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Nandkishore Rastogi and Nirmala rastogi 

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Nandkishore Rastogi and Nirmala rastogi 

Parents of Sonakshi, Meghna & Naina.  both strict and lovely parents who always teaches their children to be bold along with being innocent. NK is an entrepreneur. 

Sujan Rastogi

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Sujan Rastogi

Father of NK and his died daughter Nishi. A lovely grandpa and father in law.

 A lovely grandpa and father in law

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Abhimanyu Kapoor

Son of Nishi and Yashwin kapoor.  Nishi was 4 year younger than Yashwin so his family opposed their marriage and they were with rastogis after marriage. As Abhi lost his  parents when he was 2 he considered Nk and Nirmala as his own mom and dad. Loved his sisters more than anything. He is one of the efficient Major in the Indian army . He was a responsible officer and doesnt like to left the boundaries. So now he was not with rastogis

 So now he was not with rastogis

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Veena Sippy & Naren Sippy

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Veena Sippy & Naren Sippy

Parents of Karan , kunal & Rohit. Veena is a sweet caring person who always stands with her family. Naren(business man) is a man who loves his mother and always respects his wife. But he became a little extra possesive when it came to the matter of the dignity of his family name and money.But he is not so bad at all.

Sukmini Sippy

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Sukmini Sippy

Mother of Naren and her died son Nabhay. Loves her grandchilds and daughter in laws a lot. Strong and the only person who can stop Naren when he determines to do something.

 Strong and the only person who can stop Naren when he determines to do something

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Sandhya Sippy

Widow of Nabhay who died in a car accident. She want her daughter Geetanjali to heir the sippy empire ,so she is creating rifts between the brothers and making Naren a heartless man infront of them.But all the members in the family respects and loves her without knowing this. 

Geethanjali Sippy

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Geethanjali Sippy

The daughter of Nabhay sippy and Sandhya sippy. Youngest person in sippy family. Karan and she had only an age difference of 4 months. Loved her 3 brothers equally and she doesnt know her mom is creating problems in the family.Consider Naren as her father. Loves veena a lot and tries to solve the problems between brothers. The pet of her brothers.She have something to hide from everyone.

Sukmini & Sujaan are friends from childhood , they lived like a family and NK & Naren were also good friends but NK mostly opposess all the ethics of naren towards money. They were separated after the death of Nabhay and Nishi years before ( Nishi and Nabhay shared a bro-sis bond and they died on a plane crash along with Nishi's husband yashwin when Abhi was 2 years old and sandhya was carrying Geetanjali  on her womb) but still keep good contact with each other . Both sukmini and Sujan wanted The 3 sons of sippys and 3 daughters of Rastogis to get married as it was the gratest wish of their partners , NK, Naren , Veena & Nirmala also agreed to the elders dicision. 6 of them were not forced by the family but they forced themself to marry each other for the happiness of their grandma and grandpa. Now they were getting married even without meeting eachother as they doesnt conducted any pre marriage rituals.

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