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Rohit, Karan, Sona, Meghna, Naina & Kunal entered the ground arranged for Holi celebration at sippy Mansion. They covered their faces completely with colors that no one should recognize them. They were recreating their olden days there. Same songs , same incidents on that eve was repeating again ! This puzzled Sandhya, Yashwin, Nishi and Nabhay. They really couldn't recognize whats happening around them. As they began to expose them self , police siren was heard. Rohit nodded all to step back and they colored their faces again. A police officer walks to 4 of them.

Sandhya : Hello sir, any help ??

Police : We are here to arrest 4 of you !

He pointed 4 of them who are standing confused. Our guys were looking each other blankly without knowing whats happening there. 

Yashwin : What the hell !! What have we done ??

Police : a murder case in filed against you !

Nishi : What ??

Nabhay : who the hell filed the case ?

A sound was heard from behind.

Geethika : Its we !

Geethu and Abhi walked in. 

Sandhya : what is this Geethu ?? Its not time to joke out !!

Abhi : Joke ?? What to you think ? finishing a family completely was a joke ?? 

They were shocked.  

Geethu : Sid, play that video you have shoot .

A video was played in the big screen kept there which include the conversation between them about killing Sippys and Rastogis. 

Nishi : We did it for you !

Abhi : stop it mom !!!!!!!! How could you guys do this to your own family ? I cant belive it !

Nabhay : Look we..

Geethu : Stop it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough , inspector please take them from here .

Police arrested them and take them away. Sid consoled his parents. 6 of them slowly came out from there and reached Kunals Apartment. 

Rohit : What the hell !!!!!!!!!!!

Karan : Every thing goes vain.

Meghna : we even didnt get time to torture them a little for what they have done !

Kunal : huhh !!!!!!!!!!!! No man !!!!!!!!!!!

Sona : Guys relax , come on what ever happened , all was good ! Atleast we are together naa !!

Naina : Di is right ! This wasnt our plan but whatever it was its ending was exactly this right ?

Karan : Haa, but !!

Sona : Guys listen, now they are behind bars and we are no more exposed ! We can continue our normal life now and we are no more sippys from today !

Kunal : I agree !

They argued for a while but finally they ended the chapter happily and decided to go back to their own places. Karan goes back to kolkata, kunal to new york, sona to london, Meghna to jaipur , Rohit to delhi and Naina decided to leave Mumbai and settled down in Chennai with Naitik where her mom is sleeping. All were busy with their own life but their parents decided for a get together and all of them were gathered again at london where Sonas parents lost their life. They missed them but they can clearly see them in their children's culture and character. And there was a surprise news for them. Their parents hand decided them to get married. For them it was just an arranged marriage !

Few Months after. 

At a mandap 

3 couples were seen taking vows. As they finished the grooms put mangalya suthra to their respective brides. They take blessing of their parents. 

At hall. In the same evening. 

Ram : This is for you guys 

He passes them a 6 flight tickets 

Naitik : its our gift to you all

Niranjan : Enjoy your time guys

Rohit : Where are we going ??

Abhinav : Open and look

Shashank : No no Abhi not now 

Shardha bring back all the tickets.

Juhi : Now get ready to go your flight is after 3 hours !

Shardha : you will get know where you are going soon, but not now !

Kunal : ohh again suspense !

Karan : any clue ??

Abhi : its a beautiful land and you guys never visited that place !

They left. All of them goes to their respective rooms. 

A Private jet has been arranged for them buy Ram, so they only know where they are going after reaching there. They reached airport at night.

At flight 

Sona : Where are we really going ??

Meghna : only they knows !! Any guess Master Brain ??

They turned to Naina but found her in deep sleep. As they look they found kunal karan and rohit was also in deep sleep

Both of them smiles and slowly closes their eyes. After a few hours they reached their destination. 

They step out from the jet. And looks around. A small smile is visible in their lips

They together screamed in happiness : Maldives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They laughs and remembers there last Honeymoon !

 They were taken to their apartments. They hugged each other and left to their respective rooms.

The vision blurs as a new journey begins..........................

Thanks for the love and support guys, See you in my next NaiRan, Ronakshi and Swasan ff , Do give a read on that and pour your more love and support on me 


With Love


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