*intro song is Beyond the speed of/ windy hill from Sonic runners* *goes to freezer* Freezer: *knocks on the door, at his house* Freezer(Future): *opens it, looks at freezer, stares for Abit* Hey babe! Azura(Future): Yeah? Freezer(Future): Someone put a mirror in front of the door! Man what a good prank! Freezer: What...? Azura(Future): *sees freezer, gets worried and scared* W-what...? Babe that isn't your reflection... This is you... Another you! Freezer(Future): Huh...? Oh... No wonder why my mouth wasn't moving... Azura(Future): Um... Freezer...? Freezer: ...Hey... Saisho(Future): *sees him* No mom!! *Kicks freezer off his feet* Dad get him!! He is the reason you guys died!! Azura(Future): What...? Freezer(Future): pumpkin what do you mean... Saisho(Future): He couldn't make up his mind on killing brieze to the point he got us killed because a part of you didn't want to kill him and you held back... Freezer(Future): *looks at freezer* Freezer: Please listen to me! I know I fucked up! But we are all in danger!! Saisho(Future): Yeah from you! Freezer: Saisho zip it!! Azura(Future): Yeah!! Freezer: I mean it!! You two down help we could all be in danger!! Freezer(Future): what are you going on about... *Dragon ba super sacrifice for the universe theme play* Freezer: The reason I am here is because of someone named plague... His goal is to take control of my universe to prevent anymore fuck ups... But it turns out I am doing the right thing enough to piss him of and to the point he changed his plan... Now he wants our universe to collide and if he does it we are fucked! I need your help!! Freezer(Future): ... *Looks down, looks up at him* I'm in... Saisho(Future): Dad!! Freezer(Future): If there is one thing I know about myself... It's that I don't bull shit about this... I can call Josh, Iroh and Wyvern... They are out for the dragon balls again... Freezer: Thank you... Thank you so much... Um... Me... Freezer(Future): *nods at freezer* *suddenly the world starts to shake* *dragon ball super jiren's tremendous power theme plays* *huge crack in the sky happens* Freezer: It's happening... *The whole universe starts to shake and slowly starts to mix both of them, planets that are destroyed starts to appear because it's present day universe's planets that are still alive* *everyone screams, it's so intense it makes everyone fall to the ground* RRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! *starts to merge everything, suddenly it stops, everything is merged, sky is purple* Freezer: *breathes hard, gets up, looks at the sky* ... Holy shit... *Big crack, looks like Goku Black's scythe slash but blue and looks like glass* Freezer(Future): *gets up* Looks like we are too late... Freezer: Thanks Einstein... Freezer(Future): welp... Looks like we got one hell of a battle up ahead... We should get going... Iroh(Future): *flies over fast with Josh and Wyvern* Freezer! What was tha-woah! *Sees both freezers* This isn't good... Josh(Future): Why is there two...? Wyvern(Future): More princes to protect...? Give me a break... Freezer(Future): It's a long story... Long story short we need to beat a bad guy up ahead to fix this stuff... We will be seeing more than one copy... Freezer: Uhhhh... Copy...? Freezer(Future): Yeah... What? Freezer: Um... Who fucked up your universe due to a fuck up in his time line and your timeline is playing by my rules...? Josh(Future): You did what now!? Freezer(Future): Easy!! Long story!! Fine freezer!! The real us! Freezer: You guys remember where we use to live? Freezer(Future): Yeah... On planet- *gets cut off* Freezer: Good! Let's go! *Flies fast* *everyone follows* *goes to Iroh* *dragon ball z dokkan battle PHY Omega Shenron theme plays* Plague: BEHOLD!!! MERGED!!! *Laughs like a psychopath* Iroh: YOU DICK HEAD!!! *Akumu flies at him and punches him, sends him flying back* Plague: Gagh!! *Floats up, laughs* I did it! And there isn't anything you can do!! Iroh: Kill you is the only thing left... Plague: Then let our fight be legendary! Iroh(Shadow): *goes shadow* Akumu! *Akumu flies at him* Plague: *smiles and runs at him* I HAVE BEEN TRAINING!! *Clashes fist with Akumu* YOU WILL NEED MORE!! *Josh and Wyvern fly, Josh punches, plague clashes with Josh with his other fist, keeps both of them back* Plague: MORE!!! Wyvern: *goes for the back of Plague's legs* RRRAAAHHH!! Plague: *barely lifts his leg, stomps on the blade, breaks it and mid air before the blade hits the ground, kicks it into wyvern's stomach* THATS FOR THE BALLS!! *kicks at her, the kick shoots a ki blast, hits the blade deeper in, the blade breaks wyvern's back, she screams* THAT'S FOR DOMINANCE!! Iroh(Shadow): WYVERN!!! *growls* AKUMU!!! *His eyes glow purple* Akumu: *his eyes glow purple too, full power* KAAAAHHH!!! *upper cuts plague, loud slow gasp as he flies in the air, falls and rolls back* Plague: *breathes hard* RRRRRR!!! *throws ki blast at Akumu, Akumu punches them, making them explode and not faze him* Plague: *Powers up more* LETS DANCE!! *runs at them, Iroh and Josh scream as they rush in, they clash, 2v1, it's even* Iroh(Shadow): Akumu!! *It's now a 3v1, they start to land punches on him* *Iroh punches plague in the gut, Josh punches him across the face and Akumu grabs his shirt and head butts him* Plague: Agh! Dammit!! *Runs back in, Iroh punches, plague dodges, elbows Iroh, shows his nose gets broken into his face, Josh tries to punch him, plague does a 360 dodge but as he does the 360 dodge he sticks his leg out so he kicks him in the chest, breaks his back and breaks a few ribs, sends him flying* *plague and akumu go head to head, both fist clash* Akumu: Can you handle the power of the shadows...? Plague: Any day of the week!! *Goes for a right hook, Akumu dodges, kicks plague in the chest, plague grabs Akumu's head and slams his face into his knee, when Akumu's head flies back, plague jumps up and drop kicks Akumu's head back, snapping his neck, Akumu hits the ground and turns into dust* Iroh(Shadow): *holding his nose* Agh... A-a-akumu... *Actually tears up* Plague: *walks over, towers over him* Heheh... Iroh(Shadow): Y-YOU KILLED MY FRIEND!! Plague: just in a day's work... *Floats abit above Iroh, raises his hands, makes a big ki ball* DIE!!! *6 ki blast fly at him, all 6 turn into one big blast, hits the huge ki ball plague made* WHAT!?!? *huge explosion, sends him flying, he rolls but stops himself* *turns fast with a growl* Freezer: You think you can kill me!? *Flies in and lands* Try again... Azura and Blueberry: FREEZER!! Plague: YOU!! YOU!!! YOU MORON!!! *shoots a last emperor from xenoverse 2 at him* Freezer: *stares at it, serious face, doesn't move* *Freezer(Future, Josh(Future), Iroh(Future), Wyvern(Future) and Saisho(Future) fly in and block the blast by making a huge barrier* Plague: *stops shooting to see if he killed him, sees them* HOW!?!? Freezer: You made our world collide so there is more of us! Josh(Future): You got your cool entrance!! Let's kill him!! Freezer(Future): So cool... I wanted to do that... Freezer: Azura... Blueberry... I mean... Both timeline Azuras and Blueberrys please heal the ones that are down... It seems like this will be tougher then I thought...*Blueberrys and Azuras start to heal Josh, Iroh and Wyvern* *Floats close to Plague* Plague: YOU ALWAYS RUIN MY STUFF!! TIME TO END YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!! Freezer: Let's see... *Smiles, gets into his stance* Plague: *growls, throws a punch at him* *dragon ball super fierce battle against a mighty foe theme plays* Freezer: *barely dodges, walks around plague* *breathes in and out, in his head Kronus echoes "go with the flow"* *he breathes again with his eyes closed, once he breathes out he opens his eyes, they are serious* Plague: RRRAAAHHH!!! *charges at him, throwing random punches at him, freezer is dodging all of it barely* Plague: *every punch is leaving ki blast behind, slowly trapping freezer* YOU CANT RUN FOREVER!!! *makes them all go to freezer fast* Freezer: *jumps up, dodges but one scoops under his foot, loses his footing* Plague: I GOT YOU!!! *tackles him, gets off him, lifts him up and lays punch after punch over and over* Freezer: *eating all the punches* *in his head* I just need to hold so they can get back up-!!! Iroh(Future)(Shadow): Akumu!! *Akumu tackles plague off Freezer, Iroh(Future) comes from the sky, stomps plagues nose in* Plague: AAAAGGGGHHHH!!! BITCH!!! *Elbows Akumu's back to get him off, throws him into a mountain, runs to Iroh(Future) fast, kicks him right in the ribs, all of his ribs are shown getting broken in half and shoved into his lung, he spits up blood, plague kicks him in the head, sends him flying to the side* Josh(Future)(Raw Power): IROH!!! *flies in, knees plagues like cooler* IROH NEEDS HEALING FAST!!! *Josh sledgehammers plague on his head, slamming him into the ground like cooler* TAKE THIS!!! *Rains ki blast down* Plague: *press a button on his watch, makes a shield around him, catches all the blast, once Josh(Future) stops, the watch turns it into one big blast* TAKE IT BACK!!! *shoots it at Josh(Future), he couldnt react, gets taken by the blast* Wyvern(Future): *flies in and tries to stab him* Plague: *catches it* You tried that before and it worked! It won't now!! *Break the blade, grabs her head, shatters the helmet, makes a huge aura around his fist, punches her in the face with it, shows her skull breaking into her head* ANYONE ELSE!?!? ???: US!! *Huge ki blast rain down* Plague: AGH!!! RRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!! *it stops raining ki blast, he clears the smoke* *the three Androids* Kuro: Why do we always come late...? Luse: Because we barely notice shit... But doing whatever you did just a few minutes ago was a mistake... Shai: Not anymore! We kick butt! *Smiles* Plague: ...... Androids...... No stamina drain... USELESS!!! *shoots a ki blast fast at them* *all three of them get serious faces, all three throw their hands out, start absorbing in, right as they finish* Plague: *flies in, knees luse* Kuro: *punches plague across the face, plague knees kuro in the face, kuro growls and shoots plague in the chest, shoots nonstop* Plague: AGH!! AAAHHH!!! *reaches his hand through his blasts, grabs kuro by the face, shoots a ki blast while he holds him by the face, throws kuro to the side* Shai: *punches plague in his stomach, her fist goes a good 5 inches in his stomach, pissed face* Don't mess with my friends... Plague: *grunts, spits up Abit* Shai: *growls as she makes her aura go to her fist, the aura slowly goes into plague, suddenly starts to shock him* Plague: RRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Shai: *charges a ki blast, shoots it* *loud smack* ...... Easy...... *Dusts hands off* *suddenly a ki blast shoots from the cloud* *goes through her chest, shows her chest, Sparks in her chest* Oh... N-no... *Falls* Luse: Agh... Shai... *Gets up, serious face, Powers up* You don't touch her... *Darts at her* Plague: What are you going to do...? *Blocks his punch* You are weak... Luse: *throws a punch, plague blocks it again but suddenly gets upper cuts him* And you are stupid... *Walks up to him, kicks his knee to the side, punches him in the chest, does a uppercut with his elbow* Plague: *stumbles* Agh... Not bad... *Timestops, uppercuts Luse, echoes loud, time resumes* But I'm better... Luse: *eyes shrink, huge purple ki light comes from his jaw, he flies far with a scream* Kuro: *flies in, picks up Shai* don't think you can do everything... *Flies away* Plague: he will be back... ANYONE ELSE!?!? *Ki blast hits him* *plague sides back* Agh... Saisho(Future): *stares at him* You have messed with my family for too long... *Lands* And I will like to stop it... *Mad as hell* Plague: Let's see if you could! *Hits his watch, frees times, runs over laughs like a mad man as he punches saisho fast all over his body nonstop, basically TimeSkip Molotov for a good minute before stopping* Done... *Smiles as he unfreezes times* Saisho(Future): *eyes shrink, can't move at all* Agh... *Ki shines purple where he hit her over and over at, she gets sent flying back, getting hit millions of times, she flops, no movement at all, instant flop* Freezer(Future): *eyes are shaking* S-s-s-saisho... S-saisho... *Waiting for her to say something* Saisho!! *Nothing* SAISHO!!!! *Nothing* *eyes shrink, starts to cry, slowly turns into growls, eyes turn red* SAISHOOOOO!!!!! *Dragon ball z dokkan battle AGL corrupted/Merged zamasu theme plays* *His pupils shatter like broly, slowly starts to get tall, his screams start to shake the planet, lightning starts to strike everywhere, ground starts to fall apart with lava shooting out, around 8 feet tall, horns get huge, gets buff, voice gets deep, aura turns the sky green, grabs his head, swings his head around screaming, losing his mind* RRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Freezer: Agh... *Barely watching* Me... Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *green lightning starts to strike everywhere from his aura* *looks at plague and screams, his scream is so strong it sends plague rolling* Plague: *rolls, gets up, looks terrified* Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *grabs his neck, slams him into the ground, starts to punch him like crazy before grabbing his face and dragging him across the ground, throws him, teleports above him, shoots a ki blast towards the ground, slams plague into the ground with the ki blast, charges a ki blast from his mouth, aims it at plague* Freezer: *gets up fast* N-no! That can destroy the planet!! *Flies over fast, pulls Freezer(Future)'s horns back, makes him shoot the mouth blast up* Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *grabs freezer by the tail, slams him into the ground a good 6 times before throwing him to the house, freezer is barely alive* RRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! *punches plague across the face so hard I almost snaps his neck* Azura: *watching as she heals Iroh, turns and sees the timeline collision machine, stops healing Iroh's nose* Iroh! Help me figure this out! Iroh: Got it... *Gets up, walks over, they start to look at it* Plague: Agh... *Quickly freezes time, uses his watch to heal himself, breathes hard, does a TimeSkip Molotov* Ah... I'm in trouble... Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *growls* Plague: Huh...? Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *frozen, suddenly moves, screams and punches plague far into a mountain, time goes back to normal* Plague: How!?!? Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *grabs plague wrist, completely crushes his left wrist with the watch to break it, rips him arm off* Plague: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *makes a ki blade on his hand, stabs and lifts plague, slams him into the ground, the blade shatters in plague, stomps on Plague's chest, dislocates plagues right shoulder and breaks the left arm* Plague: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! *suddenly throws dark ki at him, freezer(Future) slowly stops then looks at freezer and everyone* Josh: *eyes shrink* AZURA!! GET YOUNGER SAISHO!!! FREEZER WILL KILL US ALL!!! Azura: What!? Why!? Josh: PLAGUE JUST USED HIS DARK SIDE TO TURN HIM AGAINST US JUST LIKE HE DID TO ME!!! CALM FREEZER DOWN!!! Azura: FIGURE IT OUT IROH!! *Runs to get saisho* Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *runs at freezer and everyone fast* Azura: FREEZER STOP!!! SHE IS OK!!! Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *sees her, stops, in a deep voice* Pumpkin...? Saisho: Dad... *Hand to his chest* Freezer(Future)(Enraged): *sad face, suddenly starts to growls and scream, grabs his head* AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! *starts to fight off the negative ki* *slowly goes back to normal* N-n-n-no-!!! *Holding head, it hurts after getting rid of the negative ki* Agh... *Looks up* Pumpkin... Saisho: Hey dad... *Smiles* Freezer(Future): *smiles but loses it instantly* Plague: *stabs him with a ki blade, lifts him* Saisho: *screams* Azura: FREEZER!!! *turns and runs* IM SORRY!!! Freezer(Future): Agh... *Spits up blood* Plague: Agh... *Barely even alive* bitch... *Throws him aside* Is that all...? Iroh: No... You killed my friend... So I will like to kill you... *Pissed face* Plague! *Dragon ball super the ultimate tag team theme plays* *Walks up to him, tries to go shadow but can't, gets mad, flies and plague, knees him in the jaw, breaks his jaw* Plague: *screams, does a 360 back hand, cuts through the wind so fast it makes a wind tyoe force push, send Iroh back, Josh flies in, kicks his head back, does 10 fast kicks to the chest before does a 360 kick, breaking ribs, into a back flip kick that makes him stumble back* Plague: *growls, lifts his hand, stops Josh, slams him on the ground over and over, throws him into a mountain* Kuro: *flies in, kicks him across the face, teleports behind him, kicks his back, teleports to his face, kicks it back* Plague: *grabs kuro's leg, throws him through a portal far away* Kuro: *suddenly already back, flies in, grabs his wrist, stretches his arm out and elbows right at Plague's elbow, snaps his arm* Plague: *screams, does a huge ki knock back, does a 360 kick, shoots a ki blast from his foot, hits kuro, he stumbles back, does it again, kuro's arm gets blown off* Kuro: Agh... *Rushes at plague but jumps up, as he just up suddenly Iroh comes in fast, scoops him up, tackles him into a mountain, headbutts him* Iroh: For Akumu!! *Knees him in the chest Abit* Plague: *shoots a ki blast from his mouth, sends Iroh back* *kuro flies away* Josh(Future): *burned* *flies in, kicks his knee caps in* Plague: *he folds forward* AAAAGGGGHHHH!!! *Muffled "NOOOO!!"* Josh(Future): *stomps on his back* Yes... Asshole... *Hold a ki blast up* Azura: No... *Both Azuras walks over, both hold up two fingers, back to back, finger to finger, both shoot a small Lazer through his head at the same time* Azura And Azura(Future): That's for our family... *Both walk away* Josh(Future): *eyes widen* Stole my kill but it's ok... I didn't think she would kill... Saisho: Mommy!! Azura and Azura(Future): Yes? *At the same time* Azura(Future): sorry... Azura: It's ok... What is it love...? Saisho: I found it... *Points at the buttons on the machine* This one goes to that one and which makes this one turn on which makes time slow down and the other kicks on after a few seconds to make time collide but if we were to do it with that button off with this one on we can do it because it throws the timelines off causing them to stop colliding! *Turns and smiles at azura* Azura: *dot eyes* How do you even know and what did you just say...? Saisho: It's easy mom! Azura: Let's help everyone first! *Nervous laugh* *azuras and Blueberrys start to get everyone together in the healing pools, they start to heal them too so it's faster, after a bit everyone starts to wake up* Freezer: Agh... My head... Azura: good morning! *Deltarune Atown called hometown* Freezer: Azura...~ *smiles, blushes* It's so good to see you...~ Azura(Future): Why not two then?~ Freezer: Another?~ I'm dreaming...~ threesome...~ Freezer(Future): Hey buddy watch yourself... Freezer: It wasn't a dream!? Azura: No!~ Everything is fine!~ we did it!~ Iroh: Can confirm...~ *drinking with Iroh(Future), wyvern and Wyvern(Future)* Wyvern: Good to see you awake prince!~ Wyvern(Future): could have been one less to protect... *They all laugh at the table* Azura: Hey! He has a little one coming! Freezer(Future) And Azura(Future): WHAT!? WE ARE PREGNANT IN THIS TIMELINE!?!? Freezer: *nods* Yeah!~ Freezer(Future): *looks at Azura(Future)* We should try when we head home...~ Azura(Future): another...?~ Freezer(Future): *nods* Saisho(Future): *in a wheelchair* I would love a little one!~ *holding saisho* little me is fun!~ Please make it a girl!~ Saisho: Sisters are great!~ Freezer(Future): We will try!~ Hope you guys get a girl then since both Saishos want a sister! Freezer: Same to you guys!~ Josh: *walks in laughing with his future self, Everyone looks at him like he is crazy* ... What...? Freezer: You can laugh...? *Everyone laughs* Josh: Y-yes I can! You guys aren't funny... Iroh(Future): To be honest I like multiple of us! It's fun! Wyvern: Yeah! More crazy shit! *Wyvern and Iroh(Future) lock eyes, hearts to each other* *Iroh and Wyvern(Future) fist bump* Freezer(Future): I think it will mess up the timelines worse so I rather not... Josh(Future): It's the truth... I was reading about it... Freezer(Future): You read...? Iroh: Holy shit this day just get crazier... *When no one is looking Wyvern and Iroh(Future) are about to kiss* *the planet shakes* Freezer: That the...? Josh(Future): the collide is fucking the timeline up... We better get moving... Wyvern: Wait what!? No! Iroh(Future): It's ok! We have present Iroh! *Runs* Iroh: See you later buddy! Wyvern(Future): Probably never but same to you! *They hand shake* *they all walk outside, they go to the machine* Freezer: You guys... *They all looks at him* hey fun... I'm sorry we fucked you guys up... We won't do it again... Freezer(Future): Even I can see that's a lie... Azura(Future): *looks at freezer* Freezer! Freezer: I'm sorry! No guarantees! Saisho: ready? *Everyone says yes* Saisho(Future): hit it little me!~ *shits the buttons, it starts to to fix* Josh: Kick ass... Josh(Future): You too... Take care... Josh: *salute, watches himself disappear* Iroh(Future): Sorry you lost Akumu... Don't lose hope... Find a way... Iroh: I will... Take care of Wyvern... Iroh(Future): I will... *Fades* Wyvern(Future): Take care wyvern... Take good care of the prince... Wyvern: Love him... Wyvern(Future): Huh...? Wyvern: Iroh... Love him... Please... Wyvern(Future): We are just friends... I have a boyfriend... Wyvern: What...!? *She fades* Blueberry: watch over Everyone please... Blueberry(Future): Im pretty sure we both know we will... Blueberry: Of course because... *At the same time* Freezer... *Both laugh* Blueberry(Future): *waves* Blueberry: *waves back, she fades* Saisho: Bye big me!~ Saisho(Future): Bye little me!~ you will be a good inventer and summer becomes cool!~ Saisho: *gets excited* Thank you!!~ Saisho(Future): You are welcome!~ *fades* Azura: Keep freezer in check please!~ Azura(Future): For the rest of my life!~ Azura: same here!~ I hope you two have a cute baby!~ Azura(Future): Thanks!~ You too!~ Bye!~ Azura: Bye!~ *she fades* Freezer: *freezers look at eachother* *at the same time* Always be the best? *They laughs* Freezer(Future): damn straight... Freezer: Wish we could have fought... I would win... Freezer(Future): That's not correct... Freezer: Yes it is... Freezer(Future): you know what? Freezer: What? Freezer(Future): I hope you eat that chicken you said earlier cooked medium rare! *Fades* Freezer: This motha fucka... He really did me like that...? Azura: Now... Who wants to clean this mess!?~ *shows the whole place trashed* Freezer: *does a really good Josh voice* Me! Azura: Thank you Josh!~ *throws him a broom* Josh: W-what...? *Turns around* All of this...? *Turns back, everyone is gone* Are you shitting me...? *Outro is can't help falling in love on a Kalimba*

FanficI wanted to rewrite it and add more filler and love, I was writing a jojo's bizarre adventure story and I ended up becoming a better writer so I'm moving the story to another story slot so if you actually love what I was doing with this one then ple...