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1. "I need you to make out with me. Don't worry though, it's for science."

2. Characters gave each other a promise when they were children and they wonder whether it's still valid.

3. "We're not just friends and you fucking know it."

4. "It killed me to see you with him."

5. "See the eyes they're making at each other? It's going as planned."

6. "I know they didn't need my help, but honestly, I personally think they totally do.

7. You're applying a new flavor of chapstick."Can I try it? I wanna have a taste."

8. "I know what you want." "Stop." "It's me, isn't it? Go on, sweetheart. Say it. I can see it in how you look at me."

9. "It's not like I like you or anything! ... Okay, well- maybe I do."

10. "I can finally say I'm dating my best friend."

11. "I don't fall in love with people very often, I just can't believe it was you."

12. "Isn't it strange to think that just a while back, we were always fighting?"

13. "I'm trying to decide if this thing I did is incredibly stupid or...""What happened? What did you do?""Well...I fell in love with you."

14. Your secret relationship finally being discovered

15. You're really drunk and you show up at my apartment

16. "You know nothing about me.""Oh, but I do. I know you want adventure, that's why you're here standing in front of me. You want to rebel like everyone else. You want mystery in your life, passion, romance... and maybe even a little danger."

17. "Please don't say you love me."

18. "I'm starting to think you just like me pinning you up against things, darling"

19. "You know I can't say it, but surely you understand how I feel?"

20. "No, I want you to say it."

21. "I was going to go for a suave pickup line, but I got all flustered when I saw you."

22. "You can't die. I love you."

23. Him helping you study but ultimately just becoming more and more distracting

24. "Are you trying time seduce me?"-"That depends on if it's working or not."

25. "I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to make you happy"

26. "I'm guilty of loving you, even when I know you can't love me back"

27. "Shush, it's okay. I've got you"

28. "You've made a fool of me. Just go!"

29. "It takes a while for you to trust people doesn't it?"

30. "How am I supposed to breath without you?"

31. "I promise I will always be on your side"

32. "So he's more important to you than me"

33. "How the hell have you reached your age without anybody ever kissing you?"

34. You all share a hotel room, and the two of you share a bed

35. "I broke my rules for you."

36. "Sorry for calling so late at night.. well.. early in the morning.. but.."

37. You fall asleep and partially wake up while he's carrying you

38. He has made a game of saying things to make you blush, and it was all fun and games until he started to mean it.

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