisatsu): Bitch move to sneak up on someone and beat on their family!! *Shoots the Kamehameha* HAAAA!!! *hits his back, huge black dome around him* Wyvern: *throws the blast to the side* *breaths hard* Freezer(Jisatsu): Are you ok wyvern? Wyvern: yeah... Just tired... But I got your back... *Serious face, repairs ki armor forms* Freezer(Jisatsu): Then let's finish him here... I had enough of him... Wyvern: He tired to hit saisho... I couldn't let It happen... He took down Iroh and Josh... Freezer(Jisatsu): Don't worry... He will see his friend soon... *Growls* You don't try to hurt my pumpkin... *Flies fast at Brieze* Brieze: Hmph... *Makes his hand into a huge Canon and fires a huge ki wave* *Freezer charges head on* Wyvern: Freezer!? Freezer(Jisatsu): *growls, lands right in front of it, catches it* get...!!! THIS...!!! TRASH POWER OUT OF MY WAY!!! *throws the ki blast up, flies at him fast* Brieze: HUH!? Freezer(Jisatsu): *punches them across the face, they fly through mountains* Wyvern: I guess he doesn't need my help... No wait he still can but it will be over kill... *Puts her hands together like final flash but shoots tracking ki blasts at him* Freezer(Jisatsu): *left hook, right hook, does a back flip, 5 fast ki blast hit him, Freezer tackles brieze to the ground, punches him over and over in the face, brieze dodges some but takes most of them* Freezer(Jisatsu): We warned you!! *Headbutts, makes brieze's nose bleed* but you didn't listen!! *Picks him up by his neck* And you will see!! *Throws him against the mountain, kicks him in his chest to make him stuck* Wyvern: I want some hit! *Shoots him with ki blast* Brieze: *screams in pain, breaths hard, laughs* Freezer(Jisatsu): *growls and punches him across the face* Why are you laughing!? Brieze: Because... I still have alot of fight in me... *Powers up, frees himself, throws the ki ropes, he catches them, shocks them* Freezer(Jisatsu): *screams, slowly fighting it, see wyvern screaming and pass out, gets pissed, growls and screams because going Jisatsu x50* *breaths hard, stumbles, falls down but gets up* *dragon ball super the ultimate tag team theme plays* *throws punches but each punch shoots huge ki blast* Brieze: *dodges then* Nice style... But will it be enough to handle me!? *Charges a ki blast from his Canon* HOLD THIS!! *shoots it* *outro is can't help falling in love on a Kalimba*

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