CH 7 --Serenity, pt 2

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{Serenity Mirichi POV}

They say only the kindest spirits reincarnate.

They say the avatar is a spirit that isnt always kind but can still follow its predecessor.

I was born without an ability to talk.

I do know that some benders could bend their main element as well as their soulmates, however if my soulmate is the avatar I'd have no clue.

I continued to walk when I saw a girl around my age appear at the temple, she had big brown eyes and dark hair.

I felt closer to the earth.

I knew right then and there that she was my soulmate.

I looked into the room to see her bow to the monks, "I have some news about an airbender..." she said softly all the monks were focused on her so I snuck in the room and hid behind some wood.

"Ah Avatar you found an Air nomad?"

"She was found dead at the river along with her husband, an earth bender," I stayed silent and leaned against the wood.

"Kiyoshi... we know your mother was an airbender." Said the monk.

It is the avatar....

I crawled out the door before they saw me.... I hoped...

"Serenity come here please" said as I noticed the representative for the southern temple.

I patted my hair down before looking to my feet and entering the room. "I know your soulmate, but your not theirs." Said the monk I nodded still looking to the floor.

"Serenity a walk" said the Monk from the western temple.

I stood there and the monk came to me.

We walked around the temple me holding my hands together.

"The Avatar has two fates, one with you, and one with another."

I nodded and he walked away I stared into the sunset wishing for the stars to align. I stared into the sky not noticing the figure behind me the stars began to show and there was a clear line between the ones recognized as planets.

"Pretty night, huh?" Asked the familiar voice of kiyoshi, I jumped at the sudden voice.

I nodded.

She leaned on the balcony railing and I followed suit laying one arm above the other.

"So... what's your name?" She asked, her eyes said she was blushing but I couldnt see beneath the makeup.

I thought for a moment. I used my airbending to bring a incents, a light blue, and two white ones.

I pointed to the top gesturing flames, she understood and lit the tops with her firebending.

I stood up and moved my feet into an airbending stance.
I moved my hands forming each letter in a beautiful cursive.

She looked awed as I sat back down leaving the air to still.

"Pretty name, I'm Kyoshi" I smile and it seemed she under stood.

We talked--- or in my case bended---all night eventually until early morning.

She giggled at the funny story I had told her when a monk came up to find us.

"Oh there you are, Kiyoshi... you must go." She stood up to leave and I grabbed her hand instinctively.

"Do you want to come?" She asks softly I nodded

We boarded the flying bison when we reached the area, it was my first time leaving the temple ---- AND ITS WITH THE AVATAR.

We rode to a village and the rain began to pour, we landed on a cliff and a person filled Kiyoshi in on the mission.

We sat on the cliff and waited then the wind picked up un expectedly, I fell as my legs were swinging over the edge, I tried to scream but nothing came out.

I hit my head and then felt nothing. It was all black...

I finished the story and the girl from before spoke up "pretty story huh?"

seriously this was fun to write but it only works for air nation ppl for Serenities reincarnation.

Yes it is Ren. So yeah!

Anyway ask questions!!!

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