The God's Corruption!

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*intro song is Beyond the speed of windy hill from Sonic runners* *freezer and Jimmy rush in and fight like Goku and frieza, Freezer hits high, Jimmy hits lower* *Tomoth can't handle and is getting beat*
Tomoth: Agh! *Getting mad*
Freezer and Jimmy: *punch at the same time, sends Tomoth flying, they both do a double ki blast, Tomoth blocks but right as he unblocks, Freezer and Jimmy dash at him and punch him together, Tomoth catches their punches*
Tomoth: You dare hit me...?
Freezer: I do what I must to keep my master's world alive...
Jimmy: And I won't let you do it... Tomoth: *crushes their fists* no one gave you a opinion...
Freezer: AGH!
Jimmy: AAHH!!
Tomoth: *let's go, grabs their heads and slam them into each other*
Freezer: *steps back a bit* Alright... Prepare to get your ass kicked...
Jimmy: Right behind you... *Dragon ball super all out battle theme plays*
Freezer: *ss4 Goku stance, focusing hard, staring*
Jimmy: *same in a xenoverse Saiyan stance* ...
Tomoth: *stares, looks ready, cracks neck* ...
Freezer: ........ *Right as the music kicks in, Tomoth screams "COME", freezer runs in and throws crazy punches*
Tomoth: *blocks with one hand, other behind him* *catches freezer's arm, stretches freezer's arm out, elbows right at the joint of Freezer's elbow, shows his arm breaking*
Freezer: RRRAAAHHH!!!
Tomoth: *swings him by the arm he broke and throws him into Jimmy*
Jimmy: Agh! *Gets up, rushes, left hook, gets blocked, right hook, gets blocked, does it again, both blocked again, does a round house kick, blocked*
Tomoth: *grabs his leg by the ankle, elbows his knee in*
Jimmy: *screams in pain*
Tomoth: *does 4 punches to his chest, shows ribs breaking, kicks him back into a wall*
Freezer: *charges in, in Jisatsu, actually putting up a fight, blocks Tomoth's punches, freezer punches tomoth in the chest with a hard right hook, head butts him, does a leg sweep, sweeps tomoth's feet but before he hits the ground Freezer does a back flip that kicks him into the air, jumps up after him, punches him in the back, breaks spine, does a front flip, heel hits his head, breaks skull, hits the ground had*
Tomoth: Agh... *Shakes as he crawls*
Freezer: that's enough... *Walks over and puts his foot on him* *crushes his back more while he lays on his stomach*
Tomoth: *screams in pain, rolls fast to get him off, as he is on his back he shoots Freezer with a ki blast, blows Freezer into a wall of a house*
Freezer: Agh... *Basically drained, loses Jisatsu* Dammit...
Tomoth: *Powers up, floats to a blown up and old hospital near by, no one knows he left, desperate, he searches for something to heal him*
Kronus: Freezer!? *Floats around looking for him* *sees him and Jimmy* Boys!! *Flies over, gives both a senzu bean*
Freezer: Agh... Dammit... *Gets up* Thank you...
Jimmy: yeah... Where is he...?
Freezer: I didn't see... Dammit... Let's get people out of here...
Kronus: Of course... there is a safe house nearby! *floats back to the people*
Freezer: *looks around, follows*
Jimmy: *follows too*
Freezer: Keep a look out...
Kronus: please do so... *Helps people*
Freezer: I'mma go look for this prick... *Flies out*
Jimmy: Wait! *Flies after him, they see the whole city, looks like what Goku black did to the future* *dragon ball super to regret theme plays*
Freezer: innocent people... Dead... all because of this guy... *looks around* I'm so sorry... People of this city...
Jimmy: Freezer... It's not your fault...
Freezer: I know... I'm just upset that someone would do such a thing... Taking another life... It's... Crazy... People just living their life and just out of nowhere you lose your life because someone is ill... *Closes eyes and lowers head* My all of them rest... In piece... *Breathes in and out then floats around to find Tomoth*
Jimmy: *follows and looks at the fire* ... Amy...
Freezer: Huh...? Jimmy...?
Jimmy: My wife... My kid... My family... Everytime... I see fire... *Flash of their city under attack* I think about them... *Tears up, sniffs* Micheal... Amy... *Starting to break down but sucks it up* Let's kill him... *Wipes face* I wanna kill him... For making people suffer like what happened to me... *Flies around fast*
Freezer: ... *Thinks about what Josh told him about their family* ... *Sighs without opening his mouth, flies after Jimmy and looks around more*
Freezer: *feels tomoth's power, eyes widened as he turns to where he is*
Jimmy: *feels it, turns to it, they both stare for a bit in silence* Let's go... *They fly over to the hospital, they land*
Tomoth: *fixes his jaw* let's go... *Powers up, over Powers Freezer and Jimmy, he is around SSG and the boys are in the middle of kaioken x3 and kaioken x20*
Freezer: *eyes widened and shake*
Jimmy: What the-!?!?
Tomoth: This is where you die... *Dragon ball super jiren humiliates Goku theme plays*
Jimmy: You will be killed for what you did!! *Charges in*
Freezer: No Jimmy!!
Jimmy: *punches at full strength, shock wave, Tomoth doesn't move a inch, feels like a brick wall, Jimmy's eyes shrink*
Tomoth: *grabs him by his neck, about the snap it, makes a ki blade on the ground, throws him on it, stomps on him to force him down on it, breaks his spine, slow and dramatic like mortal Kombat x leather face x ray*
Freezer: No-!!! *Instant transmissions behind Tomoth, suplexes him*
Tomoth: AGH! *let's go of Jimmy, freezer duplexes tomoth on his head, freezer rolls away*
Freezer: *shoots ki blast as he jumps around and running away*
Tomoth: *annoyed by the blasts, does a power thrusts hard, shock waves stop the blasts and blows Freezer into a wall*
Tomoth: I'm tired of you... *Charges a blast, lightning turns purple on the blast* DIE!! *before he shoots it, Kronus puts a bubble around him, reading something as he does*
Kronus: Kare o shime sari, jikan uchi ni kare o uchū ni tojikomete kudasai... (Lock him away, and keep him locked away in space and time) *bubble grows a galaxy in it as he fades in it, he screams, bubbles becomes solid and heavy, hits the ground, see through, only a galaxy in it*
Freezer: *gets out the wall* is that it...?
Kronus: it should be a seal... Makes him be stuck in this ball for good...*Picks up the spear, looks at it* good bye Tomoth... *Looks at the boys* He will be in my house forever... Thank you...
Freezer: Of course... *Smirks as he passes out*
Kronus: Oh dear... *Looks over and Jimmy still on the ki blade, Kronus breaks it and heals him with what little he can give him since he doesn't have much strength from doing the spell*
Jimmy: *gets up, floats over, neck is red* ... *Floats over and picks freezer up* I will help you take him home... Thank you for the healing...
Kronus: Thank you... and your welcome...*He floats over to the safe house* People... I have the demon... *Raises the spear* Sealed forever! *People cheer and clap but some sit there cryingor sad* please... You are safe, you may return home and save what is left... *Turns to Jimmy* Let's go... *They teleport*
Kronus: *puts Tomoth's container next to his bed* Let's take him to his house... *Teleports to the house*
Jimmy: Show me the way to the healing room...
Kronus: *walks in, Jimmy follows*
Blueberry: *middle of a conversation* And she told him... Huh? Kronus...?
Azura: What's wrong...? *Sees Freezer* Freezer!? *Jogs over*
Jimmy: He is only out cold... He's hurt but it's ok...
Azura: *hand on his cheek* Ok... Please this way... *Speed walks to the healing room*
Blueberry: *jealous* ... You ok kronus...?
Kronus: Yeah... Just the boys are a bit hurt...
Freezer: *laying in the water, wakes up, grunts*
Azura: Freezer...?
Freezer: I guess you can say I was being "Cold hearted"...and not caring about what you think of my health... *Chuckles*
Azura: I would kill you... Out of love... *Smiles, pets him*
Freezer: Heh... *Smiles, stares at her first abit, she lowers her head abit with a blush* Fuck it... *Kisses her, long, both blush*
Josh: *walks in, looking down and hands in his pocket* I heard what happened... You good...? *Looks up* What the-!?!?
Azura: *quickly stops kissing* Uh oh...
Freezer: *nervous laugh* Heheh... I hope you aren't too mad... I uh... Kissed your girlfriend...
Azura: But I'm not-!
Josh: NOT EVEN HEALING WATER WILL SAVE YOU!! *charges at him fast, right into the camera* *Outro is instrumental Coldplay Charlie Brown* (To be Continued...)

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