ch-1 'the blind bandit'

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A/N: I might use titles from the actual tv series, however I will definitely continue this as an after the 100 year war kinda thing.

it was late at night, i assumed since the wind had picked up and i was able to move my body, but i didn't knowing if i did it would scare everyone. So i waited till morning, but i chickened out and pretended to be comatose.

the boy i came to know as Sokka carried me around all day, they argued over a purse for awhile and then tried an  earth bending flyer. The girl everyone called Katara beat up some boys to get directions for Rumble six or something like that. the fact is i saw everything and chuckled slightly earning a confused glance from Sokka.

we entered through a cave and i'm shifted over to Katara.

"hey front row seats! i wonder why no one is sitting here" asked my brother they all sat down and a few moments later, a boulder slammed into the seats next to us, showering me with rocks and dust almost scaring the water bender.

"i guess that why" said the warrior. the announcer came and announced each bender that faced a guy named ' the boulder' i ignored most of it until i heard the name " the blind bandit" come from the announcers mouth. That's when i opened my eyes. 

Katara spoke with diligence " she cant really be blind, its just apart of her character right?" i tapped into the earth seats hoping shed feel it but she either ignored it or i'm too far. before anyone could i spoke "she is blind.." this earned a curious look from everyone in the Gaang (used for your discretion) i ignored everything until i heard 

"ill be offering this sack of gold pieces to whoever can defeat the blind bandit" i raise my hand and screeched "i will" earning confused looks from the gaang who didnt think so but no one disagreed.

i used my bending to find my way to the stage where the announcer asked my name. "blind avatar" i answered getting into a fighting stance, " do people really want to see two little girls fighting out here?" asked the earth bender

"yeah and two blind ones at that" i said making a major comeback i heard the crowd "oooh" at us as we talked making insults.

she threw a rock at me, i blocked it with my bending... but it wasnt air so i swiched my sight to my feet which happened to have  no shoes on. "why it seems time hasnt changed much about the world" i said as i keep hinting to the avatar.

we battled on sending earth and insults after eachother eventually making the air musky enough for me to air bend and get behind her . "the next person you'll see is the one with lighter feet." 

i eventually let her push me off the platform, i walked back to my seat using my newfound earth bending.

when i sat down i felt a wave of tiredness wash over me, i passed out on the water benders shoulder before slipping into a dreamless sleep.

_____________________TIME SKIP GARDEN SCENE______________________________


"even though i was born blind i've never had a problem seeing." said the girl as i walked beside her. "i see with earth bending its kind of like seeing with my feet. i can feel the vibrations and i can see where everything is. you, that tree, those ants" said the earth bender when i piped up.

"That's Amazing, my younger sister, does the same thing, well except its with air bending shes never been able to bend any other element." her eyes lit up "she was to one who fought me before you did huh?" 

i replied honestly, "yeah she lasted far longer then i would have from waking out of her comatose state" her eyes widened before she dropped to the ground. "were being ambushed."

------------------------------------time skip to the trade------------------------------------------------------------

REN POV {oc}

we had sent the money over and Toph ran to her parents i spoke up "what about Aang?" i asked.

 " the fire nation will pay a heafty price for the avatar." that sent me over board "the avatar? you think this wimp is the avatar" i chuckle evily " I'M THE AVATAR IDIOTS HES MY COUSIN!" i shouted trying to get aang out. 

they swiched us two  and i was trapped inside the metal box. 

i quickly used some pebbles to tap morse code into the ground, i knew Toph felt it, because not much longer we were back in the Beifong mansion.

Toph was explaining to her parents and i heard her father speak so i payed attention. 

"of course this doesnt change the way i feel about you Toph, it has made me realise something." i could see she looked hopeful

"it has?" i looked at who i hope was the face of her father. " yes. i've let you have far too much freedom. from now on, you will be cared for and guarded 24 hours a day" i lost it " DON'T TREAT HER SO FRAGILE, SHE MAY BE BLIND BUT SHES NOT WEAK"

i got up and ran i don't know where i was i just followed a trail and i eventually ran into Appa. "hey buddy mind if i join ya?" i ask sitting in the saddle. it was only a few minuets later when the rest of the team arrives. 

"don't worry we'll find you a teacher" spoke Katara, "not like her" i said spooking the group "REN!!" my air bending brother hugged me tightly , he was crying. i could see the tears with my air bending as the rest of the team boarded Appa. 

i heard some bushes behind us rustle and, my soulmat- Toph ran through.

"Toph! what are you doing here?" asked my brother who kept me in a hug, "my dad changed his mind, he said i was free to travel the world" i could sense she was lying but i stayed quiet. Sokka and Katara glance at each other and the boy spoke, "well we better get out of here before you father changed his mind again" Toph's breath hitched and said "good idea"

they started speaking and i curled up next to the drivers seat and fell asleep almost as soon as i laid my head down.

A\N:  so i know this chapter isnt descriptivw and such i just had to get this done before i left for who i consider to be an ex friend, i tried to cut the string but her mother decided tape would fix it so now i have to go over to this dinner and its gonna be awkward and help ;-;

{1119 words}

Time Is Blind ( Toph x blind female oc)Where stories live. Discover now