CH9-- Dai Lee Secrets.

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we stood by the door. " Princess are you ready?" asked the maid, i stood taller and nodded i used my earth bending to see if i recognized anyone as the door opened, a guard spoke and everyone turned to look at me, "Welcome Princess Ren, King Kuei's adopted daughter." i stepped into the room further the maid stayed behind--- i should learn her name.-- i continued to walk, people bowed as i passed noticing my strange outfit, one person mentioned my scar, he seemed drunk.

"hey pretty lady, where did you get that?" he asked poking my exposed belly. i blushed and said "I'm sorry but that is classified information." that is when i recognized three sets of footsteps walk inside. 

"nah, you can tell mee." spoke the drunk man coming closer. "i'm sorry but i've got too meet with someone." i started to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist, "awwh don't be like that" he came so close i could smell the alcohol. i looked around frantically, I spotted a familiar footstep pattern as Mere.

I spoke in our secret code that we learned to pass notes, " you know you might not be a bad idea after all;

harmony is loves last key,

when i saw her out to tea,

she left me in tears,

alone with my fears,"

i was glad she heard it and walked over to cover me "REN!! my grandchild where have you been!" she dragged me away from the drunk man. she walked off after that, not believing that i was alive.

the familiar footsteps faded as another three had returned one was light feathered the others were definately with the one toph calls twinkletoes. 

i walked over and struck up a conversation with katara "long time no se-" that's when i saw the red string on her pinky tie to aangs, i smirked. "it seems your doing fairly well." i continued and the girl turned to see me and the smug look i carried. "hey ren... wait REN??" she hugged me.

aang had spilled something on a poor woman. "no no don't scream its okay," by instinct he airbended at the woman, drying her clothes. she looked to be shocked, i left their sides to the door that i first entered through to find the maid from before standing there and another woman with a creepy smile.

"princess are you alright?" asked the maid, "yeah i'm fine just lightheaded can we head to my room?" she nodded the creepy woman left and we walked to my room, she half carried me to my room as i kept getting dizzier.

"princess were here," i nodded and asked "whats your name?" she looked at me smiled, and answered "cho," she helped me to my bed and not to long after left. 

i got out of bed and decided to change into a nightgown i picked up a green one with yellow floral patterns.

just before i changed into the nightgown and was almost completely naked the guy from the party stumbled into the room.

i tried to scream but he covered my mouth and held me tighter to him. i could smell the alcohol. i wanted to cry and gag i tried to push him off but her pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me.

in a panic i punched him in the stomach, that made him angry, he punched me in the face and i blacked out unable to stop the attacker.

the world around me faded back into color and Serenity was back, but she was with someone i couldn't see the face of.

" Ren, im so sorry, your friends are being held by the dai lee," said serenity, i could finally see the blurred face of Kiyoshi, " i regret making the dai lee" 

she said and pointed to my hand which now had a strange mark on it. "what is that?" serenity's eyes were as big as appa, "i'm sorry my child." was all i heard before the flowers went flying and i was back in my world, the man was still drunk and on the balcony, i looked down to see me fully clothed in the dress with yellow florals.

i looked to my hand with the mark still clearly present, i screamed, the high pitched noise alerted the man as well as a few guards outside.

the guards ran into the room and two Dai Lee agents stood in front of me, my adopted father ran in and looked to me and then the strange man, i wrapped my arms around my head and hid in my knees afraid to move.

all of a sudden, a fight broke out, one agent flew the king out the other tried to touch me, but i instinctivly jumped away and was now on the balcony the railing was pressed against my back, the same Dai Lee agent jumped after me.

i jumped the railing.....

the falling air around me helped i used my bending, it reated some slide and it practically launched me into the middle ring.

i landed in a cabbage cart and the merchant screeched about his cabbages.

i ran out of the city, it took hours but i did, i managed to have my notebook and the orange dress.

i stopped running once i reached a field, i collapsed on the ground, heading south from here would eventually lea me to the south pole where healers reside.-- but then i remembered i have to go north since the south has been change a lot.

i found a piece of wood and sat down onto it, i used to brown mechanism to move faster, i reached the water and looked at the map i had drawn, it was identical to sokka's,  the sandy beach was a bright place but i stole a boat leaving behind a few gold coins.

then began my journey north.

it had only been a few hours the water was still everything was calm. i continued to head north, i saw kiyoshi island, it was pretty but i didnt even approach the town, i continued sailing until night, when i fell asleep to the gently rolling waves.

A/N: so spoiler she reaches the north pole in one or two chapters, yes she has no supplies, she only has her journal, a pen, her dress, the boat and a fishing rod which she doesn't know how to use

and if the story is unclear about ANYTHING, just ask

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