George x Reader (smut-ish)

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Prompt: 89. "I didn't know your nipples were so sensitive."

You and George were laying on his bed watching a movie on his laptop. You had made the mistake of letting it slip that you'd never seen any of the shitty Noah Centineo movies on Netflix, so George had decided he was going to make you suffer through all of them. Currently, you were watching To All the Boys I've Loved Before. You didn't want to admit it, but you didn't think the movie was that bad, though you didn't have a super high standard for movies. Watching all this romance play out on screen just made you feel even lonelier, especially since it was one of those idealistic, innocent teen romance movies.

You had been having a really hard time since your last relationship ended; even though, it had been a few months already. It wasn't that you loved your ex. No one would've claimed that. You just didn't deal with being alone very well. You had a terrible habit of jumping from boyfriend to boyfriend to girlfriend to boyfriend ever since your one and only fucking around period ended three years ago. It didn't help that your last relationship was so bad that it left you feeling broken and dirty. Your friends were glad to see you more and even more glad that you weren't immediately getting into another relationship, but seeing you so lonely and sad was disheartening even when unhealthy, miserable relationships were the alternative.

You had agreed to this movie night actually hoping that it would take your mind off things. Instead, all you could think about was how much you wanted any sort of relationship only to be reminded that the idea absolutely terrified you at the moment. In fact, more than once you had been asked out since your breakup, but you panicked every single time. Still, the movie made you yearn for any kind of collection to make you feel less alone. Finally, you voiced this.

"This movie isn't too bad, but it sure does rub in my face just how lonely I am," you said.

"I dunno. I think it's pretty bad, but yeah, it does keep reminding me how single I am," he replied. You turned to look at George and noticed he was staring right at you. The look in his eyes was familiar to you but not something you'd seen from him before. It was a hungry, lustful look-the look of a man who knows what he wants and won't wait much longer to take it.

"What?" you asked him, your voice shaking a little with nervousness. You thought you knew what was going on, but you convinced yourself that you were just imagining things. In a moment that felt infinitely long and incredibly short, you looked into George's eyes and then down at his lips, and then without any thought at all, you grabbed George at the same moment that he grabbed you, both of you gripping each other so tightly your knuckles were slightly discolored, and your lips crashed together in an unspoken passion. You felt his tongue in your mouth, and you followed his lead. He pushed you down on the bed and swung a leg over your body so that he was straddling you.

You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer, feeling his erection grind against your crotch. You felt a pleasant sensation spreading throughout your body, pushing you to go further. You sucked on George's neck, both hearing and feeling him moan with pleasure. You continued to go up and down his neck, leaving small red marks that you knew would soon be hickeys, before he pinned your hands above your head, leaving you aroused and breathless. He kissed your lips passionately. You felt his hands all over your body- feeling every inch of you, memorizing your body.

"God you're so hot," he said, breathily, sliding off your shirt. He kissed your neck and your collarbones and down your chest before cupping your breasts with his hands. He undid your bra and sucked on your tits. He went back to kissing you while his fingers played with your nipples. You felt a painful pinching.

"Ow, ow. Stop. Stop!" It took until you finished speaking for George to actually take his hands off you. He was apologizing profusely, but you were already putting your clothes back on. You turned back to the movie and ignored him, wishing that you could pretend nothing ever happened.

"Y/n, y/n, I'm sorry," George said. "I didn't know your nipples were so sensitive."

"My nipples aren't sensitive. Who the hell likes that," you said with all the venom you could muster in your voice.

"I dunno. I don't-I don't totally know what I was thinking. I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

You sighed, frustrated but understanding, "I know. I know you didn't." You paused for a moment before adding, "Sorry, I just don't think I'm ready to have sex again. Maybe we can still make out and stuff, but I just...don't think I can do it right now."

"That's alright," George said. He gave you a gentle kiss on the lips before laying down next to you on the bed and turning back to the movie.

"Thanks for understanding," you smiled, cuddling up to him, and he put an arm around you, pulling you close to him.

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