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In the morning. 

Rohit is sitting at the hall reading the news paper. Vimmi bought a bundle of letters to the hall. 

Vimmi : all this letters are for sonakshi bhabhi.

She handover it to Rohit and left to kitchen. 

Rohit (to himself) : This much ???

He walks to their room. Sona was practicing dance and she stops as Rohit enters in. 

Rohit(in fake anger) : what is all this sona ?? this kind of rubbishness are not allowed in sippy mansion !!

Sonas smile fades.

Sona : Wooo , Rohit my fans , i am sorr..

Rohit : just stop it !! what fans??? Rubbish

She is almost about cry. Rohit brust into laughter.

Rohit : Look at your face !! Ha.. Haa..

Sona : How could you ??

She playfully beats on his chest. Rohit holds her hands. They share an eyelock. 

Rohit : Its wonderfull sona, how many peoples adores you !!

She smiles. Rohit gets a call and he attend it. After a few minutes he cuts it.

Rohit : I should leave, its an emergency 

She nodded yes and Rohit walks out and left to hospital. Sona walks down to the kitchen 

At kitchen.

Sona enters in and found Meghna and Naina busy in doing things. She joined them.

Naina : How much sugar can i put in this ??

She said pointing towards the tea. Veena enters in hearing this.

Veena(in a serious tune) : you dont know to make a tea ??

Three of them get tensed. Veena laughs

Veena : why are you looking at me like you have seen a ghost ??

Sona : woo , she was always busy in studies , so..

Veena walks towards naina

Veena : Arre , even i was also like this.. But your dadi, Narens mom teached me all this and i will try to be like a mother in law, no.. no... mother like mummy jii .

she patted on Nainas shoulder.

Veena : Dont be always in the kitchen matters and household matters, i want my daughter to shine in their careers too.

Meghna : love you maa

Veena smiles. 3 of them hugged her in happiness.

At afternoon. Kunal came back from office as he take a half day off due to work stress. He walks in to the bathroom taking his pants with out knocking or checking weather there is some body. The door of their room was open.  Same time Meghna is almost set to walk out of the bathroom after having a bath. They collide with each other and fell into the bathtub filled with water. Almost for 5 minutes they layed down looking into each others eyes. After they realized their position kunal some how get out of the bathtub and helped meghna to step out.

Kunal : without locking the door what the hell are you doing in the bathroom ???

Meghna : woo.. i dont used to lock the doo... wait !! why cant you knock ?? look , i have to change again !! 

Kunal : really , then about my pants, i want to choose a pant again.

Kunal and meghna walks out from the bathroom as Sona and Naina walks in. They saw both of them in wet cloths. Kunal gives them a foolish smile.

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