ch- 17 ( AFTER THE WAR )

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=== Aang pov ===

It has been about a month after the war has ended, and since it has everyone, including Sokka, has had a strange pull to the North Pole. Everyone misses Pheonix, she turned to stone just before we ended the war.

Ren. I wonder where she is. If only sound bending was a real thing. Maybe it is.

This is weird thoughts always intercepting another train of thoughts.

"Aang?" I jumped at Katara's voice, "oh, hey Katara."

"Are you thinking about Ren?" I nodded and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Were gonna find her." I nodded as she kissed my cheek, "now come on, we promised Toph we'd work on
your metal bending ability."

I nodded and she lead me away.

==== TOPH POV ====

The strange pull towards the North Pole has begun to strengthen. But only in me. I asked Suki and she can't feel it, and as much as I hate the Poles, it seems to be a place to visit.

"Toph? Why are you at the beach?" It was Katara.

"I'm at the beach?" I opened my already blind eyes and waved a hand in front of my face.

"Oh anyway you said we're going to work on Aangs bending ability?" I shook my head, "I'll let you train him today." And then I walked.

I walked closer to the shoreline i let the water run over my feet before walking against it.

===== ZUKO POV =====

I honestly have no clue who Ren is. Sure during a battle I may have burned her by accident, but she wouldn't have been able to fight back.

But i have a pull to the North Pole. I dont mind the poles. But going on an impulse would be hard to do. And since I've been swamped with Fire Lprd duties I havent seen the Gaang in a while.

I was close to Phoenix, as she is one of the last dragons alive. I took her stone self to the palace after we finished the war. The stone is placed on an altar, with candles surrounding it and the stone is still warm to the touch.

"Firelord Zuko." It was Katara shes been helping Aang through a depression state. "Hey Katara, you can just call me Zuko"

She nodded, "something's up with Toph. When I saw her earlier she was acting strange, she always knows where she is right? Not this time she sidnt know she was on the beach it was strange."

"Katara, you're rambling, and I'm sure Toph is fine, it's probably the mood of not living in a war full effect." I said walking off, I have paperwork to do.

====== Sokka =====

The pull towards the north, I felt it once before... Before Yue died.

I've just been laying around the Palace and sword training anything to get my mind off of it.

It isnt working.

This pull is agonizing. That's it were going to the North Pole.

"Team Avatar Assemble" was nearly written on five pieces of paper, I placed them by each door and sent one to zuko via maid.

I walked the long droning halls, giving a crushing anxiety to this meeting.

I found the meeting room and coincidentally, I wasnt last as usual.

"Wheres-" my sister cut me off "shes at the beach you should go get her since you did call us and Zuko isnt here yet."

I just shrugged and walked back out and followed out to look for Toph.

====== Katara POV ======

Everything is a mess, Aang is in a depression state, Toph has gone senile, Zuko is overly calm, Sokka, hes not cracking jokes anymore.

I help Aang the best I can by not training him every time it's my turn for water bending. I also give him lots of affection.

Everyone is worried about Zuko. He was becoming distant and such.

Toph, she only shows when shes needed.

Suki, even though shes busy due to her duties as a Kiyoshi warrior, helps by calming down heated arguments that happen over the pull North.

We have to go north.

A: SO GUYS IVE DECIDED NOT TO END THIS STORY JUST YET!!! However this story is only going to have a few more chapters. And one kiss will make you cry that's all I can tell you!!

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