Chapter 10: The Little Memories? Part 1

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Eren's P.O.V

What did he mean by that?

"...It never gets old..." Those words replayed in my mind.

"Weird..." I say to myself. I shrugged it off and continued with cleaning. Somehow, it feels like I grew...a lot for some reason. I might be sick. I'll ask Hanji about it. It hasn't been the first time something felt weird. I finished sweeping so I had to dust certain areas. I dusted the cabinet until I knocked something over. "Crap..." I say. I looked to see...a really small shirt like mine, with a Survey Corps sweater, white jeans, and the straps. It was kinda cute. But it's tiny. Unless, if it was to make fun of Levi Heichou. I chuckled and folded them and placed them on the bed. I quickly finish dusting...twice and left to Hanji's room. I knocked on the wooden door and to my surprise, it creaked open. Hanji was at her desk with a box of tissue and rolled up tissue next to her. Her head rested on her hand and her eyes were closed.

'Maybe she's having a rough time. I'll come back later.' Right when I turned my back, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I jumped but then realized it was Hanji.

"U-uh...Hanji? Are you alright?" I asked. Concern filled my voice. She gripped onto my sweater and I felt a wet warm substance on my back. "Hanji! Are you alright!?" I ask. I grabbed her in a hug.

"I-I miss my titan baby..." She sobbed out. What is she talking about.

"Um...what?" I tilt my head. She cried louder making me more worried. Did I do something wrong?! I hope not!

"I-I-I miss my little Eren! I miss seeing you run around! I miss playing tag with you! I miss it when you called me the Crazy Titan Lady! I miss everything! AND YOU DONT EVEN REMEMBER ANY OF IT!!!" She screamed. She sobbed uncontrollably once more, leaving me in pure confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. She wiped her tears and tried to stop crying.

" weren't in a coma." She said and put her head down. I widened my eyes.

"What do you mean I wasn't in a coma?" I asked cautiously. She sighed and continued.

"One day, your sister and your friend found you in the bed sheets and you were around the age of 3. They didn't know what to do so the ran downstairs and put you under the stairs. Apparently, that didn't work because you crawled out and everyone seen you. of course, Levi took them both and you to his office and explained. And that was when I came into the picture. I was on my way to get you for some experiments. When I opened the door, I seen the cutest thing in my life. A baby in Levi's hands. When he told me it was you, I couldn't believe it. You were so cute. I couldn't use you for experiments. But I fell in love with you instantly. But that didn't solve our problem. People wouldn't adopt you because of your reputation as a human Titan. Since we couldn't do that, Erwin assigned Levi to be the parent. But really, Levi chose to do it. He didn't say so but his actions said everything. Levi taught you his standards of cleaning, how to read, how to act and everything. You wouldn't call him dad, so you stuck with the original name. Levi Heichou. Not too long ago. Probably a month, you went on your first expedition... Levi almost lost it when the Female Titan broke free. Everyone in squad Levi died...except you. Since it was my idea to train you with the 3D maneuver gear, you knew what to do, but I don't know what happened with you and her. But when Levi came back..." She stopped. "When he came back, you were in his arms, bleeding, bruised and unconscious." She put her head down, trying to contain her tears. "You were out for a month. The doctors knew how Levi would react if they told him that you were in a coma for too long. They were saying that if you didn't wake up soon, they would have to...cut you off... I couldn't tell because he would've probably fall into depression and we couldn't risk it. I told the doctors to not tell your guardian, or Levi. Levi would always sit in your hospital room, waiting for you to wake up. Of course, he stayed there all day. Erwin would have to carry Levi to his bedroom, since he always fell asleep in the chair. He was surprisingly light." Hanji said in a surprised manner.

"Wow... All that three years?" I ask. She nodded and sighed.

"Well, there is a few more stories. Do you want to hear them?" She asked. I nodded quickly, making her giggle. "It was Christmas. You were so excited just to wake him up." She smiled.

"Wait... Isn't Corporal Levi's birthday on Christmas?" I ask.

"Yep! You kept trying to wake him up earlier than usual. It was cute. " she giggled. "When we were outside, you built the cutest little snowman ever. You claimed that it was Levi, but it was shorter than usual. Me and Erwin couldn't help but laugh. Well, I cackled like a weirdo and Erwin tried his hardest not to laugh, but it was a cute moment." She chuckled. For some reason, I was blushing.

"How embarrassing..." I say and hid my face in the pillow. So far, all these memories are embarrassing and humiliating. Hanji laughed.

"Eren! You were so cute! And you're still cute! You haven't changed a bit then!" She smiled and gave me a death hug.

"H-Hanji...I-I can't b-b-breathe...!" I say. She let go and messed with my hair. I whined and frowned. "Hanjiiiiiiii!" I whine.

"Oh my Titan! You didn't change at all! You're still my little Titan baby!" She said and had a huge pink blush across her face. I felt a bit frightened and I back away a bit. Hanji tackled me into a hug and we ended up on the floor.


Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I am happy I was able to you all happy/sad with this story


Anyway, I'm probably gonna end the story with one more chapter. I'm sure I'm going o make a sequel.

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