ch-14 memory pools.

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I jolted upward when appa started moving,

Aang was ahead on his glider, katara and Sokka were trying to talk to him, I pulled in the orange string leading away from the group.

(Zuko fell over)

Instead of listening to the bickering Trio I closed my eyes.

I felt a wind rush over me.

I opened my eyes to see some teal grass, okay spirit world-- did you drink cactus juice?

I noticed a small pool of water. Okay so what part of the spirit world is this-

I looked into the pool and saw, what looks to be a coronation?

I touched the water and it turned into steam.

"Okay I think the spirit world became Sokka the idiot"

I looked around me and saw another pool.

"Aww what a cute couple... wait is that.... Zuko?" I pushed my head in the pool and I became, myself? I moved my hands to touch my face and it seemed to be covered in a white paint...

Is this the future? Am I a kiyoshi warrior?

"Hey you okay Ren?" I heard Katara ask in her usual tone, she was holding a baby, Kya.

"Yeah I'm fine Katara, why do you ask?"
She shook her head.
"Ren, you have to let him go." She handed me the baby, who cooed at me softly immediately making me smile.

"I know, I know, you told me the story about Oma and Shu many times" I smile playing with the tiny bundle of joy.

"Where did dad go he was just here??" Asked the little boy, Bumi,
"Hey Katara, can I tell you something that happened a long, long, Time ago?"

Then the vision faded and I shot out of the water as it turned to steam.

All of a sudden I felt like I was hit over the head with a boulder, "heh, now I know why Korra has little memories from the past avatars." I turned around to see an army of angry spirits.

"Who are you???" I ask backing up feeling a pool of water around my ankle.

"It doesnt matter you'll learn it after you're dead" he began to bend water at me rapidly, I continued to doge unsure if i should go on the offense.

By now I'm waist deep in the pond. When the realization dawned on me, i smirked, "but you dont want to upset the Avatar right?" He threw some water at me and I backed up more.

"You know were deeply connected." I put my hands over my eyes and visualized telling the next serenity.


The girl with a black and red suit looked to me with bright eyes.

"I need you to tell the Avatar the spirits are in danger" I felt a sharp pain coming from my back and going all the way down to my foot.

I screamed, before the girl could get to me. I was brought back to the real world where I was frozen in the ice, my entire body hurt,

I blacked out.

A few hours later I awoke to a giant tree.

There was a war going on and i could feel Ravva dissapear.

Then i awoke but i was sitting in a fountain and toph was practically hanging on a thread.

I heard Katara getting mildly upset. "I meant how"

"Well, I might have gone to see Zuko last night." Bold much?

All at once came different reactions I got out of the fountain and hugged Aang from behind.

"I just thought he could be helpful to us. And if I talked to him, maybe we could work something out" she said.

I walked over to her, WHY HAVENT THEY FOUND MY BODY YET??,  the thoughts ran through my head as I laid mine against the now fully blinded Toph.

Aang, being the keeper of peace, "so he attacked you?"

I walked straight through Katara making her feel uncomfortable.

"Well he did and he didnt it was, sort of, an accident."

"But he did firebend at you?"

I could sense Sokkas remark, "see you trusted Zuko and got burned... literally"

Katara bended the water and began to heal her feet. "It will take awhile for them to heal, I wished I could've worked on them sooner." She said,a slight sarcastic tone laced her words.

"Yeah, me too" agreed my girlfriend-- I MEAN TOPH.

"Zuko is clearly too dangerous to leave alone. Were gonna have to go after him." Said the idiot-- sokka I meant Sokka.

I could hear Aang speak sadly,
"I hate to go looking for a fight, but you're right after what he did to Toph, I dont think we have a choice."

Why didnt you accept him in the first place?

I tuned out the rest of the conversation.

I sat on the edge of the fountain and zoned out staring straight at a wall. Then the world began to dissapear and it was... cold?

It felt like I was looking through glass. The teal grass faded into veiw and others was another pool of water, but it was different.

I touched the cook surface..... glass?

Okay spirit world.... your definitely high on cactus juice...

I walked straight to the middle of the vast ocean...... it was strange to walk on it.
Then it broke.

I was falling. Then I hit the water I felt my body change...  my skin felt like a million little lava ants were biting every inch.

Then I blacked out unable to breath.

I woke up in a forest next to a camp, there was a small log and a tent with the firenation symbol on it.

My breath picked up, I tried to move but found myself bound by ropes

"Hey" I didnt recognize the voice so I panicked and tried to move. The ropes suddenly loosened.

I looked two who untied me.... it was Zuko. I moved and stretched, there was a heavy thing on my back and I looked back to see wings.

I moved them, it removed the heavy weight, Zuko came and laid a hand on my nose.

I closed my eyes as a sign of respect. "How did you survive?" He asked I shook my head in confusion.

An; I'm gonna be AFK for a little while so this is probably the last update for a few days ;;

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