Willne x Reader (Smut)-Secret Relationship Pt 1

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Prompt: 14. Your secret relationship finally being discovered

You had been a popular tiktoker for almost half a year when you decided to make a youtube channel. While already being established on tiktok gave you a built-in audience on youtube, it also meant that your tiktok was now getting more attention from commentary youtubers. Thankfully, as soon as your tiktok started blowing up, you private a lot of content on your page that you'd made as vent posts before anyone was really seeing your videos. You avoided watching all of the many videos made about you. You knew that most people found your content cringey, and there's nothing they could say that you haven't already seen in your comments. You intended on continuing to avoid the videos, but one Instagram dm changed that.

It was from a commentary youtuber who went by Willne.

He apparently had made a video about you and was reaching out to make sure there were no hard feelings. You really appreciated someone reaching out to you instead of just making fun of you incessantly like everyone else did. He was easy on the eyes, too, so you messaged him back and watched his video. This started the beginning of your friendly rivalry.

You and Will had made a few videos about each other-he cringed at your content and you pretended to be outraged by his reaction-but you both knew that it was all in good fun. The viewers seemed to understand it was mostly an act on your part, especially since a lot of your persona was more of a character than your actual person. The two of you even gave each other a heads up before you would post a video about the other; however, somewhere along the way this changed. The videos became more bitter and more personal. The heads-up messages become more taunting until they stopped all together. Your fans picked up on this changed in dynamics and starting to leave nasty comments on the videos defending their fave. You tried not to look at the comments or the posts about you since most of them just made fun of your appearance and mannerisms, but you still watched every single video that Will made about you. You didn't really know what drove you to watch them. You knew they'd do nothing but piss you off and hurt your feelings, but you couldn't stop yourself.

This had been going on for months by the time vidcon rolled around. You had been looking forward to vidcon for a while-to finally feeling like an official youtuber. You were going all by yourself-no friends, roommates, or family for just a few days. It was both relaxing and nerve-racking. You had scheduled a meetup thinking that only a handful of people would even be interested, but to your surprise, you had seen lots of people on twitter talking about it. You were super excited to meet some fans, but you were especially excited not to have to deal with Willne drama for a few days. He and his friends didn't go to vidcon as far as you could tell, and that was just one more selling point of the whole thing.

The first day ran smoothly-you checked into your hotel room, met quite a few people at your meet and greet, and took some pictures with fans. You met up with two other creators that you had collaborated with in the past and had dinner together at a restaurant near the hotel. You mostly just caught up and talked about how vidcon was going, but towards the end of dinner one of them brought up a creator party that was happening that night. You had been aware of the party but had no intention of going.

"C'mon. It'll be fun," y/f/n said.

"I don't know. I don't really know anyone," you struggled to give a definite no. You didn't feel like you belonged with all the other creators. You were just some Tiktok famous kid that had a YouTube channel.

"You'll know us," the other argued.

You tried to think of a good enough reason not to go. You hated to disappoint people. You still didn't want to go, but that didn't seem like a good excuse. No matter how hard you tried to think of something, your mind stayed blank. "Fine, I'll go."

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