James X Reader (smut)

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Prompt: He has made a game of saying things to make you blush , and it was all fun and games until he started to meet it.

It all started when James showed up to a pregame super early when it was just you and one of the girls you were friends with. "Oh, hey," you greeted him at the door. You were all dressed to go out but had barely started on your makeup. This was the first time James had seen you without your makeup on, and usually you wore a foundation thick enough to hide just how red your face can get. You all hung out in your room and you went to grab some drinks for everyone. "So, y/n is the guy you hooked up with last time invited?" y/f/n asked.

You felt heat rise to your face. "Um...no. That's not gonna be like a thing." Your friend kept pestering you with more and more questions about this guy while your face got redder and redder. James took notice of how flustered and red you were getting, and he found it amusing. "I just don't want this night to be a night about guys. Anyways, here are those drinks." You set a bottle down for everyone, hoping to end that conversation.

"Hey! I'm a guy," James responded.

"You know what I mean," you say down and started on your makeup.

"What? You mean you don't want to sloppily make out with me in the middle of a party we all crashed?" he asked with an amused look on his face.

"Shut up, James" you replied, feeling your face burn beneath all the makeup you had already applied. You knew he could tell you were blushing from the way his eyes lit up as if you'd told a joke. You heard him chuckle a bit.

"What's so funny, dickhead," your voice was flat like you were more stating something that asking a question.

"Oh nothing," he said. Then, he winked at you. Your stomach flipped, and you blushed again. He smirked.

He dropped it for a while. Once you finished getting ready, you all moved into the main room of your apartment, and eventually, more of your friends showed up. You were all fairly tipsy and sitting around goofing off while playing dumb drinking games. You all decided it was time to move on to the club. You and James were the last two to trickle out of your apartment, and just before he asked out, he leaned over and said in a really low voice, "You look really hot tonight." You blushed again, and you saw him smirk. It kinda made you wanna beat the shit out of him. It kinda made you wanna make out with him.

The comments and teasing continued for a few months, and eventually, it became part of your dynamic. It lead to some confusing feelings for you, but you were pretty sure he was only joking. Sure, you'd caught him looking at you a few times, but that didn't mean anything. Your butt just looked phenomenal in those jeans. Anyone would've looked. This all culminated in one long weekend where you and your friend group went away to a cabin for the weekend.

You all had gone up to y/f/n's cabin for the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to drink and explore and hang out in the summertime. Everyone had brought some alcohol to share, but you and y/f/n had brought way more than everyone else as you two usually drank way more due to your higher tolerances and need to party. James and Will were the last two to show up. Y/f/n answered the door and said "Y/n has had about two double bottles of wine already."

James could've sworn she was speaking just to him. He couldn't think of why she would do that. Sure, the two of you had been really flirty, but that didn't mean he would try anything. He decided it just meant he needed to catch up, so he took a swig of the whiskey he brought before he entered the cabin. "James! Will!" a fairly tipsy y/n had shouted when they entered the door. She came over to give them both hugs and then saw they were both sober. "Wanna do shots?" She asked them.

"Only if they're body shots," James joked and winked.

Y/n blushed. "Ya, sure, if you all wanna."

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