Quarantine Series- Part 3

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For the next week or so, the two of you carried on as if nothing had happened. You had gotten into the habit of sleeping in Alex's bed pretty much every night. That one night hadn't changed your dynamics except every now and then when the two of you were alone things would shift for a minute or two and it would seem like you were moments away from breaking the sexual tension, but one or both of you would very quickly change the tone and everything would go back to normal. George hadn't noticed that anything had happened, and he had stopped accusing Alex of trying to hook up with you. The three of you continued to get way too drunk way too early, watch movies, get way too competitive with games, and occasionally film videos. Your competitive natures were starting to become a problem to the point that you all had had to make rules about game nights.

The four rules of game night made perfect sense: no obstructing view of the television/game board, no moving the board/controls/game pieces, no hitting/moving/touching other players, and no making up or changing the rules once the game had started. They had ended up playing almost any game they could think of with minimal damage. They had even started making up their own games out of boredom.

Currently, you were in the middle of playing Civ V with your friend from work over discord on the couch with a glass of wine that was so large it was probably actually 2 and a half glasses at least. "C'mon, dude! Just give me the iron. I only need one!" you said into the speaker of your earphones.

"Absolutely not," y/f/n said. "I'm not giving you stuff for free."

"Why not?"

"Cuz than I'd lose." They weren't wrong, but you still thought you might've been able to convince them. You guys kept playing, and you were getting more and more frustrated as slowly all the world leaders publicly denounced you.

"What the hell! I didn't do anything!" you shouted. Just then, Alex walked in.

"What didn't you do?" Alex asked.

"Nothing. It's just this stupid game," you said.

"You only think it's stupid because you're losing. Just get good," y/f/n said.

"Shut up, y/f/n. I could win if I wanted to," you said into your earphone speaker.

"Who're you talking to?" Alex asked you, sitting on the couch next to you.

"It's my friend from work," you said.

Alex grabbed your earphone quickly and spoke into the speaker, "Is she bad at it?"

"Oh, yeah. She sucks," y/f/n said.

"Hey!" you protested.

Alex laughed and got up, heading towards the kitchen, "Well, when you're done sucking, do you wanna help me make drinks I found on tiktok?"

"Sure! I'm always down for a drink," you said.

"Well, I can see that," Alex said, eyeing the wine you were drinking. You stuck out your tounge at him.

"Anyways, Is this for a video or just for fun?" you asked.

"I was thinking of streaming it on Instagram live, but I didn't wanna make a video about it," he replied, grabbing a blender and a few fruits and juices from the fridge.

"Hello? Are we still playing?" y/f/n asked over discord.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go now. We can finish it later?" you responded.

"Works for me. God knows I have nothing else to do," they said.

You joined Alex in the kitchen and opened up all the tiktoks on your phone while he streamed on Instagram live. The two of you messed around a bit during the livestream, telling jokes and teasing eachother while you tried to make complicated cocktails. You tried the first drink, pouring them into one glass that both of you drank out of.

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