Imallexx X Reader

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Prompt: 7. You're applying a new flavor of chapstick. "Can I try it? I wanna have a taste."

On a normal day, you liked to look put together. In fact, you rarely wear sweats except to bed, so when you came out of your room in grey sweatpants and a T-shirt, your roommate looked a little surprised. "What you so dressed up for?" she joked. "You got a date or something?"

You both laughed. You had been single for years, something your friends constantly made fun of you for. "No, y/f/n, I'm just running super late. I promised everyone I'd be at lunch in like 5 minutes. I didn't even have time to wash my face."

"I'm sure they'll understand. It's just lunch." And then a pause. "Is Alex gonna be there?"

"I know. I just hate being late. Plus we're going to go shopping afterwards as well." You ignored her question. You knew she'd been trying to set you two up for ages, and you were tired of explaining it to her. He was your best friend, and you didn't want to ruin that. Even if you did have feelings for him and you were one drunken night away from trying to kiss him, and even if you did desperately want to know how he felt about you. His friendship was important to you, and the chance of him being made too uncomfortable to remain as close as you were, so close that many people had assumed you were a couple, stopped you from ever saying anything.

"Well, have fun. I'm sure it'll be fine."

You grabbed your backpack that you left by the front door the night before and headed out the door towards the bus. The bus stopped a few stores down from where you were meeting Alex, Will, and George for lunch. You had befriended them before you knew of their YouTube channels-you were more into beauty than commentary-and though you didn't 100% care about everything they made videos on, you enjoyed watching their videos for their personalities and to support your friends. They had brought up you starting a YouTube channel as well, especially Alex who had been trying to get you in a video on his channel for ages, but you told them it wasn't really your thing. However, today you had agreed to help them shop for some things for some upcoming videos.

You walked into the cafe looking a hot mess, though none of the boys seemed to notice.

"Y/n!" Will greeted you.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," you sat down at the booth side of the half booth next to Alex. The table was so small that your thigh was right up against his. You felt your face flush a little and hoped that no one noticed.

"Don't worry about it. George only just sat down," Alex told you.

"Hey!"George protested.

You laughed. You all ordered and had your lunch, catching up and telling jokes. Most of the jokes, of course, were at each other's expense, and several of them were about how you just could not get a date.

"You know," Will said, "if you just put yourself out there, I'm sure you could get a date."

"Oh I'm sure she could," George agreed.

You noticed George look at Alex more than usual, like he was trying to tell him something. You told yourself you had imagined it, and you all carried on with your conversation. After you all had payed, you headed to the shops. At the last shop, the boys seemed to know what they were looking for and you were getting a bit bored, so you started wandering around. You ended up buying a few things for yourself, including a new mango-flavored lip balm.

You headed back towards the bus stop, Will and George walking ahead of you and Alex and clearly absorbed in their own conversation. You and Alex were just chatting like you always do when you pulled out your new lip balm and started putting it on.

"What's that?" Alex asked you.

"This? Oh, it's just my new lip balm. I bought it in the last store. It's mango."

"Can I try it? I wanna have a taste."

"Oh, sure. Here you-"

You were cut off by Alex's lips crashing into yours, something you were not prepared for in the slightest. You kissed him back and took a step back, steadying yourself. He put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. His lips were soft, but the way he was kissing you wasn't. It was like he was letting out something he had bottled up for a long time-passionate and demanding and oh so worth it. You gripped him tight, not wanting your kiss to end.

You heard a "fucking finally" and a "get a room" from two voices up the road. You broke away from the kiss to look and saw Will and George turned around to look at the both of you. George was holding his phone as if he had taken a photo, "This is for y/f/n," he said.

You rolled your eyes.

"Alex, mate," Will started. "We told you to tell her, not to suck her face, oh my god."

"Wait, you knew?" You asked, surprised.

"Oh yeah. We've been trying to get him to tell you for ages now, but he was too scared," George teased.

"Shut up," Alex said before turning back to you and kissing you again.

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