chapter 18 (last chapter)

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Blake's' POV

*2 years later*

So today is my wedding day. I was just in my dressing room, getting dressed. Joey was my brides maid and she's getting dressed in here also and so I'm ready for my wedding. I'm so nervous.

"Don't worry to much, Blake, everything is going to turn out just fine. I still can't believe you two are getting married," Joey told me.

"I know, surprising, right? I can't believe it either," I said. I was remembering all the memories I've had with Louis. Some good, some bad, but they were all the reasons Louis and I are getting married. I love him so much and I don't know where I'd be if Louis and I didn't get back together the first time we broke up. Probably depressed. I'm glad we got back together. I stood up and my mom came into our dressing room.

"Awe, my baby is all grown up now, oh dang it, i promised myself I wouldn't cry," she said, more to herself than to us.

"Aw, mom, don't cry. I don't want to cry cause it'll mess up my makeup, I love you." I told her.

"I love you, too, hunny, now we should get going. It's about time to head out there. Joey is already starting to walk out there. Come on, love," I grabbed her hand and she walked out there. My dad then met me, we started walking out there. My dad stopped and kissed my cheek then went to sit with mom. I got to Louis and saw a tear slip from his eye. I love him.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Blake Smith and Louis Tomlinson," (so I'm not sure what they say at weddings so I'm just gonna wing it) "now, Louis William Tomlinson do you take, Blake Karen Smith, as your wife? To love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do,"

"And do you, Blake Karen Smith, take, Louis William Tomlinson, as your husband? To love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do,"

"And with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride," Louis then leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was so magical and it felt we were the only two there. That is, until we pulled away and I realized we weren't alone.

"I love you,"

"Forever and always,"

"To the moon and back,"

"Let's go talk to everyone," Louis smiled the most loving smile at me and I grabbed his hand and led him to the crowd of people.

This has got to be the best day of my life. I married the love of my life and I get to spend it with my loved ones. I'll always love Louis. Forever and always. To the moon and back.

(A/N well.....this is the last chapter. I tried dragging it out as long as I could but I ran out of ideas for this story. Be sure to read my other stories, please! If you all want, I'll do an epilogue. Just comment on this chapter. Thank you all so much for reading! Bye bye!


~Love, Alisha)

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