Memeulous x Reader

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Prompt: Holiday love confession

Your holiday get together had been going well. Everyone had unwrapped their Secret Santa presents and were having a pretty good time together. You were just happy that you all could be together, but you couldn't help but feel one thing was missing. You'd been single for quite a while, and while this hadn't been your first holiday single, this was the first holiday where you didn't want to be. You had had a crush on George for quite a while, and you were convinced he had to know by now. Everyone else seemed to. You know for a fact that Alex did. All night he'd been making comments and raising his eyebrows. There was no way George hadn't noticed, so you had assumed that he just wasn't interested. You tried to stop thinking about it, but you couldn't help it.

"You guys want some more eggnog?" you asked, looking for a distraction.

"Yeah, that'd be great," James said. Everyone else wanted one as well. You grabbed everyone's glasses and went into the kitchen where the eggnog was. From the kitchen you could hear Alex and George talking.

"Why don't you help y/n?" Alex suggested to George.

"What? Why me? Why can't you do it?" he replied.

"Just help her and stop being an ass," Will said.

"Yeah, you've been acting weird all night," James said.

"I have not!" George argued.

"You have. Go help y/n before we make you explain yourself," Alex said.

A moment later George walked into the kitchen. You had already refilled all the glasses except for one.

"I'll get that one," George said. He refilled that glass and then the two of you carried them out of the kitchen. You noticed everyone was looking at the two of you and smirking. You stopped.

"What?" you asked.

"Look up," Will said.

You looked up and saw mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. You felt your cheeks heat up and were sure that your face was as red as a candy cane.

"You," George looked right at Alex. "You did this on purpose."

Alex didn't say anything, but you could tell from the look on his face that he absolutely had. It made you wonder if he had been trying to set up something like this for a while and why exactly he'd done it. "Well, it's mistletoe. You have to kiss," Alex said.

"Yeah, kiss her," James added.

Will started chanting "Kiss, kiss, kiss..." and the rest of them joined in until George leaned over and kissed you. His lips were soft and warm. You felt butterflies in your stomach but not exactly from nerves, just excitement. When you opened your eyes, George turned away from you almost immediately. You guessed maybe he just didn't like it and were a little embarrassed. The night went on a little longer with that strange moment gnawing away at the back of your mind.

As it started getting late, you got up to leave. George grabbed your arm, stopping you. "Y/n, wait," he let go of your arm. "Could I...uh...Could I talk to you?"

"Oh, uh, sure," you replied. You wondered what he could possibly want to talk to you about and started to get a little worried. Will and James went home, and Alex quickly left the room.

"So...uh...I've been meaning to talk to you about something for a while, and I guess I kinda gotta do it now." George took your hands in his own, and you felt your heart start to race.

"Y/n, I have feelings for you. I've actually had feelings for you for a while. I really like you, y/n." You stood there in silence for a second. You didn't know what to say. You had been hoping for something like this for a while, but you hadn't expected it to actually happen.

"You don't have to reciprocate or anything. I just had to tell you," he said.

"No, no. George, I like you too. I-" George cut you off with a kiss, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. You felt like your body was melting into his. The kiss was so warm and comforting and safe. When you two finally broke away from your kiss, you heard a door open.

It was Alex.

"Took you two long enough."

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