Willne x male reader (smut)

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Prompt: Id like it to be Will with a Male reader in a teacher x student situation. ( legal of course )

In a strange turn of events, you were waiting for the teacher to show up to detention. You looked up at the clock on the all and then down at the form on the desk in front of you, confirming that the teacher was 5 minutes late. This wasn't the first time you'd been in detention, but it was the first time you'd been alone. Mr. Lenney walked in the door holding a stack of papers he'd clearly been in the middle of grading. He sat down at the desk in the front of the room and looked over at you.

"Good to see you again, y/n," he said. Your name always sounded different when he said it. Like he was taking extra care with each sound. It made you feel welcome around him.

"Hey, Mr. Lenny." He gave you a look. He'd asked you ages ago to call him by his first name, but you refused to do so. It felt wrong. "I'm not calling you Will. It's just not happening."

"We'll see about that," he said. He leaned back to look out the door, checking no one else was coming in.

"Right, well, I guess it's just the two of us," he said, walking over to you. You handed him the form detailing why exactly you were in detention. He barely glanced at it for a moment before he said, "So I see you were making a fool of yourself again. Trying to get someone's attention?"

"Maybe," you replied, sheepishly. You immediately looked away. It was true. You had been trying to get someone's attention for quite a while now, but it wasn't anyone in your class. Your teacher smiled and shook his head. He handed you back your form and sat on top of his desk.

"Well did it work?"

"I'm not sure." You looked up at him teacher quickly, trying to read his expression, but looked away just as quick, afraid he might read yours.

Mr. Lenney had taught your history class last semester, his first semester at your school. It was his first teaching job, so he was fairly young compared to all the other teachers and naturally all the girls had a crush on him. But they weren't the only ones.

At the start of this semester, you had gotten a detention, and when you found out that Mr. Lenney was the one who supervised Friday after school detentions, your heart skipped a beat. Ever since, you've made sure to get in as much trouble as possible just so that you had that hour with him. Your parents were furious, but you didn't care. You really had gotten close with him, and that was worth the world to you. He listened to you talk about your life, gave you advice, and was the only adult who'd ever seen you as a person. Technically, you were an adult, but the other adults around you didn't see you that way.

The more the other adults around you treated you like a child, the more you wanted to be around him, the one person who really got you and really listened to you. You found yourself craving his attention and his approval more and more with every conversation with him. At first, you told yourself it was just admiration. You thought he was cool and friendly and smart, and you wanted to be a cool, friendly, smart adult. However, you slowly found yourself craving more than just his time.

You knew that now was the perfect time to do something about it. You were going to be alone with him for a while, and who knew when that would happen again? You felt yourself get shaky from the nervousness. Who knew what would happen if you told him? If you did something about it? You stood up and walked closer to him and then stopped. You were too afraid to do anything else. Too afraid to even close the gap between you two.

"So, who's this kid you're trying to impress?" he asked you.

"Well, he isn't exactly a kid," you looked anywhere you could to avoid looking at his face. You were afraid to see how he would react.

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