Willne X Reader

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Prompt: "Crap. I sent a nude pic to the wrong person."

You stood in front of the mirror after your morning shower, stretching and contorting your naked body into different positions to try to get the best looking angle you can. You opened Snapchat and took a few photos, saving but rejecting a few before you took your favorite. You scrolled through your Snapchat contacts until you found the guy you had been talking to on Tinder. You didn't realize, but while scrolling down you had accidentally clicked on another contact as well. Will.

You didn't realize that anything had happened, so you got dressed and continued to go about getting ready for the day. You were just about to sit down to breakfast when your phone pinged with a Snapchat notification from Will. It said he had replayed your Snapchat. You thought it was strange as didn't remember sending anything. Then, he sent you three Snapchats in a row. You opened the app to see they were all chat messages.

But also what

"Crap. I sent a nude pic to the wrong person!" you said to yourself. You panicked, realizing what you must've sent him, but you refused to believe that was the truth.

What did I send you

You waited anxiously. You and Will were friends and part of the same friend group, but you weren't super close. You weren't sure what to expect-if he would believe it was an accident, if your friendship would last, if he would tell your other friends.

A nude
I didn't think you thought about me like that

You were too hungry to think but too nervous to eat the breakfast you had made.

It wasn't meant for you. Sorry

You hoped he didn't think you were weird or creepy. You hoped he believed you.

So you don't think about me like that?

You felt heat spread across your entire face, starting at your red hot cheeks. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about him before. You didn't necessarily have a crush on him, but you'd definitely considered making out with him after a few drinks before.

Well i didn't say that

Almost immediately after that, he replied. Almost as if he had been waiting with Snapchat open.

Oh really?
Then what do you think?

You thought you knew what he meant, but you wanted to avoid answering for as long as possible.

What do you mean?

Again, he responded immediately.

Idk, like did you wanna hook up sometime?

You rolled your eyes at the question, but you knew your answer was yes.


You went back to your breakfast and started eating now that you were less stressed.

You're coming over to the pregame later ya?

Your mutual friends Alex and George were having people over to have some drinks before you all go out clubbing. You had to get a little tipsy before going to the clubs, because their drinks were always so expensive.

Yep. U?

You already knew what he was getting at, so you knew he was probably going. You figured you would dress a little more extra than you were planning, though you always dressed pretty extra when you went out to the clubs.

Ya I'm going. See you there ;)

You felt your stomach flip. From nervousness? Excitement? You weren't sure which. Once you finished your breakfast, you went to go plan out a club outfit. You told yourself it wasn't to impress Will, but you weren't convincing yourself. You still couldn't believe that you'd sent him your nude on accident, but you were glad it went so well.

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