Chapter 8: Runaway Kiddo?

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Bad title...I know. I'm so sorry for not updating! ;( I was so busy with things I totally forgot to write a New Years chapter for you guys! Ugh ;w; forgive me please.



Levi's P.O.V

"What?" I asked a bit pissed. He seen how upset I was getting, but that didn't stop him. Damn brat.

"You heard me!" He shot back. He crossed his arms. I was officially pissed.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me." I say. I was trying to stay calm but this new attitude of his has to stop.

"Then make your New Years resolution." He said. All because of a stupid New Years resolution.

"And what if I don't want to?" I asked and crossed my legs. He shot me a glare. I looked at him with my usual plain expression. "You can't tell me what to do. I'm your guardian." I say. His back arched and he looked away.

"You're not my real dad! I don't have to listen to you!" He shouted. My eye twitched.

"I am the one watching you, so you have to listen to me." I say in a stern, yet calm tone. "Unless, you want to go in a foster home." I say. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Shut up!" He shouted and kicked my shin. I flinched slightly in pain and grabbed his arm. He looked at me shocked.

"I've had enough of this new attitude! You have no right to kick your superior!" I lost it. His eyes go wide, but he went back to his angered expression. Tears fell from his eyes and he gritted his teeth.

"I hate you! I rather be in a foster home than with you!" He said and attempted to yank his arm away from my grip, but I squeezed his arm. But right after I heard what he said, I loosened my grip. My expression softened. I looked back at him and he was furious. "Let me go!!!" He yelled. I was upset because of his words. Did he...really mean that? I let him go and he ran out the room. I sighed and sat down in my chair. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sunk in my chair.

"Dammit...being a father is hard. He never gave me problems until now." I mumble. "I'm just gonna let him calm down..." I say.


Eren's P.O.V

I threw my toy in the corner and wiped my tears away.

"I hate him! He's so mean." I say and threw my lamp on the floor. The glass broke and a piece went in my foot. I cried and tried to pull it out, which I did successfully. It was bleeding but I didn't care. More tears fell from my face and onto the wooden floor. I hid my face in my pillow and cried. I finally calmed down and looked at my pillow. I had tears staining it. I wasn't upset anymore. He probably hates me.

'I'm scared if I apologize, he might not forgive me, he might be mad at me forever or he might put me in a foster home. I don't wanna leave! Maybe...maybe if I run away? Yeah! He doesn't have to deal with me and I don't have to go to a foster home! It's somewhat like a win-win situation.' I thought. I grabbed random clothes if mine and a bag. I secretly grabbed food from the cafeteria, without getting caught. I made sure I had everything I needed and I looked at the door. I heard no footsteps, so that was a good sign. I sighed and opened the window. I took the blankets I tied together and I tied it to the bedpost. I dropped the rest of it out the window. I grabbed my bag and quickly, yet quietly slid down the blanket. I looked at my old home and a tear fell from my face. I wiped it away and turned away from the place.

"Bye everyone..." I mumble and started to walk away.


Levi's P.O.V

"Eren?" I knock. No answer. I sighed. I attempted to turn the was locked. Damn it. "Eren, don't make me kick the door open." I warned. Still no answer. I sighed. I moved from the door and kicked it as hard as I could. The door swung open to one. "Eren? Eren are you in here?" I asked. No answer. I scanned the room. Nothing or nobody here. I looked at the window. I was opened....with a blanket tied to the bedpost. I quickly ran to the window. The blanket was all the way down along with other tied blankets. I freaked out. I fucking screamed. Soon, I heard footsteps.

"Levi? What's wrong!" Hanji came in.

"Eren's gone. I can't find him. He ran off." I say, running my hands through my hair.

"What?!" She screeched. "We gotta find him! Where was he last?!" She questioned.

"In my office..." I say sadly. "We had a little argument. Pathetic one, that is." I tried to hold my tears back but failed. I attempted but they wouldn't stop. Damn tears. I look like a fool. Humanity's Strongest Soldier, is crying in front of Hanji, the nutcase.

"It's ok Levi. Cry as much as you need to." She said and wrapped her arms around my shaking shoulders. This may sound weak, but I need a hug. I reluctantly wrap my arms around her waist and sobbed like a child.


Author: I don't deserve to live ( ゚д゚)

Eren: Dont say that. You were just busy! They'll understand! :D

Levi: took too damn long for me. Now I have to find a titan-shifting child. And I'm crying in front of shitty glasses.

Eren: -3- you sure do bitch a lot Heichou.

Levi: Tch....(¬_¬)

Author: ▽・x・▽ Pocky ▽・x・▽

Levi and Eren: (O_o)

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