CH11-- ocean wide travels.

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** a mix of strawberry and mango


i woke up after seeing that bond, i looked to find my blue string, it was cut... the other blue one was still going strong.

but which sibling is gone? i stood and directed the boat back to north since it had gone east a bit.  i directed the boat onto a very small island,

I tied the boat down, at least I hope I did, then I searched the island. I found a few coconuts and a mango berry.**

I placed them inside the boat, I took the line out of the fishing rod and started weaving the pure pearl string.

I heard a familiar twitter, I walked off and looked for the sound.

Just then the red string pulled me to the ground indicating something wrong.

I felt dirt in my face and I heard something about sand.

I got back up and looked down to my wrist, it still had all the strings I had previously noted of, I looked to my other hand, the mark still startling.

I heard the chirp again and walked on, I came across what seemed to be the center of the island.

There was some sort of architecture which reminded me of the eastern temple. I heard the chirping again and again two baby flying lemurs appeard in the center of the stone ruins.

I slowly approached the two "hello," I said softly crouching down.

They screeched in fear and.... sadness? "Its okay little ones," I continued soothing my voice over more making it sound like calming chirps.

They came closer and sniffed the dress I was wearing, the green had been faded slightly as well as the yellow turned white.

They chirped again and jumped off. I followed them through the dense trees.

Then my eyes widened at the sight.

Oh god, a dead firebender and an airbender.

My legs felt weak and I fell. I noticed a shadow. and looked behind me to see another dead firebender.

I looked over to the baby lemurs "hey it's okay were together now!"

They came over and the smaller one showed me to a small hidden grove behind some vines.

I move a vine from my face and saw two other small lemurs, as well as a girl,
Definitely an airbender.

Her light brown hair shoulder length, and her pale yellow dress signaled her as very young.

I blushed slightly happy about finding another bender the baby leamurs claimed onto me and sat all together on my shoulders. The girl opened her eyes, they were a light blue.

I remember those eyes.... but where?

I looked into them a while longer before the girl sat up and I felt my string get pulled.

This made my face flush, maybe it isnt toph--

She looked at me and to the leamurs "they trust you, can we finally leave the island mom?" She looks over to find the two skeletons.

She throws a rock at me with earth bending, but I simply put it back down "calm down your okay"

She looked at my outfit and nodded.
"O-okay" she put a lemur on each shoulder and we headed to my small boat. The leamurs jumped into the the boat.

She climbed in with nothing but a small bag and sat down happy to leave the island.

I climbed in with them and untied the boat, we continued to head north.

"so what should I call you, 'girl of the island?" She said mockingly, I giggle "call me Ren, how about you? Lea.ur girl"

"Call me Lotus"

A/N: ik it's a short chapter but I really needed to add lotus she plays a part sooner or later

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