*intro song is Beyond the speed of windy hill from Sonic runners* *house view* Freezer: ok... *Zooms into the house* Josh: You got everything? Freezer: Yeah... Let's go... *Holds the jar and seal ticket* Azura you already know... Run if anything happens... Azura: *nods as she holds saisho* Freezer: *walks out* Josh: *follows* Freezer: Let's fly around around the mountains... There is no way they have a base in the city... Josh: You may not know... It's actually smart... Freezer: But it's like saying you want a hamburger but want to save the cows! It's stupid! Josh: I will go into the city... *Walks to it* Freezer: Take my watch so you don't get caught... Josh: it doesn't matter... Freezer: But they will think you are a alien and we will get in trouble! Josh: Didn't they see us during the battle with Luse, Kuro and Shai? Freezer: I think Kronus' little spell made them forget about us and the fight... Josh: Whatever... Freezer: Take the damn watch! *Throws it at his face, watch smacks Josh* Josh: Fucking fine!! *catches it before it falls, puts it on and twists it, turns into a human and growls* *walks off* Freezer: No flying!! *Flies to the mountains* *they look around but nothing* Freezer: *lands on the top of a mountain, sits down, relaxed* *hears foot steps* *dragon Ball super to regret theme plays* ... It's you... *Turns, it's Richard* Richard: ... *Head down* Freezer: What's up? Richard: ... *Twitches* Freezer: Hm? Richard: F-f-freezer... I'm sorry... *Head raises, eyes are red, dark aura forms* Freezer: No... Richard(Tekka Power Up): You must die... *Twitches again* Run p-p-please... *Twitches again, hand raises and charges a ki blast* *dragon Ball super frantic battle theme plays* Freezer: *grunts, does a back flip off the mountain, the top of it gets destroy* *rocks fall down, Freezer spins and flies around so he doesn't get hit, flies fast away* Richard(Tekka Power Up): *growls then scream, Powers hard and charges at him* DIE!! *shoots a ki beam, it scatters into multiple beams and they track him hard, Freezer spins and flies around* Freezer: Snap out of it Richard! I don't want to attack!! Richard(Tekka Power Up): RRRRRRRRAAAHHH!!! *throws a hard punch* Freezer: *barely dodges* *in his head* this force stuff makes them weak! That's why Shai isn't powerful! *Punches him in the stomach, knees him, head butts him* Richard(Tekka Power Up): *holds nose and stubbles back* RRRAAAHHH!!!! *throws another punch* Freezer: *takes it, on his head* I knew it... Richard(Tekka Power Up): *throwing punches over and over* RRAAHH RRRAAAHHH RRRRRRRRAAAHHH!!!! Freezer: *taking them* Heh... Richard(Tekka Power Up): HUH!?!? Freezer: *punches him in the stomach at full power base form* Richard(Tekka Power Up): AGH!! *steps back holding his stomach* Freezer: Sorry friend but let me save you... *Puts the vase down* *hands up* MAFUBA!!!! *dragon ball super desperate assault theme plays* *Mafuba catches him, Richard screams* I'm sorry!! But you left me no choice!! RRRRRRRRAAAHHH!!!! *Richard is completely in it* For now!! Just stay in here until you are fixed!! *Lefts it upwards, Richard's scream echoes* RRRRRRRRAAAHHH!!!! *swings his arms down, the beam flies down fast, right into the vase, breaths hard, runs to the vase and covers it* ... *Puts the ticket seal on it* ... Sorry buddy... *Picks him up, puts him into his pocket* I need another one... More like three... *Instant transmissions to Kronus* Kronus: *cleaning his house, Freezer appears, scares Kronus making him drop a vase* Freezer! Freezer: sorry! I need more vases! I have a friend! *Holds up Richard* Kronus: good! I will keep him here! *Puts him on the shelf* Here! *Gives him another vase* Freezer: I need two more! I can't put them all in one! Kronus: You can and sadly you broke one! I only had three! You said nothing about this one! Who is this? Freezer: Richard... He was good but they got him too... I can try though... Kronus: I wish you luck... Freezer: Thanks! *Runs out and flies fast* *he makes it to the mountains* So he attacked me around here... *Flies around* so they must be close... Shai(Tekka Power Up): close enough... *Shoots a ki blast* Freezer: *takes it, clouds* Shai(Tekka Power Up): hm... *Smirks* Freezer: *cloud clears, he's in Jisatsu x50* ... Shai... Enough... Shai(Tekka Power Up): Sure... *Shoots ki blast* Freezer(Jisatsu x50): *slowly dodges everything* *dragon Ball super time to strike back theme plays* ... Shai(Tekka Power Up): *gasps echoes* Freezer(Jisatsu x50): *Punches her in the face* *a strong power flies to him fast* ... Better be who I think it is... *Looks at her Powers up, flies to her, her eyes widen, he punches her so hard in the stomach she falls to her knees, puts her in a full nelson* Tell me where the others are... Shai(Tekka Power Up): Never! Freezer(Jisatsu x50): Fine... *His power feels weird* *fast as shit, Josh flies in with a super man punch to her chest* *her pupils fade, she gasps hard* *Josh backs up* Freezer: *goes to base and drops Shai* Told you ki signals were good... Josh: Hmph... Freezer: Now... Tell us Shai... Shai: Agh... It's... T-the final house at the end of the city... Freezer: So we were 50/50? Somewhat out of the city and in it... Josh: No it's in the city... Freezer: But its the furthest- Josh: Shut up! Let's go! Shai: I'm sorry... Freezer: Shai? *Looks at her, spell is gone, but comes back, she growls and tries to hit him* Shai... *Grabs her in a full nelson* Josh: *punches her across the face and knocks her out* Freezer: Josh! Josh: easier... Lets go... Freezer: ... Right... *Picks her up, they fly to the house* *Freezer puts Shai down* Ok... You get there attention and once they are close to Shai I will get them with the mafuba... Josh: ok... *Freezer jumps on top of the house to hide* *Josh Powers up hard* RRRRRRRRAAAHHH!!! Kuro(Tekka Power Up): *turns to it, luse does too, they nod at each other then run outside* Luse(Tekka Power Up): Shai! *Runs to her* Tekka: Get him! Kuro(Tekka Power Up): Asshole! *Runs and stands in front of them* Josh: why do this tekka? Revenge? Tekka: You killed my family... You will feel my pain asshole! Sold the planet! Josh: It was are parents... Tekka: If they aren't here to pay it... You will... Josh: But kill your own kind? Tekka: My kind? No... I'm a Saiyan! Josh: Where is your tail? Tekka: ... I'm not blood Saiyan but I was raised by saiyans... Josh: You aren't a Saiyan... You are earthling with horrible thoughts to kill others... Tekka: *growls* Kuro! Kuro(Tekka Power Up): I will kick your ass! Josh: sure you will... *Whistles* Freezer: *jumps off the house, puts the vase down and throws his hands up* MAFUBA!!!! *catches all three, they scream* *dragon Ball super genki dama theme plays* Kuro(Tekka Power Up): WHAT IS THIS!?!? Freezer: heh! It's something I like to call... Mafuba! But I rather call it Sealing The Deal! Luse(Tekka Power Up): THIS POWER!!! Freezer: You guys left me no choice but to seal you guys away until we find a way!! But for now! Stay in his vase!! *Lifts his hands up then swings his hands down, flies to the vase but sadly misplaced the vase and hits the rim of the vase* *Freezer gasps echoes* *loud shatter noise* *dragon Ball super jiren's tremendous power theme plays* Luse(Tekka Power Up): *gets up* Agh... Kuro... Get up... Kuro(Tekka Power Up): That move... It was terrifying... Luse(Tekka Power Up): Hints why we are going to do what master showed us... Kuro(Tekka Power Up): You mean...? Luse(Tekka Power Up): Yeah... *They both fly back* You two will know death! Kuro(Tekka Power Up): They will know more! *They both smile then put their hands to the opposite sides of each other* Freezer: What are they doing...? Josh: I don't like this... I have a bad feeling... Luse and Kuro: FUUUU- SION!! HAAAA!!!! *Fingers touch* *dragon Ball super jiren humiliates Goku theme plays* *They fuse* Freezer: Fusion ha? Josh: FREEZER DID THEY FUSED!?!? Tekka: *inside the house* Yes my creations! Go! *They glow, the light fades* ???: we are one... We are powerful... We are... Luro! *They power up, they blow the boys back* Freezer: WHAT KIND OF TRICK IS THIS!?!? WHY DIDNT KRONUS TEACH US THIS!?!? Josh: IM NOT SURE!! *The boys stand up* WE NEED TO STRIKE BACK!! Freezer: RIGHT!! *they rush in together and punch him, Freezer hits his left cheek and Josh hits his right* Luro: Fools... *Moves his face to looks at them, he smiles like a mad man and back hands him* MASTERS PLANS WILL COME TRUE!! *swings his arms out in a T pose, huge shock wave from just the movement, he puts his hands together in front of him, does a big bang Kamehameha* BIG BANG-!! KAMEHAMEHA!!!! *Huge blast to them* Freezer: JOSH!! *they both make a ki barrier* WE NEED MORE POWER!! Josh: DAMMIT!! *they both go all out* Freezer: TIMES 50!!!! Luro: I give you praise... BUT ITS NOTHING!! *puts more power* Freezer And Josh: RRRRRRRRAAAHHH!!! *the barrier shatters, they get taken by the blast* *they stand there in pain* Freezer(Jisatsu x50): Josh... Josh: Agh... Don't even... Let's go!! *Before Freezer flies in* No... Let's try fusion... Freezer (Jisatsu x50): ok! *They both try it* FUSION HA!!!! *They mess up* *they are fat* ???: Froser Here! Luro: *laughs* Go ahead... Do something! Froser: YAH!! *punches, actually hurt luro* Luro: What the!? Piss off! *Kicks him back, he bounces everywhere* Froser: We are strong! *Snores as he pulls up his pants* Luro: You are nothing! *Shoots a beam at him, froser flies far screaming* Froser: *runs back, breathing hard* That was a cheap shot! Just wait! I'm going to put you in the ground! *Powers up, farts* Oops! Luro: You disgusting!! *Punches him back, bounces and rolls* Froser: Agh... Dammit... Luro: You know what...? *Lowers his power* Use all your power! I will let you try fusion again... Tekka: No!! Froser: *growls, powers up to all out power, after abit of luro waiting they split* Freezer: Don't regret this!! *they try again* FUUUU-SION!! HA!!!! *they fuse* ???: alright... *Sparkles, back is turned* Luro: What the...? ???: We are one as well... We are... *Turns and Powers up* Fresh!! *Dragon ball z dokkan battle ss4 gogeta boss battle theme plays* Yeah! *Goes Jisatsu x50* *he rushes in* Luro: Hmph! *Shoots ki blast at him* *he spins around doing 360s* Fresh(Afterimage): *jumps over him, does a fake punch and misses* Luro: Huh...? Fresh(Jisatsu x50): RRRAAAHHH!!! *flies in and punches him as he wasn't looking, they fly through mountains* Luro: *growls, throws punches* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): *dodges all of them, kicks him back, knees him in the jaw, before he flies away he punches him a good 10 times fast as hell and kicks him back into a mountain, luro almost goes through it* Here! Hold this!! KAMEHAMEHA-!! HAAAAAAAA!!!! *shoots a huge beam at him* *huge explosion* Luro: *flies out from above* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): *flies in, looks like a bullet, punches him clean in the face* Come on give me a challenge!! *Makes a ki blade on his arm, punches downwards, slices his back, knees him in the face to bring him back up, uppercuts, grabs his feet as he is about to fly away, slams him into the ground and then dragon throwing him far away, he flies to him fast, two fast punches into a left kick 360 right into a mountain, dives kicks him through it* Luro: Agh... *Stands* Why are you so strong...? Fresh(Jisatsu x50): Because we are stronger... You are stupid to understand that... Do you give up...? Luro: Never... Fresh(Jisatsu x50): That's fine with us! *Smirks and does fast punches, left hook, right hook but spins with the right punch and does a 360 left kick to his head into another 360 right kick into a beautiful back flip, turns and shoves a ki blast into his chest and blows him back into a mountain, mountain falls on him* *Fresh jumps up* HAVE THIS!! *Shoots a lot of ki blast at him with a final flash pose* Luro: *blocks it* YOU WILL DIE RIGHT NOW!! *flies at him fast, has a aura that is protecting him, flies in and throws a punch, fresh punches too, shock waves* NO FROST DEMON LIKE YOU WILL WIN AGAIN US AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO OUR MASTER!! Fresh(Jisatsu x50): *smiles* I will like to see that! Because right now you aren't nothing! Luro: RRRAAAHHH!!! *punches fresh hard, shock wave flies straight though fresh, he gasps hard, rolls back and gets up* COME HERE!! *punches him in the face, fresh falls back, Luro stabs him in the chest, breaks the blade, steps back and stomps on it, shows it breaking a rib* Luro: I NEED POWER!! *hand goes to the left and pulls a guy out of the building, grabs him by the neck with his left hand* GIVE ME YOUR LIFE!! *his right hand sucks the soul and life out of his body* HAHAHA!!! *Powers a tad up* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): GAGH!! HMPH! *Knocks him back by powering up* You want me to get serious!? Want to kill earthlings!? Fine!! *He charges at Luro, they clash, shock waves everywhere* Luro: *darts in, they both punch each other in the face* RRRAAAHHH!! *back hands fresh, knees him* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): *growls, steps back, right hook across the face into a left punch into his chest, as fast as fresh could he rips the blade out of his chest with his right hand and stabs Luro, lifts him up with it and slams him into the ground as hard as he can, does a scream with the slam, shatters the blade* Luro: *stands, puts alot of ki into his fist and rushes fresh* GO TO HELL!! *punches fresh hard as hell* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): *spit effect as he flies into the city's buildings* Luro: HAHAHA!!! *Does a double fisted super man fly into fresh, flies up ward with fresh and flies straight down into a sky scraper, they go through all the levels to the ground, the building collapses on them* Luro: *gets up, sees people* COME!! *Pulls them to him and sucks the life out of them* HAHAHA!! *Powers up* NOW FOR YOU!! *grabs Fresh by the neck and starts to take his soul and life* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): *grunts, fells himself slipping* *growls* ENOUGH!! *knees him in the stomach, jumps back, flies fast and punches him in the face like Master Ultra Instinct to jiren, sends him out of the city, fast 10 punches into a 360 kick to the face, grabs his face and slams him to the ground hard, punches him 20 time fast, each punch has a shock, one last punch cracks the ground badly, his aura gets huge like Vegeta did to Goku black, luro gets stuck in the ground, fresh jumps back* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): TAKE THIS!! *Lifts his hands up, huge power comes from it, starts to make a revenge death ball looking move* RRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Luro: WHATS THAT!?!? *Gets out of the ground, before he can react* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): PLANET CRUSHER!!!! *throws it at them, they catch it, fresh teleports behind him* Luro: WHAT!?!? Fresh(Jisatsu x50): *lifts hand up, soul punisher forms, throws it* GGGAAAGGGHHH!!!! *Soul Punisher smacks his back, huge sparkle explosion, they screams, it echoes as the planet crusher hits him, huge explosion happens* Fresh(Jisatsu x50): ... *Waits for the smoke to clear, luro is on his knees, luse and kuro split* Didn't want to do this but... *Charges a huge Kamehameha, lightning comes from the Kamehameha starts to tear the ground apart* ... *Kamehameha gets huge* *about to shoot it at them but turns and shoots it at the house, Tekka's eyes shrink, a loud "NO" before a huge dome ki around the house* ... Kuro: Agh... Huh...? W-where... Am I...? Luse: m-my body... Shai: *wakes up* H-huh...? Fresh: *base* You three are welcome... *Smirks, they all are intimidated from his power* Luse: Who are you...? Fresh: We are Freezer and Josh fused! Otherwise known as Fresh! Glad to see you guys are better... That guy... *Points at Tekka's house with his thumb* You won't see him anymore! Luse: good... He was ill... Thank you... Fresh: No problem! *They split* Freezer: Shit... Josh: Agh... *Gets up* *walks off* Freezer: Where are you going? Josh: train... Freezer: why? Josh: There is no way in the holy butt fuck I'm fusing with you again... Freezer: Alright... *Josh flies away* Come on... *Helps luse up* Let's get you guys home... I have Richard at Kronus' house... We can get him... Luse: Richard is alive? Freezer: Yeah and he is good... Luse: ... *Nods and get Kuro up* Freezer: *gets shai, they head home* *they all are healing in the pool* Luse: he wasnt a bad person... But he wasn't there... Freezer: What do you mean...? Luse: His home plant with earthlings were killed... That must have messed him up to see his parents dying then getting sent to a Saiyan planet and getting beat by them for not being strong... Freezer: ... I didn't see it that way... Must be horrible... Luse: he wasn't bad... All he wanted to do was be a scientist and play the guitar... He did have a heart... His office he had a guitar above his door and his scientist stuff in the back room... When he messed with it he was happy but once he saw us or someone else he always got so mad... His childhood was horrible... Freezer: Yeah... I'm sorry... We couldn't risk it... We were near the city so the best thing was to blow the whole place up with any secret stuff he had planned... Luse: I didn't understand him... But he was a good person and I hope now that he is up there he can be freed... If anything you freed him... Kronus: *walks in* Freezer? Freezer: Yo... Kronus: here! *Gives him Richard* Freezer: Thanks... *Throws it against the wall* Kronus: Freezer! *Crazy wind, Richard breaths hard* Freezer: Welcome back... Sorry I did that to you... Richard: ... No... I'm sorry Freezer... Freezer: it's ok... You don't have to be... You did nothing wrong it was tekka but now he is gone... Hey how about you stay here? Richard: *smiles* I would love that... *Loses smile* But I don't want to be in the way... And I want to live with the planets and animals if that's ok... *Smiles* Freezer: are you sure...? It's tough out there... Richard: I will come back Freezer... I promise... The life you given me will make me never forget you... Freezer: ... *Gets out of the water, walks up and has his hand out, Richard smiles and shakes his hand* I will see you soon tiger... Richard: See you later alligator... *Smirks and leaves* Kuro: Bye big guy... *little upset* Shai: *sad face* Luse: *normal face, low-key sad* Richard: *stops then turns and looks at them* I will miss you three so much... You guys are like family... *Smiles* I will be back for what you guys call Holly days... Freezer: Holliday's big guy... *Chuckles* Richard: *low chuckle, walks out* Kronus: Well rest up you guys... We got a big day tomorrow... Freezer: What's that...? Kronus: FIXING THE WILD LIFE AND THE CITY AGAIN!! All Together: SORRY!! Kronus: *walks out* Freezer: Well... other then that... Everything is back to normal... Kuro: For once I can live... Luse: same... Shai: where is buzz? Freezer: Asleep but you guys must recover! Kuro: the fact you can save everyone and be calm is crazy... Freezer: it's because fighting is cool and to be the best you must have a clear mind... I can't wait for the next! Luse: You will die one day... Freezer: Because you couldn't do it even as a fusion... Luse: *growls* *Outro is can't help falling in love on a Kalimba*

Hayran KurguI wanted to rewrite it and add more filler and love, I was writing a jojo's bizarre adventure story and I ended up becoming a better writer so I'm moving the story to another story slot so if you actually love what I was doing with this one then ple...