James Marriott x Reader

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Request: Loved this, you should write a James Marriott x reader when he produces slow down and it's about you

You had woken up to a call in the early hours of the morning. You looked with blurry eyes, feeling around in your sheets for your cellphone.

"Hello?" you asked, your voice groggy with sleep.

"Y/n! Y/n! I finished it. Come over as quickly as you can!" you heard your boyfriend's eager voice on the other end.

"James? What are you talking about? What time is it?"

"Oh...oh shit, sorry. I've been working all night. I guess I just didn't realize how late it is. Go back to sleep, babe, but come over as soon as you're up. I have something super important to show you."

James had a tendency to get sucked into any project he was working on, so it didn't surprise you that he was awake working. However, you had never gotten one of those phone calls before. You figured it was probably a video he'd been working on for a while, but James almost never showed you his videos. He figured you knew about them and would watch them if you wanted to.

You always had a hard time falling back asleep, so after an hour or so of tossing and turning, you decided to just give up on the idea all together. You got up and started getting ready to go to your boyfriend's place. The two of you had barely been dating a month, and while you wanted your relationship to be progressing faster, James wanted to slow things down. You were an intense person and most of your relationships progressed at lightning speed. James was usually the opposite. He was hesitant with anything new, but he wasn't very good at communicating why he was acting hesitant and distant. It often made you insecure about your relationship. This had actually been what your last conversation was about, though it was more of an argument, so you were a little nervous about seeing James again, though this was quickly subdued by your excitement to see whatever he had to show you.

You got to his apartment at the hour where it was almost acceptable to be out and about, 5 am. He opened the door the second your knuckles made contact with the door. His hair was a mess, his eyes were wild with excitement, and his clothes looked like they'd been slept in. "Y/n! Come in, come in."

You stepped inside his apartment and followed him as he led you to his bedroom.

"So," he started, "I was thinking about what you said, ya know, when you asked me what was the problem and what I wanted."

"Is this related to what you have to show me?" you asked, confused. You didn't see how this could relate to any video he might have made.

"It is!" he sat you down in his desk chair. "I've been working on this for forever, but it was never quite right. I guess I just needed a muse, and you and your questions were it. Don't say anything yet just..here."

He handed his headphones to you, and you put them on. You didn't know what to expect, but after a second or so, music started playing. A drink to filter out the sound. I bought the last, it's still my round...

You closed your eyes and listened to the night you met. You saw the way that he saw you and felt the way that you made him feel. Finally, you got to the answer to your questions. I want it, But can you slow down? You've got me daunted...

You kept listening, though you were fairly sure you already understood. You were pushing for things to move too fast, and your level of intensity scared him, though he must like it on some level. You were just so touched that he had written a song about you and had listened and cared enough to respond to your concerns. You had never had any partner make anything more personal than a birthday card for you, and now you had a whole song about James's feelings for you.

The song ended, and you took off the headphones. You opened your eyes and looked up at James who was anxiously staring at you, waiting for you to say something. You didn't want to come across like you were assuming anything, so you asked, "Is this...is this about me?"

"Yeah. Of course it is. Do you like it?"

"I love it, James. It's so sweet."

You saw him let out a sigh of relief. "Did you...did you get what I was trying to say?"

You nodded. "I think so. I'm sorry, I know I can be a bit much. I didn't ever want to make you feel like we were moving faster than you wanted to."

"Oh, no. It's not your fault. I just don't always know how to say things, and this is a way for me to say everything without screwing it up somehow. Thank you. For listening to me."

"Of course," you smiled and then stood up to kiss James. He kissed you back gently.

"Now, what do you say to a cup of coffee?"

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