Chapter 2: Fighing...With A Baby?

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Levi was at the tub, struggling with the infant. He began grunting in frustration as the child kept splashing water on him.

"Eren, stop it." He said sternly. Eren looked at Levi and looked back down playing with the bubbles. He sighed and continued to wash him. "Much better." He said to himself and was trying to find the towel. Without looking away from the baby, he attempted to grab it. He sighed and stood up to grab the towel. He looked away from the infant for a second and suddenly, he heard a small cough. Levi looked down to see Eren eating bubbles.

"Yucky! It smewws good but tastes eww-y!" Eren said and went 'bleh'. Levi couldn't help but laugh at the infants actions. What made it funnier was a bunch of soap bubbles were on his chin making him look like Santa Claus! Levi really tried to keep his cool, but seriously laughed at Eren's appearance. Eren looked up at the laughing midget and tilted his head in curiosity.

"What's so funny Heichou?" He asked. Levi looked at the confused infant. He cleared his throat and sighed.

"Nothing. It's time to get out kiddo." Eren stood up and put his hands in the air and waited for the towel to cover his wet, chubby figure. Levi picked the boy up with the black towel and dried his body.

"Heichou! Heichou!!" he shouted in the elder's ear. Levi jumped at the baby's action and shot a glare at the child in his hands. Eren didn't show any sign of terror or fear. He just looked in Levi's grey eyes.

"Why...did you my ear?" Levi said as calm as possible, not trying to make the kid cry.

"What's dat ting!" He pointed in the corner. Levi turned to where Eren's finger was pointing and he seen his 3DM with his blades.

"That's is something babies shouldn't touch." He said flatly. Eren whined.

"But Heichou get to pway (play) wit it! No faiw (fair)!" He crossed his arms and looked down. "And I'm not a baby..."

"It's not a toy and yes you are. Now stop complaining and let me get you dressed." Levi said as he held up the shirt (it's like Eren's regular shirt but smaller).

"No!" He said and stuck out his tongue. Levi was shocked at what he heard.

"Excuuuuuse me?" Levi said and placed his hand with the shirt on his hip. Eren stayed silent and grumbled under his breath.

"You heawd (heard) me gwanpa (grandpa)!" He yelled. Levi got furious. He was only 34. He was not old!

"That's it's! No sweets for a week!" He said normally and turned away from the stubborn child.

"I don't cawe (care)..." Eren grumbled. He really did like sweets but he didn't want to lose the battle.

"Oh? How about two...No about a whole month? Do you still not care?" Levi teased. Eren couldn't take it. Tears fell from his beautiful green titan eyes. He roughly tried to wipe them away but they kept falling. He began to hiccup and have a runny nose, his face turned red and he whimpered. He knew Heichou hated it when he would cry. Levi turned and his eyes widened at the sight. Eren was crying.

"I-I *hiccup* stiww (still) don't ca-*hiccup* cawe..." He lied and Levi knew it too.

Maybe he was a bit...harsh?

"Eren? Are you ok?" Levi asked. He tried to touch Eren's head but he slapped Levi's hand away. Levi sighed and knelt down to the infants height and kissed his forehead. Eren looked up in surprise and had wet and dry trails of tears stained on his cheek. "I'm sorry..." Levi said and ruffled his head. Eren was touched by the words and more tears fell.

"I-I'm *hiccup* *hiccup* sorry Levi Heichou!!!" He said as he bursted into tears. Levi picked him up and patted his back slowly and 'shh'ed him gently.

"It's ok Eren. Just close your eyes and sleep..." Eren started to calm down and soon after, he fell asleep on Levi's shoulder. Levi skillfully put on his shirt and little pajama pants without waking up the infant. When he was done, he quietly went to his room and laid Eren in the bed. Eren squirmed a bit but soon relaxed when he found a comfortable spot. Levi smiled at the little figure and kissed his forehead gently. Levi casiously got off the bed and made his way to the door. He opened it, slipped out, and gently closed it. He leaned on the door and sighed heavily.

"Man...I'm never having kids..." Levi said to himself.

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