Chapter 7: Christmas?

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Surprise! This is my Christmas gift to all of you! I hope you enjoy!


Levi was still sleeping in bed while everyone was around the bed smiling. Eren was on their bed smiling like there was no tomorrow. He couldn't wait. It was a very special day for everyone, especially for his dad.

"Oh. I can't wait. Can I wake him now please?" Eren whispered.

"Not yet, it hasn't hit 8 o'clock yet." Hanji whispered back. Eren pouted and looked back at his father who was peacefully sleeping.

'Hurry up clock!' Eren mentally said to himself. Eren looked at the clock. 'Come on...' Right when it hit 8, he smiled widely.

"Heichou~! Wake up~!" Eren shook him lightly. Levi mumbled and groaned. His eyes fluttered opened, but they weren't fully opened.

"Mmm...what time is it?" Levi said groggily. Eren giggled.

"Morning Heichou!" Eren yelled happily. Levi shoved a pillow in his face and groaned. "C'mon Heichou! It's Christmas!" Eren said happily.

"Come on, Levi. You have to wake up early on Christmas. It's a holiday tradition." Erwin said and smiled. Levi removed the pillow, looking his adopted son. Eren smiled and hugged his dad tightly around his neck, burying his face in Levi's neck. Levi could feel his heart beat against his own chest.

"Please get up Heichou..." Eren said and nuzzled his neck. Levi sighed and sat up.

"Fine. I'm up." Levi said and stretched. Eren giggled and got off and jumped in excitement.

"Yay! Come on Heichou! Come on, come on, come on!" Eren said and pulled Levi's hand. Levi sighed and knuckled Eren's head. "GAHH!" Eren shouted.

"Oi. Give me a second to get up, brat! Damn..." Levi said and sighed.

"But, Heichouuuu! It's snowing outside!" Eren said and pointed at the window. Levi looked and smiled.

"Oh. That's new." Levi said and got up. "Alright, everyone out. I gotta get dressed." He said and gestured everyone to leave. Everyone scurried to get out and closed the door. Levi went to his closet and picked out Eren's clothes and his own. He went to the bathroom and changed. Once he was out, Eren was fully clothed and ready.

"Heichou!" Eren exclaimed.

"Hm?" Levi said as he put on his grey scarf.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Eren asked and giggled.

"..." Levi facepalmed. 'God, if I hear that one more time, I'm gonna fucking kill myself." Levi said mentally. Eren giggled and held his hands up.

"Pick me up?" Eren asked cutely with a hint of red on his cheeks. Levi sighed and picked the boy up.

"I still don't understand why you're not heavy." He mumbled to himself. Eren shrugged.

"I dunno either." Eren said.

"Alright. Let's go outside." Levi said and opened the door. They made it outside and seen everyone playing in the snow. Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Connie, Jean, and Marco were playing in the snow (A/N:I can't have anyone die in mah story. it was hard enough for me to get over squad Levi's death QAQ long live Marco). They were throwing countless snow balls at each other. Mikasa's team was obviously winning cause she's a fucking killing machine. Hanji was taking samples of snow, Erwin was just sitting there watching the cadets play.

"Heichou, can we please build a snowman?" Eren begged. Levi sighed as he looked into his beautiful Caribbean eyes. Levi sighed and gave in.

"Alright, but if you sing that song, I'm leaving." Levi warned. Eren frowned.

"Just once? Please?" Eren begged once more. Levi looked in his son's eyes and sighed in defeat.

"I spoil you too much." Was all Levi said. Eren smiled and giggled. Levi put Eren down and Eren cleared his throat.

"♪ Do you wanna build a snowman~? Come on, let's go and play~! I never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away~! We used to be best buddies, and now we're not~! I wish you would tell me whyyyy~! Do you wanna build a snowman~? " Eren was cut off.

"♪ It doesn't have to be a snowman~! ♪" Everyone sung. Levi facepalmed.

"Fuck my life." Levi mumbled. Everyone laughed and continued to do their normal activities. Eren made a snow man that looked just like his dad. A little. Eren was proud of his work and ran to Levi, who was sitting next to Erwin.

"Heichou! I finished!" Eren said cheerfully.

"With what?" Levi asked obviously confused.

"My snowman!" He said. He tugged on his dad's sleeve. "I want you to see it!" He said happily. Levi sighed and got up. Eren ran back to his snowman and giggled like crazy.

"What is it?" Levi said and tilted his head. Eren was shocked. He seriously didn't know what it looked like.

"It's you!" He said with a huge smile. Levi sweatdropped. "Don't you like it?" Eren asked a bit anxious. He was scared about what Levi would've thought.

"It's nice." He smiled. 'Damn doesn't even look like me. I think he could've did better with the height...but it's really cute.' He mentally said to himself. 'I wonder if he remembers what today is...'


It was night time. Eren was on Levi's lap, trying to get warm.

"Hey, Heichou." Eren said which got his attention.

"Hm?" He looked at his son.

"You took care of me and I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you." Eren started. Levi tilted his head. "You may not be my real dad, but that doesn't matter. You're like a real father to me. My other dad left me, my mom, and Mikasa behind...I'm glad I have someone like you to take care of me. I'm glad I am able to experience the life with a dad..." Eren's voice trembled, which worried Levi. "You mean everything to me, dad...I love you so much..." Tears began to fall. "If anything happened to you, I don't know what I would do...I would be lost without you." Eren said. He looked down. He didn't wanna cry infront of his dad. He didn't want to look weak.

"Eren..." Levi started. He tilted his son's head and kissed his forehead. "I could say the same..." Levi smiled. Eren wiped his tears and smiled as well. He hugged his dad and whispered loud enough for his father to hear.

"Happy birthday, daddy." Eren said. Levi's eyes widened.

'He...remembered?' He thought to himself.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you a present..." Eren said sadly. Levi smiled and messed his son's hair up. Eren whined.

"Your speech was enough." He smiled. Eren smiled and fell asleep in his dad's lap. Levi carried the to their room and opened the door to see presents on the bed. Levi sighed and moved the presents with his free hand. Once he was done, he placed Eren on the bed and pulled the cover over them both. Levi kissed his son's head once more, making the child smile. Levi smiled and closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

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