Willne x Reader-Secret Relationship pt 2

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You woke up to soft sunlight peaking through the curtains. Memories from the night before flooded your mind, but you pushed them aside, trying to convince yourself that it was just a very strange dream. You rolled over to go back to sleep only to see the very unavoidable evidence that last night was, in fact, real.

"Hello, beautiful," Will said, groggily.

Startled, you sat up immediately. "Oh, shit."


"Nothing, it's just...that really happened."

Will chuckled, "It sure did."

"No one can know about this," you told him, sternly.

"Alright, no one will know," he agreed. His eyes were still full of amusement, but you trusted that he was still taking things seriously. He lightly tugged at your wrist. "C'mon, lye back down. Everything's fine."

You sighed and laid down next to him. He wrapped an arm around you, and you laid your head on his chest as he pulled you in closer. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to ignore how strange it was that you felt safe in his arms and really feel the comfort of being so close to another person. You felt your breathing slow down and felt that floaty feeling of being just between sleep and wakefulness. Just before you were completely asleep, a loud banging noise jolted you awake again.

"Y/n! Y/n!" you heard from the other side of your hotel room door. "Wakeup, we gotta grab our shit."

Will jumped out of bed and quickly started getting dressed. You looked around frantically. There was no way they could find you with Will, but there was nowhere for him to hide-no closet, no space under the bed, nothing at all. Luckily, an idea popped into your head. You grabbed Will's wrist and dragged him into the bathroom. You gestured towards the shower tub. He stepped inside, and you closed the curtain so that he was hidden. You hoped that no one needed to go into the bathroom and threw on a robe quickly before answering the door.

You opened the door to see both of them looking completely ready and put together. You never would've guessed that the two of them had been absolutely shitfaced the night before. You stepped aside, and they came into your hotel room. "Did you just wake up?" y/f/n asked glancing down at her phone to check the time, "It's like noon."

"Yeah, um, I'm just not that used to being out that late I guess," you said, not really knowing how to reply to such clear judgement.

"You left super early, though," she said.

"Yeah, where did you go? We were gonna go out for some drunk food, and you were gone," y/o/f/n asked. He didn't seem to be suspicious of anything, just curious, but you felt put on the spot.

Seeing how nervous you were, y/f/n joked, "What? Did you have a super hot hookup or something?"

"What? No. I just-Oh, you know. I was just getting kinda tired, and I went home early," You were speaking, but you didn't know what you were saying until it came out of your mouth. You weren't even thinking anymore; your mind was completely blank.

She laughed, "I know, I'm just giving you shit."

"Anyways, do you know where I left my wine?" y/o/f/n asked. The both of them started sifting through the pile of trash and alcohol that'd been left on the table the night before.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure you drank all of that," you replied, recalling him finishing the entire thing barely an hour after claiming he brought it "to share."

"Damn, I was really hoping to stretch that a bit further than a day," he said, grabbing a plastic shopping bag off the ground to put their bottles in. They quickly grabbed all their things, and just as you thought they were leaving, they started trying to invite you out again.

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